"Next, I will announce the appointment decision of the managers of the provinces and cities!"

After introducing the administrative divisions, Celine began to announce the appointments of the administrative divisions to everyone.

However, in order to save time, Celine only mentioned the personnel in the main positions.

Detailed job appointment documents will be distributed to managers after the meeting.

"The senior officials of the central province are served by the Minister of State, Xun Yan."

"Ying Changtian is the mayor of Huanyu City,"

"The mayor of Zhanyi City is Jiang Chengzi, and the secretary is Siegel; the mayor of Xuri City is Baojiangzi, and the secretary is Shaq; the mayor of Jingbei City is Rumeng, and the secretary is Zhu En; the mayor of Gyeongseo City is Su The curtain is on, and the clerk is Fibo."

"Longyu County Magistrate by You Nijun..."


Huang Yu and the main members of the meeting have a document in their hands, and they basically know the division of administrative divisions and the appointment of personnel.

In Huang Yu's plan, the future central province is actually the smallest province.

In the other eight provinces, except for Nanhai Province, which has little opportunity for land development due to geographical constraints, the other seven provinces have broad development space.

The Beixuan Province in the north will extend along the Puntagan Mountains in the northeast direction. The landforms in the province are also the most complex in all provinces, including forests, grasslands, mountains and some plateaus. The strategic position is to stabilize the Puntagan Mountains and the situation in the surrounding area.

The Red Skill Knight Corps will continue to be stationed in Beixuan Province, but the main force will be concentrated in the Yunli Fortress. The commander of the army, Fergus, will serve as a high-ranking official.

Cangxuan City, the provincial capital, is guarded by the 7th Chapter of the Imperial Guards, and the leader of the Chapter, Wang Sunxin, is the mayor.

To the northeast, Skyrim Province, the entire province is located on the Sunset Steppe.

Huang Yu numbered each area according to the number of maps in the hands of the Silla Lord, and the mission area originally assigned to the Church of Truth was compiled by Huang Yu into the eighth area.

The Sunset Grasslands are the largest geographical area in the Eighth District, occupying almost one-fifth of the land area of ​​the region, and together with the Punta Gan Mountains, the entire Eighth District is divided into two.

The entire Skyrim Province has the most extensive land development space.

This grassland is still run by the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps.

Tianshu City, the provincial capital, is guarded by the Tenth Chapter of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, and the leader of the Chapter Su Wuman is the mayor.

The Dongcang Province in the east is mainly based on the Chifeng Mountains. Leonidas, the commander of the army, serves as a senior official, and Reinas, a reserve cadre of the government affairs department, serves as the secretary.

The mayor of Zhenyuan City, the provincial capital, is served by Dong Fengyin, the head of the 11th Division of the Imperial Guard.

Although most of the land in Fengling Province in the southeast is located in the Chifeng Mountains, its main responsibility is to maintain the stability of the southeastern coastline of the Universal Territory.

The head of the Kashezin Storm Chapter, Stuka, served as a senior official, the reserve cadre of the government department, Sheila, served as the secretary.

The senior official of Nanhai Province is Asimiya, the commander of the Deep Tide Knights, the mayor of the provincial capital WH City is Guan Heling, the former secretary Hagen was dismissed, and the new secretary is Wu Qing of the Disciplinary Inspection Department.

Jinglang Province, located in the southwest, is guarded by the newly established 11th Army Corps, the Shadow Moon Wolf Army. The leader of the regiment, Ye Ge, was the mayor of Canglan City, the provincial capital.

The development direction of Jinglang Province is to expand to the south along the southwest coastline of the Universal Territory.

In that direction, there is a peninsula that is several times larger than the world territory. It is also the real depth of Jiawan Forest. Huang Yu calls it the Jiawan Peninsula.

Xisha Province, located in the west of the Central Province, will go deep into the Ulan Desert in the follow-up.

The area of ​​this desert is not large. Going through the desert is the sea area named Narrow Sea by the universe. There are many islands in the sea area, and on the other side of the sea is a large continent, which is simply called by Huang Yu. for the Western Continent.

The Twilight Raiders will continue to be stationed in Xisha Province. The regiment commander Arman will serve as a senior official, the government reserve cadre Alisson will serve as the secretary, and Xie Chichun will serve as the mayor of the provincial capital Anxi City.

The last province, Xichuan Province, was garrisoned by the Amazon Army, and the target area for development was the Danmo Plateau in the west-north of the Puntagan Mountains.

The commander of the regiment, Ryana, served as a senior official of Xichuan Province, Sun Xin, minister of legal affairs of the government affairs department, served as the secretary, and Tang Duoling, the commander of the eighth division of the Imperial Guard, served as the mayor of Changxing City, the provincial capital.

The above-mentioned division commanders of the provincial capitals and cities in the central province all came from the various battle groups of the Imperial Guard.

As for other cities, they are temporarily managed by the guards of each legion.

Of course, in addition to the appointment of government personnel and military personnel, provinces and cities will also establish branch campuses of professional training bases, branches of the Crown of Mysteries, branch research institutes of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, branches of the manufacturing center, and so on.

It's just that except for the central province, other provinces are now starting from scratch in these aspects.

Although personnel appointments are in place, there is almost no base construction.

Fortunately, the population of the provinces is not large, and the needs in education, industry, and professionals are relatively limited, and the world territory still has a lot of time to prepare.

To this end, before the promulgation of the administrative division policy, Huang Yu also had some discussions with the government department.

The Crown of Mysteries Branch and the Branch of the Magic Pattern Research Institute only need to send people over there. There is no new model, and it is easier to do.

However, the operation mode of manufacturing centers and professional training bases needs to be changed.

At the prompt of Ou Yunhai, Huang Yu planned to hand over the manufacture of some daily commodities to the lingmin to operate and create, so as to optimize the territorial economy.

Such as furniture, home textiles, pots and pans, farm implements, clothes, etc.

These commodities are not of great significance to the government, but are a waste of manpower and time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is better to hand them over to the territorial people to operate, and it can also form a certain competitiveness and promote the vigorous development of basic materials in the territory .

Of course, the core things like equipment casting and potion making would not be delegated to the people by Huang Yu.

Especially the magic pattern technology.

This is the core of the universe, and it must not be leaked out.

Although the professional training base has been able to gradually keep up with the needs of the lower-level talents in the world.

However, this kind of quick training institution is not conducive to the normal development of the territory.

With the birth of the first batch of babies in the territory, Huang Yu felt that it was time to change the operation mode of the professional training base.

However, Huang Yu currently only intends to conduct a trial operation in the central province where the construction of technical facilities and social order is relatively stable.

Following the education system on Bluestar, Huang Yu divided the professional training base into four stages: primary school, middle school, high school and university.

In elementary school, cultural classes, physical education classes, and handicraft classes were offered.

During the middle school period, the above three courses were subdivided, and the seedlings who could become warriors and legal practitioners were selected and trained separately.

During high school, the training is carried out according to the seven colleges, and those with better grades will enter the university for further study......

Of course, it is basically impossible to achieve the effect that Huang Yu wants without more than ten or twenty years.

But this does not prevent Huang Yu from making arrangements in advance.

If nothing else, there are still many teenagers and even adult students in the Universal Territory.

If they can have a more systematic education and training process, the more solid their abilities will be, and the higher their potential will be.

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