God roll!

In the clergy system of the Church of Light, there is an existence on the same rank as the bishop of the division and the son of God.

The status is even higher than that of saints transformed by king-level troops and saints transformed by advanced spellcasters.

After sacrificing the beliefs of nearly 10,000 holy soldiers and nearly 10,000 people, Josie passed from a priest to a cardinal and a saint in one fell swoop, and became the God of Light!

In addition to the Pope, the Pope, and the envoy (agent), it has become the most noble existence among the followers of the Chaos Continent.

In his capacity, even if he went to the mission areas of other gods, he would be treated as a guest.


! "

Bishop Danmo gnashed his teeth and looked at Josie, wishing to swallow him alive.

Josh's behavior is tantamount to killing a chicken and taking an egg to him.

It not only ruined the opportunity of Danmo's territory to repel the Titan forces, but also destroyed his layout for more than half a year.

Although the bishop of the precinct has a high status, and is side by side with the Son of God and the scroll of God, he is far from being free from the other two. His strength and status are closely related to the territory where he is located.

And now, Josie took his territory in exchange for the status of the God Scroll, how could he not hate him.

When the territory is gone, he, the divisional bishop, will do it. Even if he does not die in this war, he will become an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Bishop Danmo could no longer contain his roar, and attacked Josie in front of the God of Light.

Holy Light Judgment, Sword of Judgment, Holy Word... Bishop Danmo vented his magic to Josie.

Josie, who had just been promoted to the Divine Scroll, was somewhat inferior to Bishop Danmo in his mastery of divine arts. He could only hold up a series of divine protection shields, passively resisting Bishop Danmo's divine arts.

The two attacked and defended, and they fought in front of the statue of the God of Light.

The rest of the clergy watched the two fighting at a loss, and in order to avoid being affected by the battle between the two, they could only hide in the corner of the church and shiver.


At this moment, a loud noise came from outside the church, and the violent shaking caused the church to start shaking.

The clergy looked panicked and dazed, but Bishop Danmo was still relentless and killed with Josie.


There was another loud noise, and a big foot broke through the wall, knocking away a piece of the Church of Light, and at the same time flying countless stones.

These stones flew around like cannonballs, not only smashing the church of light to pieces, but also smashing the tall statue of the **** of light.

Many clergymen who were too late to dodge died tragically on the spot, and Bishop Danmore and Josie, who were fighting fiercely, had to stop to defend.

At this moment, a huge palm penetrated through the ceiling of the church hall, and the big hand lifted the whole ceiling of the church hall with a strong lift.

Afterwards, a large face that was enough to fill one-third of the hall of Guangming Church was attached, and the fine electric current jumped beside it. The scarlet eyes were like the gaze of a demon, which brought great shock to both sides.

At the moment when the Titan appeared, Bishop Danmo's mind turned sharply, and finally he could only grit his teeth and shout to Josie:

"Josie, as the scroller of the God of Light, guarding the majesty of the God of Light and protecting her mission area is also what you should do!"

good romance novel

Bishop Dunmore decided to put aside his hatred temporarily and fight the Thunder Titan with Josie.

Both the divisional bishop and the **** scroll have the potential to be comparable to the god-level arms. Although the potential of the two has not yet been realized, they still have the ability to join forces against the Titans.

Bishop Danmo has contacted the Light Elf Territory, and Lord Danmo has received assistance from the Eighteenth Supreme Lord. As long as the reinforcements arrive, Danmo Territory will have a chance to defend.

Otherwise, when this titan destroys the statue and steps the Church of Light to the ground, he will be the bishop.

From Bishop Danmo's point of view, since Josie has become a divine scroll, the bond with the Church of Light will be deeper.

Moreover, he has already thrown out a signal of reconciliation. In order to avoid the exposure of his actions and cause the anger of the Pope, the agent and even the angels, Josie should promise himself no matter what, and guard the Church of Light with him.

"Ha ha."

However, what surprised Bishop Danmo was that, facing his proposal, Josie just let out a cold snort, then turned around and quickly fled the Church of Light.

And the titan didn't have any idea of ​​blocking it, raised the fist wrapped in thunder and lightning, and smashed it towards the statue of the God of Light.

"That bastard!

! "

Seeing that the statue was about to be attacked, Bishop Danmo scolded Josie in his heart, and quickly flew to the statue with the help of magic, holding up a thick shield of holy light, intending to stop the Thunder Titan's attack.


Hearing a loud bang, Thunder Fury Kraios' lightning fist came into contact with the protective shield blessed by the Holy Light, and the turbulent shock wave, accompanied by overflowing thunder and lightning, instantly spread to the entire church hall.

All objects in the church, including several surviving clergymen, were turned into pieces under this power, only Bishop Danmo, who was blessed by the Holy Light, and the statue of the God of Light were not affected.

However, even though he blocked Kraios' blow, Bishop Dunmore was not feeling well.

His face was pale, his breath was disordered, and he was almost unable to maintain the shield blessed by the Holy Light.

As long as Kraos takes two more punches, he may be wiped out with the statue of the God of Light behind him.

In order to hold on to the arrival of reinforcements, Bishop Danmo's brain was running frantically. Before the second attack of Kraos, he set his eyes on the nearly dried-up holy pond in the church~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soul refining just now has not yet come. At the end, there are still many faces at the bottom of the holy pool, but these faces are those of the Holy Army, the clergy, and the Templar warriors.

The power of faith possessed by those holy soldiers has been sacrificed by Josie, but in addition to the power of faith given to them by the church, their souls are also high-quality firewood that creates the power of faith.

There are already less than a thousand Templar warriors and the remaining clergymen, which are the guarantee to support the reinforcements from the Danmo territory. Bishop Danmo dare not act rashly.

But those holy troops who have been beaten back to their prototypes have little use value at this time. It is better to burn them and turn them into the power of their own guardian statues.

Being able to die to protect my lord is also the best destination for these holy troops, and their sacrifice is the ticket to enter the Bliss God Realm of Light.

After a little thought, Bishop Danmo began to refine the soul of the Holy Army.

Holy water poured out from the holy pool again, and it continued to flow to Bishop Danmo. The sacred blessing that had become thin, but also became thick and solid with the influx of the huge power of faith.

Boom boom boom!

Thunderfury Kraos bombarded three times in a row, and every time a part of the shield was scattered, Divine Blessing would return to its original state before his next attack.

As long as the Holy Army in Dunmore's territory is not dead, it will be difficult for Kraos to break through this layer of defense in front of him.

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