Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start Chapter 663 Helplessness and Reality

"What a terrifying and enviable ability!"

Seeing the back of the Faceless [Orc] leaving, Baldik couldn't help but sigh.

If he had the ability of the Faceless, he didn't have to retreat from the front line.

Stripped of the target's identity, the Faceless will inherit everything the target has, including the target's body.

Of course, in order to prevent identity exposure, faceless people usually do not adjust or modify the deprived identity image.

But the faceless [orc] does not have this burden now. After depriving the **** of his identity, he modified his appearance and body to ensure that he would not be taken into prison as a **** again.

Then, under the leadership of a staff member of the Ministry of Government, he applied for an identity certificate, received a room card and a bank card with 500,000 Universal Coins stored, and started his new life.

The ID cards and bank cards of the Universal Territory are all manufactured using magic pattern technology, and outsiders cannot imitate them at all.

The complexity of the production process is not less than that of the excellent-grade magic texture construction, and there are various anti-counterfeiting processes such as numbering and passwords.

Some time ago, there was an expert-level magic pattern constructor who imitated a bank card in a daze, but when he first used it, it was found that the card did not match the person, and now the person has been imprisoned and charged. layer.

After sending the Faceless [Orcs] away, Baldik returned to his office and lay on the sofa.

Since becoming the warden, Baldik's temperament has also become lazy.

His stature is still burly, with strong muscles and clear lines, but his stomach has gradually rounded up, and when he looks up, three folds can be squeezed out of the back of his bare head.

However, although one fist was abolished, Baldik's strength could still easily suppress this prison.

Until now, his fierce appearance and the scars extending from the left side of his neck to his right waist are the indelible shadows of those who have been in prison in the universe.

Lying on the sofa, Baldik picked up the half-read newspaper, the main contents of which were the two wars recently prepared by the universe.

This is something that can only be seen by insiders. Among them, it was mentioned that the Chifeng Expeditionary Force won the troll territory, and the Spartan **** Pan Sen took advantage of the situation to advance to the extraordinary.

As for the actions of the Raven Guard, it was not reported because of the tight time.

However, after the Evening News came out, the leaders of the various departments of the Universal Territory could also see it.

bell bell —

The crisp bells rang all over the world, indicating that the time had come to noon.

Baldik, who was watching, was too lazy to go to the cafeteria or the market to eat. He wanted to ask his subordinates to help bring some food back, but the communication crystal in his arms suddenly began to vibrate.

He took out the message crystal, but it was Athonas who sent the message.

[Come to my house for dinner at noon, Musa came to lead people, I called Xiu Zuo, and we have a simple meal together. 】

Athonas was one of the first batch of retired officers to be re-employed. He is currently the dean of the War College of the Professional Training Base, and he is also the best among the Spartan retired arms.

In the past six months, Aesonas not only cultivated more than 2,000 warriors, but also accepted three students who had the potential to break through the extraordinary as disciples.

Beyond that, Athonas is a life winner.

Two months ago, Athonas signed a marriage contract with the vice president of the School of Education, and even Huang Yu personally came to send his blessings, arousing the envy of many Spartan warriors.

Now, Athonas' wife is also pregnant with a child, and the first batch of Spartan warriors such as Baldik and Xiuzuo are about to welcome their godson.

As for Musa, the third Spartan heroic service under Huang Yu's subordinates, he still serves in the Spartan Legion.

Musa is a senior staff officer of the Spartan Legion, in charge of the big and small matters of the three arms of the Spartan warriors, the Orpheus warriors, and the Meteor cavalry.

In addition to this, Musa is also in charge of the new arms that were born in the arm building and brought them into the legion.

This is also the reason why the Spartan army marched east, and Musa appeared in the universe city.

Compared with Ganix, Astinos, Phaedra and others, Musa's talent is relatively average, and the sixth-order transcendence is already his limit.

In terms of combat power, there are hundreds of people who are stronger than him in the Spartan Legion, and there are also many who are stronger than him in terms of commanding ability. Now the power center of the Spartan Legion has gradually disappeared.

This is a helpless, but very realistic thing.

In the Chaos Continent, strength is respected, even Huang Yu will not let a person appear in a position where he should not appear because of his seniority or human affection.

As for Xiu Zuo, he also retired due to injury and returned to Universal City to serve as the sheriff in the western district of the outer city.

He and his older brother Xiu En were both promoted from the warrior class to the hero class.

The talent of the two is similar to that of Musa, and Xiu En is still serving in the legion and serving as the company commander.

There are similar examples in other corps of retired troops taking up other positions in the territory.

People's encounters are different, some people are high-spirited, soaring into the sky, some people suddenly change and have to face a new life...

Baldik took off his uniform, put on his casual clothes, and drove a small maglev vehicle from the outer city into the inner city, and finally got off in front of a single-family villa.

The newly launched vehicle of the Maglev Speed ​​​​Magic Pattern Research Institute is available for private purchase, and the price is quite cheap. You can buy one with 70,000 or 80,000 Universal Coins, but Baldik is directly assigned by the government affairs department.

Huang Yu's benefits to his subordinates have always been very good. In addition to the maglev, the heads of secondary departments like Aisonas and Baldik each have a single-family villa.

The Huanyu wage system has only been implemented for half a year. In the entire territory, except for a little rich woman like Zhuling, not many people can directly buy a villa.

Therefore, most of the houses in the territory are in the form of rent and payment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as you rent for a certain period of time, you can have the right to live free of charge for a certain number of years.

If you want to buy it before the lease term, the rent will also be directly used as a deduction for the purchase price... This is also the policy introduced by Celine and Nezel in order to ensure the circulation of the world currency, which will definitely happen in the future. Variety.

"Long time no see, Baldik!"

"Long time no see, Musa!"

Musa came up to him and gave Baldik a hug, while Xiuzuo and Athonas sat on the sofa and looked at them with a smile.

Athonas's wife took off her apron, and the dining room table was filled with food, steaming and fragrant.

Greeted by Athonas's wife, a few people chatted while eating. Because they had to go to work in the afternoon, they didn't drink, so they made an appointment to go to a pub on the street for a drink in the evening.

After cooking five flavors, the five shared some things that happened around them.

Baldik talked about some of the prisoners in the prison, and also mentioned the Faceless.

Athonas was talking about the reorganization of the Zhanzheng Academy.

Xiu Zuo complained that the factory in the West District was too noisy, and Musa said that there is a good seedling in this batch of arms...

Until the bell of the afternoon shift rang, the five people left together.

Baldik was driving the maglev, and he suddenly lost his mind for a moment on the way.

He suddenly remembered that at the dinner table just now, they didn't talk much about today's war, as if those things had nothing to do with them.

Baldik used to be a warrior, but he never imagined that one day the battle would be so far away from him...+Bookmark+

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