Lord of the People: Start Sign-in Discount Artifact Chapter 665 Thunder Raid

The Holy Army did not take Lord Danmo seriously at first. In their eyes, Lord Danmo was the mascot supported by the territory.

They were desperately fighting the enemy outside, but Lord Danmo didn't have to do anything to enjoy the most delicious food in the territory and sleep with the most beautiful woman in the territory.

Over time, the Holy Army's reverence for the lord has dropped to a very low level.

But this beating woke up several holy troops in front of Lord Danmo.

In any case, Lord Danmo is also the nominal owner of this territory. Even if he does not have military power, his status is not something they can match.

Don't say that when Lord Danmo takes the initiative to go to the church to complain, once the bishop finds out about this, in order to maintain the relationship with Lord Danmo, they will not have a good end.

So after being beaten by Lord Danmo again, several holy soldiers knelt on the ground and kept begging Lord Danmo for mercy.

"Lord Lord, please calm down!"

"It's too dark, the little ones didn't see clearly that you were here."

"Next time we won't dare, absolutely not."


Seeing several holy soldiers holding hands and begging for mercy, still punching and kicking themselves, Lord Danmo's anger also disappeared a lot.

Holding the lord's shelf, and showing off his might to the several holy soldiers begging for mercy, Lord Danmo continued to walk towards the church.

The beaten Holy Army stood up from the ground after Lord Danmo walked away, supporting one by one.

Looking at the brazier that was kicked over by Lord Danmo in the process of chasing and beating, and feeling the piercing pain on his body, the Holy Army couldn't help but scolded in a low voice:

"I'm keeping a vigil for you in the cold weather, but I'm going to be beaten if I don't see you coming. The **** of light is above, why do you let such a dog ride on our heads."

"Fuck, it's really cruel, holy water may not work, you have to let the priests take care of it."

"Forget it, what priest are you looking for? If you were injured during the war and ran over, people would ignore you. If the senior priest finds out, we will be miserable."

"What's the matter... the fire is out, are we still on duty at night?"

"It's worth it. I saw it when I just went to the toilet. Those **** in the city wall and the outer city have already gone back to sleep. There are only a few towers left, so let's go back to sleep."


A few people said a word to you, and I said a word, and helped each other back to the residence.

But I didn't see a cloud moving very fast, obscuring the moonlight, and something was brewing.

And the white snow on the mountains in the distance quickly darkened.

Black spots the size of wheat awns invaded from the mountains, and the beacon towers placed in the mountains have never been lit from beginning to end.

Soon, those black spots the size of wheat awns quickly approached Danmo's territory, revealing their true colors.

The people who came were the Red Skill Knights Corps and the Kate Zhanji Corps. The two armies had nearly 20,000 troops. After dividing into three nine armies to encircle the Danmore territory, Fergus led the other eleven armies, approaching them. The main gate of Dunmore Territory.

The whistling cold wind covered up the thorny deer's light hoofs, and the accompanying mathematicians released a large number of silence spells and phantom spells to cover up the movement of the universe army.

Therefore, the guards of Danmo Territory didn't notice until the Universal Army troops approached the city, and suddenly there were a lot of people outside the city for no reason.

Before they could react, the bell of the enemy attack sounded, and several sturdy thunderbolts suddenly fell from the sky.

In an instant, the ravine where Danmo's territory was located was completely illuminated.

The Holy Army in those sentry towers finally saw the enemy's appearance clearly while the ears were pounded by the thunder.

In addition to those well-equipped humans, whose number is unknown, a terrifying humanoid creature with a height of nearly 100 meters climbed out of a barren hill outside the city.

But this time, vigilance is no longer needed.

The thunder and lightning roar like the end of the day has quietly awakened the sleeping Danmo territory.

The entire territory immediately became a mess, crying, scolding, scolding... The residents of the Danmo Territory ran out of the house, facing the cold wind, and fell into panic.

But not many holy troops and priests came forward to maintain order, because the holy soldiers and priests themselves were a little too busy to take care of themselves.

According to the information of the Faceless [Priest Danmo], the Universal Army has accurately grasped the location of special buildings such as barracks, castles, churches and so on in the Danmo territory.

Thunder Wrath Kreos stood on the top of the mountain, and he had a panoramic view of the entire Dunmore territory.

The long-awaited Thunder Sky Sunlight poured all the accumulated thunder and lightning onto the special buildings in the Danmo Territory in one breath.

Some low-grade buildings were directly smashed by the thunder and turned into ruins. Among them, the sleeping troops directly returned to the prison in their sleep.

Even though some of the corps buildings were not shattered, there were still a lot of casualties due to the spread of lightning energy.

Among the buildings in the Dunmore Territory that Kraos attacked, apart from the Lord's Castle, only the Church of Light seemed to be safe.

However, it was not until the thunderbolt was over that Lord Denmore and Bishop Denmore led the clergy and some of the Templars out of the church.

They looked gloomily at the Thunder Titan standing on the top of the mountain, wondering why this nominal ally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly launched an attack on the Dunmore territory.

Hearing the fires rising from all over the territory and the shouts coming from all over the place, Lord Danmo scolded angrily:

"As I said just now, those **** on patrol at night are stealing and slipping, and they are too lazy to die."

"The enemy has hit the territory, but there is no reaction at all."

"That idiot is in charge of the night watch patrol!"

Lord Danmo's words made Bishop Danmo's face sink instantly, and he said:

"Lord Lord, now is not the time to be held accountable. The top priority is to repel this Titan."

"Please go to the Alliance of the Gods to ask other lords for help. I will lead the Templar warriors and clerics to gather the Holy Army and resist the enemy's attack."

After speaking, he quickly ordered the clergy behind him.

Lord Danmo stood for a while, and after finding that he had nothing to do, he pouted and entered the alliance of the gods, asking other lords for help.

However, it was late at night, and many lords were engaged in a rich nightlife.

Until Bishop Danmo arranged for the backbone of the territory behind him, no one responded to Lord Danmo's request for help.

In desperation, Lord Danmo could only send private messages to the lords who had a good relationship with Xinluo, Murayama, etc., asking for help.

After a while, Lord Danmo received an affirmative reply from Lord Murayama.

During this period of time, the Universal Army had already broken through the gates of Danmo's territory and began to slaughter the Holy Army that was in chaos.

And the Titan standing on the top of the mountain also relied on the comically proportioned bat wings to glide down from the mountain and land in Danmo's territory. +Bookmark+

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