Lord of the People: Start Sign-in Discount Artifact Chapter 662 Warden Fist Fighter

【Ding! 】

[Your warriors have eliminated the orc lord, you have gained 2.41 million experience points and 1.62 million soul crystals! 】


In Huanyu City, not long after the end of the court meeting, Huang Yu received a message that the orc lord was killed.

The Raven Guard Legion, far away in the Dunmore Plateau, completed its mission brilliantly, burying the entire Blood Axe tribe outside the Pentagan Mountains, without letting go of a single orc.

The next target of the Raven Guard is Eagle Man, one of the three giants of the Pentagan Alliance.

The Dark Crow Guard, who can integrate with the Shadow Crow and has a certain flying ability, is undoubtedly the most suitable arm for restricting the Eagle Clan.

In addition to eleven giant dragons, as well as a large number of iron-feather griffins and Thoron giant eagles, even if they cannot occupy the Eagleman's territory in one fell swoop, the Eagleman can still be overwhelmed and unable to take care of the other two allies.

【Ding! 】

[Your army has found the authority of the orc lord - totem pole! 】

【Is it occupied? 】


Looking at the occupation prompts that followed, Huang Yu first chose occupation, and then chose assimilation in the occupation method.

A Tier 4 totem pole is worth one million soul crystals, which is a lot of money for other lords, but for Huang Yu, one million soul crystals is nothing.

Instead of decomposing it, it is better to turn it into a sub-fire as a central reserve for future territories.

Taking out the communication crystal from his arms, Huang Yu contacted Yuri, the teleporter, and asked him to go to the canyon to bring back the faceless [orc].

Then dodged to Changxing City to prepare for the upcoming war.

On the other side, Yuri, who received Huang Yu's message, also quickly contacted Pairush and saw the scene of the canyon from the video he sent.

Then, the teleporter Yuri immediately imprinted the scene in his mind, and at the same time stimulated the space energy in his body.

The space where Yuri was located was like a lake with stones thrown into it, with ripples.

The next moment, Yuri's figure disappeared from that space, and when it reappeared, it appeared in the canyon where the Raven Guard was located.

At this time, Pairush had just received the spoils collected by the Raven Guards and the "ugly" golden man who had replenished the energy crystals in a box.

Seeing Yuri suddenly appearing in front of him, Pairush nodded, then pointed to an orc not far away.

That orc was the faceless man that Huang Yu placed in the Blood Axe Tribe. When the Blood Axe Tribe stepped into the canyon, he found a reason to leave the Orc Tribe.

Later, he hid behind the high wall created by Emile, and was not affected by any battle.

The identity of the faceless [orc] is the personal guard of the orc lord, and most of the information of the orcs cannot be concealed from him.

It is precisely because of him that the Raven Guard can confirm the migration route of the Blood Axe Tribe, prepare in advance, and catch the Blood Axe Tribe by surprise.

The teleporter Yuri flashed and appeared in front of the faceless [Beastman], and said:

"Master ordered me to take you back to Universal City."

The Faceless [Orc] spent a period of time in Universal City. Although he didn't know much about the blood **** generals under Huang Yu's command, he knew a little bit.

After learning of Yuri's intention, the Faceless [Orc] said with a smile:

"Then there will be Lord Troublesome!"

Yuri didn't say much, and put his hand on the shoulder of the Faceless [Orc], recalling the picture of Universal City in his mind.

The Faceless [Orc] only felt that his eyes began to twist and spin, and before he could react, he found himself in the Universal City.

In front of him, is a slightly cold building.

This is the prison of Universal City!

Yuri sent the Faceless [Orc], not to put him in prison.

In the battle to destroy the Blood Axe Tribe, the Faceless [Orcs] made no small contribution.

And Huang Yu had promised these faceless people that if they completed their tasks as required, Huang Yu would give them a human identity and live in peace in the universe.

Wait until you need them, then reconvene them.

In Huanyu Prison, many criminals are detained. These criminals are the "identities" Huang Yu prepared for the Faceless.

The Faceless [Orc] has no objection to borrowing the identity of a criminal.

Before being brought back to the territory by Huang Yu, he was a wild monster and wandered on the Chaos Continent for half a year.

For him, it was a good choice to have a human identity again and live in peace in a powerful territory.

And, even if the new identity is a criminal, when he leaves prison, he will have a new identity, and a life in which he can live without the need for a job.

As for whether the appearance of the new identity will be recognized by the outside world, there is no problem at all for the faceless person who has the ability to "illusion the innocence".

When they wanted to blend in with the crowd, it was difficult for anyone to see through their disguise except the Lord of the Thousand-Faced Temple.

Hiding under the identities of others and living the life they want to live, although most of the faceless are humble, their ability to hide is rarely comparable to them in the world.

Under the leadership of the warden, the faceless [orc] walked into the gloomy prison.

The warden's identity is the same as the director of the War College, Athonas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a hero who retired after being injured in the war.

"The Female President's Almighty King"

His name is Baldik, he was one of the earliest Spartan heroes, and his main occupation was a fist fighter.

For example, Astinos, Phaedra, Melendez, Preston, etc., are all heroic troops of the same batch as Baldik.

But in the war with the orc coalition, Tiger, the half-orc lord, crushed his right fist and split his abdominal cavity.

Later, although Huang Yu spent a lot of money to save his life, his strength was greatly reduced. Finally, at Huang Yu's suggestion, he retired from the military and came to the newly built prison in Huanyu as the warden.

The rule of law in the world is strict, and the prisoners are extremely harsh. Naturally, the prisons used to detain criminals will not pay attention to any humanitarianism.

Although the prison was kept clean, it could still smell the obvious **** smell. Painful groans echoed in the corridor, and with the dim lights, the blood-stained limbs sticking out of the fence looked very scary.

And in the depths of the dungeon, there were several shrill screams from time to time, which were issued by the prisoners who were being tortured.

At this time, the sounds of moaning and begging for mercy would stop for a short time, because many prisoners were aroused by the pain of torture, and the fear engraved in their bones made them tremble and dare not whisper.

In such a depressing environment, the Faceless [Orc] couldn't help holding his breath, and lightly walked, he followed Warden Baldik all the way to the second floor of the prison.

In a separate prison, the Faceless [Orc] saw his identity as a borrowing target.

It was a man in his early twenties, with a fierce look on his face. +Bookmark+

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