Lord of the People: Start Sign-in Discount Artifact Chapter 664 Danmo Territory

When the city of Huanyu was peaceful and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the outside of Changxing and Heyang city gradually darkened as the sky darkened, showing a chilling air.

Outside Changxing City, the five chapters of the Twilight Raiders Legion have been united with the Amazon Legionnaires, and their swords are pointing directly at the light elf territory.

Huang Yu's personal expedition made the morale of the two legions high, and they held their heads high. As soon as an order was given, they would rush into the light elf territory to kill the aliens.

Outside Heyang City, the Red Skill Knights Legion and Kate's Battle Girl Legion had already set off, and in the afterglow of the dusk, they began to march towards the Danmo territory.

Thunder's Wrath, Kreos' towering figure looks particularly oppressive under the dim sky.

However, the Light Elf Territory and Danmo Territory are different.

In Danmo's territory, a beautiful nun sat in the arms of Lord Danmo, with one hand up and down her clothes, and the other hand was holding the leg of an unknown wild monster, gnawing her face with oil.

After eating and drinking, Lord Danmo hiccupped, plunged his head into the nun's arms, took a deep breath in intoxication, and wiped the oil stains on his hands and face with his exclamation.


The nun lightly hammered Lord Danmo, with a coquettish demeanor and a hint of temptation in her tone.

Lord Danmo smiled, and after the nun got up, he patted the nun's fat buttocks with a snap, leaving a conspicuous oil handprint on her nun's clothes, and at the same time aroused waves.

"Go and call two more!" Lord Danmo said to the nun while wearing his clothes, "Don't go to church to pray at night, and wait for me in the dormitory after dinner."

After speaking, thinking of the information prompt that jumped out of his consciousness, Lord Danmo became impatient and said:

"Fuck, those high lords are really a bunch of rice buckets!"

"It's been more than a month and I still can't find the location of the Universal Territory. I really don't know what these guys think!"

"Now we have to carry out a joint search, I am afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty again."

Lord Danmo is not the 18th highest lord, but because his strength is not bad, he is the Church of Light that is more important to the lord of Silla.

Although he is not qualified to participate in the meeting of the Eighteen High Lords, Lord Danmo can also get some information and news.

Moreover, because there is a search area near the territory, Danmo Territory has searched that area more than once in the past month.

Not only did he fail to find the location of the Universal Territory, but he also made the Titan Lord wary.

Seeing that the search was fruitless, Lord Danmo and the bishop gradually put the matter aside and focused on the birth of the Son of Light.

Although they are both believers of the Church of Light, the alliance is an alliance controlled by those acting on their behalf, and the territory is the territory of their own management.

Whether it is Lord Danmo or Bishop Danmo, the task of the Alliance of the Gods can only be regarded as routine. In their opinion, developing their own territory is the top priority.

Lord Silla, Lord Osagecus and those who have angels?

As long as the children of light are successfully cultivated and the powerful light elf territory is annexed, the status of the Danmo territory in the alliance of the gods will also rise.

Who knows, the location of the universe has not been confirmed for a long time, but those wastes in the alliance of gods are anxious.

Not only did internal conflicts arise, but a multi-church joint search team was formed to re-search the divided search area.

The time for the search received by Lord Danmo is the day after tomorrow. At that time, he will send some of his staff to cooperate with the search team to search the eastern Jiawan Forest.

He will get up now, just to go to the bishop to discuss this matter.

"The above sentence, if I run and break my legs, these guys know to find something for me!"

Lord Danmo stood up and walked out of the castle swayingly.

The oncoming cold wind made Lord Danmo, who had just done exercise, shiver. Looking at the white snow accumulating on the top of the mountains around the territory, Lord Danmo shook his head and said:

"Fake, wait for the Son of Light to come, and you have to move to the Light Elf territory to live."

"Not only does the four seasons feel like spring there, but the female elves are also beautiful one by one."

"Compared with the light elf territory, this shabby place is not inhabited by humans."

Thinking that one day, he will be able to hold those proud and beautiful light elves under his body, and Lord Danmo is excited again.

His territory is located in a ravine deep in the Puntagan Mountains. He has not encountered warm weather in the past six months. At night, the temperature drops sharply, and even the scouts are reluctant to leave the city.

After all, there are mountains on all sides, and it is extremely difficult for the enemy to invade Danmo's territory.

Except for a few beacon towers built on the mountain, there are troops patrolling outside the city in the Danmo territory.

While fantasizing about the good life after living in the light elf territory, Lord Danmo walked towards the church.

Although the territory is still his own territory, both the Holy Army and the clergy obey the church, so in the Danmore territory, the church is the center of power.

The Danmo Territory was originally quite dissatisfied with this, but later the church raised him like an emperor, and he gradually indulged in pleasure, and gradually let go of the grudge in his heart, and understood his situation as a constitutional monarchy.

The Lord Danmo who has the authority of the lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is very important to the development of the territory. As long as the church wants to have more believers, it must rely on the Lord Danmo.

Walking all the way to the church, Dan Mo also saw a lot of holy soldiers vigil.

These guards and watchmen are all huddled by the brazier to keep warm, talking about where the women are in the territory who are handsome and where the women are serving well, and some of them even start to criticize the female clergy in the church, with wretched expressions.

Bishop Danmo didn't care about these sneaky holy soldiers. After all, the holy army was managed by the church, and he didn't bother to intervene.

But when he passed by, the Holy Army paid no attention to him at all, and even expressed anger towards the clergy who he regarded as forbidden.

Immediately rushed over, catching a few holy soldiers was a burst of punches and kicks, and cursed:

"You bastards, it's okay to steal and play tricks. Why don't you pay attention when you see Lao Tzu?"

"You still dare to covet the goddess of the church, who gave you the courage!"

"Believe it or not, I drove you all out of the city to watch the beacon tower!"

Lord Danmo is so good that he is also a fourth-order powerhouse who has awakened three innate abilities. How can those Holy Army be his opponents?

What's more, although Lord Danmo does not hold military power, he is the nominal master of this territory. How can these holy troops dare to fight back?

"Fairy Wood"

He could only run around while avoiding the pursuit of Lord Danmo.

It's just the difference in strength, so that these holy troops can't escape very far, they will be brought back by Lord Danmo and beaten.

It didn't take long for these people to be beaten to pieces, lying on the ground groaning and begging for mercy. +Bookmark+

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