[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

I was wrong, don't kill me! "

"Ah, take it easy! Take it easy! I won't resist, I'm willing to cooperate!"

"I want to see the lord of the universe... ah!! It hurts, you can't treat me like this~"

The battle between the lord's transferee and the imperial guard was over in one face-to-face.

The arrogant lord, when facing the imperial guards, was suppressed to the third rank, and his most powerful elemental innate ability could not be used.

In front of the guards who are fully armed and have a strong ability to cooperate in combat, there is basically not much room for resistance.

Using the magic-forbidden handcuffs made by imitating the lock of the gods, the lord transferee was locked.

"Lord Lord is busy attacking the abyss, how can I control you."

"When the verdict is handed down, send me to a prison and a labor camp!"

"Hmph, if you don't behave well, you won't want to be free in the world within ten years."

The Imperial Guard was not killing the chickens to warn the monkeys.

The laws of the world are strict, open chaos, and attacks on the imperial army and government officials.

The Imperial Guard said so, even a little conservative.

Abandoning his status as a lord, he ambitiously wanted to take a share of power from the universe.

However, he did not succeed in his apprenticeship, the middle way collapsed, and he was about to face ten years in prison.

The lord's transferee's mentality collapsed instantly, crying and shouting for the imperial guard to let him go.

However, the Imperial Guard ignored him, looked at the other lords watching the play, and said:

"From now on, you are all members of the world territory.

I hope that when I encounter such vicious incidents in the future, I can take the initiative to stop it, instead of watching the show.

Maintaining the stable development of the world territory is something that every citizen of the world must do. "

Hearing the words of the Imperial Guard, the lords who were present, including Yue Ji, looked a little uncomfortable.

They who have just arrived in the Universal Territory do not have much sense of integration in this unfamiliar place.

But they also know in their hearts that, if nothing else, this land will be the home of their future lives.

In any case, after they had lost their lordships, they had lost the chance to turn back after they came to the Universal Territory.

What needs to be considered now is how to use the conditions and resources exchanged for the territory to live better in the world territory.

In addition, the information revealed inside and outside the words of the Imperial Guard also shocked these lords.

It is unimaginable that the Universal Territory already has the power to fight against the abyss.

"The manager of the world territory is not so easy to be, and those who are keen to become officials should seriously consider it."

Not long after the Imperial Guard finished speaking, the director of the Ministry of Manpower said seriously to the others:

"The world territory needs managers who can contribute to the development of the territory, not arrogant and savage officials who eat corpses.

Don't think that you can enjoy happiness when you become an official. Every city in the world has a law enforcement team composed of guards. If we find out your inaction, this one will be the end!

Finally, I would like to tell you that the assets of each of you are enough for you to survive in the world without pressure. If you don’t want to shoulder that responsibility, don’t become an official.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

Even if you just go to contract land and grow herbs and crops, you can all have a good life. "

The words of the director of the human resources department made the other lords who changed jobs fell into contemplation.

But Yue Ji, who was on the side, pouted without a trace after hearing it, and he didn't care.

Human mouth, liar ghost.

At present, agriculture, commerce, and animal husbandry are the slowest developing territories in the world. The government departments have issued a lot of policies, but the effect is mediocre.

The manpower director obviously wanted to trick these lords into taking advantage of them.

However, Yue Ji also believes that there is no more suitable candidates for those sectors than these lord transferees in the universe.

It has only been a year and a half since the establishment of the currency system of the world territory, and there are not many people who have the capital to invest in those projects.

It's just that there are many ways to climb up the universe, but Yue Ji believes that being an official is definitely the most flexible and fastest way of promotion.

Even if one place doesn't work well, it can be transferred to other departments, or even to other provinces and regions for development.

If you can't take advantage of the rapid development of the world territory, you can occupy a good position in advance.

When there are more and more talents in the Universal Territory, and there are fewer and fewer good positions, it will be difficult to squeeze your head if you want to get a good position.

You must know that this is the Chaos Continent, with all kinds of magical abilities and items.

In this case, it is not easy to kill a person, not to mention the change of rule.

If you are not ready at this time, when you want to move in the future, it will be too late.

Of course, although Yue Ji thought so in his heart, he did not give any hint of the views of the "compatriots".

In a way, they are competitors with each other.

