Just passed the pseudo-angel, and everyone has seen the power of the Titan.

To deal with an enemy of that level, I am afraid that more than a dozen angel avatars would have to join forces to resist.

But forcibly condensing an angel disguise would cost the lives of at least 500 ordinary members of the public.

Gather ten... How many people will be left in the Danmo territory after the war?

As one of the two priests with the highest level present, the other priest, Josie, was called away by the bishop, and he could only preside over this matter.

An order is an order, and now is the moment of life and death for the territory, and Witt can't control so much.

Dead Daoist friends are not dead poor Daoists, they are just ordinary people. If they don't have them, they can be summoned by the lord again.

This was Witt's previous thoughts. Now that he wanted to wish Josie a helping hand before he left, he felt a little better, and even felt a little grateful to Josie.

Although they became followers of the God of Light, priests are also human beings, with various emotions and desires.

Even because they have become priests, their spiritual power is more active than ordinary people, and their perception of various things is more profound.

Witt instinctively thought that Josie wanted to stay and help him share the pressure.

With the strength of the two fourth-order priests, the holy water containing the power of faith in the holy pool also gurgled out, and it didn't take long to save a small half of the pool.

These holy waters boiled and stirred like boiling water, and the holy golden light shrouded them above. Other priests were preparing materials for creating angel avatars, but no one noticed that there were many more faces at the bottom of the holy pool.

Outside the church, with the invasion of powerful enemies, the people who escaped from the Danmo territory fell to the ground one by one, their eyes dimmed, the fear on their faces quickly subsided, and they turned to smiles full of happiness. It's kind of weird up there.

It seems that the place they are in is not the territory of war, but the paradise of happiness and freedom.

However, in addition to these orders, the Holy Army, which had just been organized by the Templars to resist the invasion of the Universal Army, also changed.

The power of faith in their bodies is being continuously drawn away by unknown powers, and the equipment held by the power of faith on their bodies has also lost its sacred brilliance and gradually returned to its original appearance.

Originally, the holy light was lingering, and the protective performance was comparable to the armor of rare grade armor. After the radiance dissipated, it became the most common cloth armor, even coarse cloth.

Those weapons that looked extraordinarily sharp under the Holy Light have also become inferior equipment made of broken copper and iron.

The sudden change caught the Holy Army and the Templars by surprise. They felt their bodies gradually weakened, and when they looked at the equipment at hand, they couldn't help but panic again.

Josie did not extract the spiritual power of ordinary people with Witt. He had already been occupied by the Faceless [Denmore Priest], and he aimed at the core force of Danmore's territory - the Holy Army.

When he drains the power of faith that has been blessed on the Holy Army, the Holy Army in the Dunmore Territory will also be beaten back to its original form.

At that time, a group of rare, or even only high-quality arms, relying on a pile of scrap metal, will not be able to form any obstacle to the universe army.

Even after the power of faith in the Holy Army is drawn, Josie can turn it into the target of soul refining. At that time, he can destroy all the Holy Army in the Danmo territory by himself!

However, as the high-concentration holy water surged faster and faster, Witt also realized that something was wrong.

As a priest of the same rank, Qiao Xi's soul refining efficiency is too high, almost three or four times that of him.

And this level of soul refining is almost comparable to that of the bishop himself.

Witt turned his head and was about to ask Josie, but saw that Josie was also looking at him, with regret that "you found out too early" and a trace of disdain.

"Joshua, what are you doing..."

Before Witt could finish speaking, he saw that Josie's soul refining technique had changed, and it had become a divine technique of offering sacrifices and prayers to the God of Light.

"Witt, the power of so much faith is enough to gain the joy of the God of Light!"

"That greedy guy hasn't gotten such a large sacrifice for a long time."

The Faceless [Priest Danmore] smiled at Witt, but in Witt's eyes, he was like a demon.

He immediately gave up the soul refining and released the magic technique to stop Josie, but it was still a step too late.

In the horrified expressions of all the priests, a golden circle suddenly appeared at the bottom of the holy pool.

The holy water that was about to fill a pool, after the formation of the formation, poured back into the formation like a vortex.

It didn't take long for the holy water that had been condensed so hard to be left without a drop.

"Joshua, do you know what you're doing?"

"Why are you doing this!"

After seeing this scene, Witt was stunned and his face stiffened.

The hope of the territory against the Thunder Titan was shattered.

"Everyone, let me tell you something about the two months of coexistence, so that you can both die in peace."

Different from the other priests present, after sacrificing a lot of faith, the faceless [Pastor Danmo], that is, Josie, gradually showed a holy light.

Its body also slowly floated up until it was flush with the mandible of the God of Light.

"In the past two months, I researched the so-called God of Light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I found that this guy is like a greedy machine, has an instinctive desire for the soul of living things, but can only rely on a set of Rules to get food."

Josie's tone on the word "food" is very heavy, referring to the power of faith, that is, the spiritual power and soul of the living.

Waving a holy light and knocking Witt, who was planning to attack him, flying, Josie said to the other clerics who looked blank:

"I have been offering sacrifices almost every day during this period. Except for the bishop, your God of Light is the closest to the breath of my identity."

"So, I only need one extra-spec sacrifice to get the same status as the bishop...well, just like the Son of Light."

"Now, it's time to get my reward."

Through the door of the church, Josie saw the rushing Bishop Danmo, and immediately let go of his body and mind, accepting the gift from another world.

Under the watchful eye of the God of Light, the extremely rich holy light poured out from Qiao Xi's body, and the dazzling light made everyone present unable to look directly.

Even Bishop Danmo, who rushed into the church, was forced back by the surging holy light.

It wasn't until a minute later that Shengguang was restrained and Josie appeared in front of everyone again.

The priest's robe on his body turned into a pure white robe overflowing with golden light. There was not a single hair on his smooth skin, and there was a faint glimmer of divine golden light.

After Josh opened his eyes, holy light erupted from his eyes, and a golden mark appeared on his smooth forehead.

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