[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

I dedicate the entire territory and give me one million Universal Coins? What can you do with this money! "

"It allows you to own a single-family building with a courtyard in the outer city of Huanyu City, allows you to contract 100 mu of farmland in the outer city, and can also exchange for the right to operate and develop a rare-grade mine below Tier 4.

Even if you deposit in Universal Bank, the interest you get every year will allow you to eat and wear...

In fact, this is not a small sum of money. Your territory is not even worth one million Universal Coins. Some of this money is still subsidized by the Lord. "

"Can I do so many things? Can I do business in the world with this money instead of working in the manufacturing center?"

"Of course, the territory has recently vigorously supported individual economic and entrepreneurial behavior. You can go to the government department for details."

"Has the Universal Territory developed to this level? Hahaha, I knew I made the right bet!"


"You were a lord of a Tier 4 territory before, and you can get a middle-level management position in the world territory. This is the middle-level management position that is currently vacant in the territory. Do you need me to introduce it to you?"

"It's hard work...AREYOUKIDINGME!

Could you explain to me why this piece of land, which is comparable to YD, is marked with the territory of the Universal Territory?

Oh, and there's an enclave of Universal Territory in District 5? What the **** is the Underdark, why have I never heard of it..."

"Don't be too excited or surprised, the Universal Territory now has eleven provinces, and as you might expect, two provinces are established in Outland.

The main city, Universal City, was upgraded to a Tier 6 city as early as a few months ago, and the provincial capitals of the rest of the provinces have also been upgraded to Tier 5 cities in the near future.

At present, the Universal Territory has a population of nearly three million, twelve fifth-order cities, thirty-five fourth-order cities, twenty-eight county towns, seventy-three towns and hundreds of villages.

With your qualifications, you can go to the county seat to serve as a principal, or to a core city to serve as a deputy... Unfortunately, you came a little late, and the positions in the central province were occupied by others.

But you can also go to the military as a civilian, or go to a manufacturing center as a factory manager, these are all good jobs..."

"Wait a minute, don't talk too much, let me take a moment... I really want to know how the universe has expanded to such a large territory in less than two years?

Compared with the world territory, the so-called Bright Silla Empire and Holy Olai Empire are simply a joke! "

"Haha, all of this is because we have a great lord!"


"I used to be a lord, you will give me a job as workshop director now?"

"Please abide by the contract, you are not a lord now, you are just a citizen of the universe, don't make trouble here!"

"No, it's not fair, I want to see the Lord of the Universe!"

"Guards! Someone is disturbing the peace here, please come here."

"Please don't call the guards, I'm not trying to make trouble... Haha, I just don't want to be in the workshop, can you change my post?"

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

"Yes, you have three opportunities to transfer jobs, but I want to remind you that workers and farmers have a high status among ordinary citizens in the world!"


Outside the Obsidian Square, Yue Ji, who was recently promoted to the head of the legal department due to his good abilities, looked at the twenty or so lords gathered in the square and heard their surprises from time to time, and for some reason a kind of superiority appeared in his heart. sense.

However, when he thought that he joined the Universal Territory after being captured, the savings on his body were not as much as those after the "demolition" of those people.

The head of the legal department is only a low-level management position, and those lords can get a higher position than him if they want, and the sense of superiority in their hearts suddenly disappears.

I even have some regrets in my heart. Why didn't the army who encountered the world territory surrender directly, maybe they could also get a middle and senior management position.

Ou Yunhai can, why can't he?

It's just that this matter can only be thought about now, Ou Yunhai is the second-in-command of the manufacturing center, the real high-level in the universe.

His special occupation has soared from a government clerk to a minister of state, and it is said that he will become a consul in a short time, becoming the existence second only to the chief administrative officer Celine.

Even the lord of the universe trusts him.

As for him, even though he is also a political clerk after the lord's transfer, even if he is promoted to the head of a fourth-level department, it still takes a period of precipitation before he can upgrade his career to a political officer.

The gap between Ou Yunhai and Ou Yunhai is not ordinary.

"After all, monsters like Ou Yunhai are a minority. It's normal for a situation like mine."

"I don't have to worry about food, and I don't have to worry about clothing. The strength that is about to enter the fifth rank is also a rare reliance, and Lord Shen Hai's care and promotion are destined to be good in the universe in the future."

"These new lords and transferees, although they are taller than me, may not be better than me in the future."

"What's more, there are such idiots at the bottom."

Yue Ji looked at a lord transferee who was dissatisfied with his low position and wanted to be the mayor of Qingxi City at a temporary price increase, and then used the ability to blackmail the director of the human resources department.

Seeing the political officer in front of him, he did not respond under his own threat, and even showed a somewhat mocking smile.

The lord transferee was furious, so he wanted to release a spell to attack.

However, after condensing for a long time, the lord transferee did not release any spells.

"This is the inner city of the universe, Obsidian Square."

An angry voice appeared behind everyone, and the lord transferee turned his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and saw five imperial guards wearing golden heavy armor and stepping on Frisbees.

"All elemental abilities cannot be used without the Lord's permission."

"Oh, by the way, someone like you who is not marked by the Divine Immortal Realm, even if you don't use the elemental ability, if you want to take action against the Alison government officer, your strength will be suppressed in the category of ordinary people. "

Jumping off the Maglev Frisbee, a team leader of the Imperial Guard said indifferently to the lord's career changer:

"According to the Universal Public Security Administration Law, you are suspected of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, intending to intimidate the territorial level 4 government officials. You are now arrested and brought to justice."

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

"Now put your head in your hands, lie on the ground, if you resist, shoot me!"

If there is resistance, shoot to kill?

"It's just five warriors, how dare you threaten me and capture me!"

As a fighting madman who uses the territory to support himself, although this lord transferee is limited by the universal territory acceptance policy and transferred to a political clerk, he still retains his strength.

Hearing the words of the five imperial guards at this time, his anger became even more intense, and he rushed forward immediately, wanting to teach the five imperial guards a lesson.

However, after he took the first step, he felt that his strength was obviously wrong.

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Chapter seven hundred and eighty-six accepting lords who change jobs read for free.

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