These people are already higher than him, suggesting that fellow villagers are making it more difficult for their promotion.

The arrangement of the lord's career transfer continued, and on the Obsidian Square, the light of transmission fell from time to time, bringing groups of people who looked dazed, fearful, or numb.

They have not yet completed the transfer, but have signed a contract with Huang Yu and decided to join the lords of the lords of the universe.

It is now being transferred to the Universal Territory through the unlimited support amount of the Tier 6 Alliance.

After the inspection, these people will pass through the territory teleportation array, scattered to various provinces in the world territory, and even two enclaves.

According to Yue Ji's information, in the past month, the universe has attracted more than 300 lords, more than the two believers combined!

And this number is still increasing gradually, maybe it will gradually subside until all the lower-level lords are annexed.

The ability of the Universal Territory to increase its population by nearly 2 million in one month comes from the more than 300 territories that have joined the Universe.

In fact, Huang Yu didn't care about contacting the leader at first, until the members of the Zhili Association came to him, he began to try to attract members who were keen to study and preserve the Blue Star culture.

But this attempt made Huang Yu see the huge benefits contained in it.

Up to now, these 300 lords who joined the Universal Territory have contributed nearly 400 million soul crystals to Huang Yu!

In order to increase the efficiency of receiving and attracting, Huang Yu spent more resources and upgraded the alliance to a sixth-order alliance, so that the alliance received an unlimited amount of support.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

However, if it exceeds a certain amount, a fee will be charged.

The Oneworld Alliance was upgraded to a Tier 6 alliance, and at the same time, the members of the Oneworld Alliance made a lot of money with Huang Yu.

At the request of the members of the alliance, Huang Yu specially set up a reception channel to help the members of the alliance attract many lower-level human lords by collecting taxes.

The golden councilors like Lord Gasd, Lord Kaguya, and Lord Garo have absorbed no less than the directors of the Bright Shilla Alliance.

Compared with the already stigmatized Bright Shilla Alliance, the vast majority of the lower-level lords of human beings, and even some believers of other churches, are more willing to join the territories of the members of the Universal Alliance.

After all, on the bright side, Huang Yu and these lords have a pretty good reputation.

It's just different from the other three groups of the Bright Shilla Alliance, the Holy Ole Alliance, and the Zhili Society.

If you want to join the Universal Territory, the first restriction is that you must give up your lordship.

Except for Lord Starscar and Lord Haichen, other golden councilors, as well as some silver councilors, also requested the same.

As lords, they did not want to leave hidden dangers in their territory.

In addition, Huang Yu will not grant special status and noble titles to the joined lords.

They will not provide secondary fire to make them neighbors with the world.

The world territory does not need alliances, all neighbors are potential enemies, and Huang Yu has no interest in playing "enemy development" games.

These three restrictions were originally the conditions used by the Bright Shilla Alliance and the Holy Ole Alliance to attract the lower-level lords of human beings, but now they have become restrictions in the Universal Territory.

The lords in the World Channel initially questioned Huang Yu's arrogant and cold-blooded behavior, and looked down on other human lords.

But when Huang Yu edited the video of the battle with the Alliance of the Gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sent it to the World Channel as promotional materials, all these doubts disappeared in the shock of the lords.

The giant dragons that cover the sky, the boundless extraordinary arms, the terrifying magic knights...

As powerful as the Universal Territory is, it is as safe as it is.

Almost all lords who intended to give up their territories began to contact Huang Yu in various ways.

The fruit cultivated by the Bright Silla Alliance and the Holy Ole Alliance has now become Huang Yu's possession.

What Huang Yu paid was only the middle and low-level positions in the territory, as well as the universe coins printed and issued by himself.

Even the consumption of reaching the Universal Territory through the Universal Alliance, as well as the transfer scrolls, are all paid for by the lords and the transferees.

At Huang Yu's request, the lords and transferees exchanged all the soul crystals in their hands for Universal Coins, and transferred the resources, population, arms, equipment, etc. of the territory to Huang Yu at extremely low prices in the form of Universal Coins. .

After they give up their status as lords, the territory will be assimilated and broken down by Huang Yu.

Now the sixth-order fire in Universal City has been tightly packed by the dense sub-fire.

And the impact of the battle between the Universal Territory and the Alliance of the Gods has also been eliminated with the promotion of this huge sum of money, and it has even gone further!

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