Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 689: Administrative District Planning

"In November of the first year of the world, the crime rate in the territory has decreased, but last month, a small criminal gang appeared in Weihai City.

"At present, all the members of the criminal gang have been arrested. The Weihai City administrative officer Hagen has not been supervised and has been demoted. The new administrative officer is Wu Qing, the administrative officer of the Disciplinary Inspection Department."


"Last month, the foreign trade volume of the Universal Territory exceeded 10 million, of which equipment sales accounted for 63%, pharmaceutical sales 34%, and daily necessities only 3%... This data does not include Points Mall Profit from the Universal Store."


"...The engineering department is the department with the largest number of government departments. The number of architects, craftsmen, and construction workers has exceeded 100,000. There is currently a situation of chaotic management. The lord is specially requested to summon a number of engineering management personnel for assistance. manage......"


"Recently, the Ministry of Commerce has visited experimental private enterprises, and private business activities have not been effectively developed yet. I hope that the lords can give some resources to support them."


"According to the statistics of the brokerage inspection department, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps has been seriously wasting materials recently, and the performance of the secondary recycling of equipment is relatively negative. I hope the Tiger and Panther Cavalry Corps can pay attention..."


In the early morning, in the Hall of Huozi, the once-daily court meeting was being held.

The person in charge of the government affairs department, Shi Lin, the consul of the Universal Territory, was holding a thick stack of documents and reporting to Huang Yu.

From the people present alone, it can be seen that today's meeting has something very important to announce.

The management personnel of the first- and second-level departments of the government affairs department were all present, including the administrative officials of the sub-city, and the government affairs management leaders of the acropolis and villages and towns.

Nan Xing, the head of the manufacturing center, Ou Yunhai, the deputy, and management personnel above the factory director were also wearing uniforms and sitting on the left hand side of the government affairs department.

In the professional training base, you An and the deans and vice deans of each college, a total of 18 people, are sitting on the right hand side of the government affairs department.

In addition, the "Pagoda Masters" of the five schools of the Crown of Mysteries sat together with Baili, Director of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, Mao Jiang, Mu Ping, A Huai, Sang Shuang, and several masters with special status. It is across the road from the personnel of government departments, manufacturing centers and vocational training bases.

As for the military headquarters, all eleven commanders were present. The commanders from the Imperial Guard Corps and the deputy commanders of other legions also came to Huanyu City through the teleportation array. in the area.

Huang Yu leaned on the back of the seat, holding a document, and from time to time inquired about Celine's report.

The current functions of the government affairs department of Huanyu Territory have been perfected. It is divided into fifteen secondary departments, including the Finance Department, the Legal Department, the Culture Department, the Education Department, the Disciplinary Inspection Department, and the Engineering Department.

However, the managers of some departments are ministers in power, while the managers of some departments are only administrative officials.

At present, the School of Economics and Management of the vocational training base, referred to as the School of Economics and Management, can only train government officials, but cannot train middle-level managers such as government officials.

And this is also the reason why Celine asked Huang Yu for someone.

After reporting the work of the Legal Department, Finance Department, Engineering Department, Commerce Department, Discipline Inspection Department and other departments in turn, Xilin let out a long sigh of relief.

After Huang Yu put down the information in his hand and did not continue to ask questions, he said:

"Next, is the theme of today's meeting."

Shirin held a spar in her hand. After inputting energy into it, the spar shot out a beam of light, which spread out in mid-air, forming a flat map.

This is a projection crystal. The equipment developed by the Magic Weave Research Institute based on the communication crystal can project the influence stored in it to a certain position.

The user can also adjust the projection progress according to the frequency of energy input.

"The territorial area of ​​the Universal Territory has now reached 624,000 square kilometers, with a total population of 1.7 million, divided into seventeen cities, six acropolis, 36 townships, and 72 villages... ."

"In order to effectively manage various regions, under the instructions of the lord, the government affairs department has made plans for the various administrative districts of the Universal Territory."

"At present, this plan has been approved by the lord, and now it is up to me to publicize this plan."

With the control of Celine, the originally complete world territory was gradually divided into nine parts.

Pointing to the map, Celine turned her head and said to the crowd:

"First of all, after the division, the administrative divisions of the Universal Territory are divided into provinces, cities, counties, towns, and villages."

"All sub-cities with fire seeds are city-level cities, and Acropolis is county-level cities..."

"Among them, Universal City is the capital of the Universal Territory, that is, the capital city."

"And the provinces will have a provincial capital that will be the economic and political center of the province."


After explaining the concepts of the capital city, provincial capital and other related concepts to everyone, Celine drove the projection crystal in her hand, and the map changed accordingly.

Centered on Huanyu City, the area including Qingxi City, Jingbei City, Zhanyi City, Rising Sun City, and the six acropolis slowly enlarged and displayed in front of everyone.

"With Huanyu City as the center, four sub-cities including Zhanyi City, six acropolis including Xingyu City, as well as thirty-six towns and seventy-two villages belong to the central province, which means the territory of the universe. Central."

"The total area of ​​the central province is 64,000 square kilometers~www.wuxiaspot.com~The total population is 870,000..."

"There is no provincial capital, and the center is the capital city, Huanyu City..."


Because of the special status of the Central Province, Shilin introduced it in great detail. After it took more than ten minutes to introduce the Central Province, Shilin started to introduce it from the Beixuan Province in the north in a clockwise direction.

"Beixuan Province, with Cangxuan City as the provincial capital, has jurisdiction over Heyang City and Yunli City, with a total area of ​​47,000 square kilometers and a total population of 86,000..."

"Tianshu City is the capital city of Tianji Province, and it has jurisdiction over Tianquan City and Tianji City. The current total area is 57,000 square kilometers and the total population is 103,000..."

"Dongcang Province, with Zhenyuan City as its capital city, has jurisdiction over Dawn City and Qiming City, which is currently under construction, with a total area of ​​46,000 square kilometers and a total population of 98,000..."


Celine quickly introduced the administrative division of the Universal Territory, except for the Central Province, Beixuan Province, Skyrim Province, and Dongcang Province.

In a clockwise direction, the remaining provinces and cities are:

With Baofeng City as the provincial capital, it governs Fengling Province with Shanyin City; with Weihai City as the provincial capital, Nanhai Province, including Nanhai Island and surrounding islands; Jinglang Province with Canglan City as the provincial capital; Anxi City as the provincial capital, under the Xisha Province under the jurisdiction of Mingsha City; and Xichuan Province under the jurisdiction of Xiyao City with Changxing City as the provincial capital.

In this regional division, the Universal Territory is divided into nine provinces.

However, except for the central province, the other eight provinces are still in the early stage of development, and it will take some time to form a scale regardless of their area or population.

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