[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

When the enthusiasm of the lord's reception slowed down, it was already a week after Shi Kedi became a Valkyrie.

In this week's time, nearly one hundred more lords have been added to the universe, as well as the citizens of their territories.

The total population of the territory has reached 5.8 million and is about to exceed 6 million.

The Kashejin Storm Chapter also destroyed the harpy territory that nested on the towering cliffs, removed the obstacles to the southeast of the universe, and pushed the boundary of the universe to the southeast by more than 100 miles.

Except for the Kashejin Storm Chapter, the other legions did not have much movement.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, the Twilight Raiders Corps, the Shadowmoon Blue Wolf Corps, and the Blood Clan Guard Corps were all busy securing the post-war territory, and seldom used their troops.

Yesterday morning, Huang Yu announced on World Channel that he would suspend accepting and transferring lords.

The lords in the world channel believe that the foreign population that can be accommodated in the universe has been saturated, and there may have been a large-scale chaos, which has affected the development of the territory, causing Huang Yu to dare not continue to accept transfer lords.

But the actual reason for Huang Yu's decision to suspend the transfer of lords was not that the territory could not accommodate so many outsiders, but that he wanted to free up his hands to attack the abyss.

After more than a month of preparation, all the matters of attacking the abyss have been prepared.

Huang Yu is going to open the abyss beacon today and lead the troops into the abyss!

In the Universal City, the Spartan Legion and the Amazon Legion, two extraordinary legions that had not appeared in the sight of the locals for a long time, reappeared on the training ground in the western part of the outer city of the Universal City.

In addition to these two legions, the Royal Guard Legion, the Dusk Raiders Legion, and the Shadowmoon Wolf Legion were also on the list.

The Raven Guard Corps and the Kate War Girl Corps are all in place.

The entire training ground was filled with seven legions totaling 60,000 warriors, as well as mounts such as stone horned beasts, black-scaled leopards, and thunder-patterned cloud-winged beasts.

Of course, the most eye-catching among them was the five hundred magic knights who looked like little giants.

They were dressed in heavy black magic-patterned power armor, holding various ferocious magic-patterned constructs in their hands, and exuding a dragon-like Weiya on their bodies, with such a compelling aura that even the surrounding extraordinary arms instinctively did not want to approach.

Although the new round of transformation of the magic knight has been carried out, it has only been carried out for more than a month, and the implanted organs in the magic knight have not fully developed.

Therefore, the magic knights who went on the expedition with Huang Yu this time are all members of the first batch of magic pattern biochemical transformation.

After the high-pressure training that made these magic knights tremble, these magic knights not only adapted to the various powers brought by the implanted organs in their bodies, but also mastered the magic transformation meditation method to keep their minds clear.

In addition, Huang Yu also arranged for the king-level troops in Kate's war princess, and Yin Fu, who has entered the extraordinary "Golden Lion Heart", will temporarily serve as their commander, ensuring that this terrifying team can be used as an arm on the abyss battlefield. .

If nothing else, this magic knight will stay in the abyss for a long time.

These troops are the vanguard troops who went to the abyss together with Huang Yu.

When the Universal Territory gains a firm foothold in the abyss, all the other troops except Kate War Princess will slowly return to their respective legions.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []


"Is the crowd thirsty? I'll pour you some tea!"

"My lord, this is the fruit I just cleaned."

"My lord, Consul Shilin said that all the supplies have been arranged."

"My lord, Marshal Leia has completed the assembly of the army."

"My lord, this is the empty jade of Yuan."

"My lord, the blood-born **** general and the blood-born apostle are all in place."

"My lord, I'm here to put on the Holy Spirit's shirt for you."

"My lord, this is your sword."


In the Palace of the Universe, the Valkyrie Shikodi and the Son of Elements, Emile, surrounded Huang Yu with their busy schedules.

The two of them are obviously smiling and Yan Yan, but Huang Yu can clearly feel the meaning of tit-for-tat.

Since the Valkyrie Shikodi moved into the palace, she began to take over the duties of Huang Yu's secretary and maid.

This naturally caused the blood that often served by Huang Yu's side.

The dissatisfaction of the descendant of the gods, the son of the elements, Emile.

Because before Shikordi appeared, she was doing those things.

Now Shikodi suddenly jumped out and took a big bag, making Emile, the son of the elements, feel that her position is threatened.

Huang Yu naturally knew the minor conflicts between the two, but fortunately, although the two were secretly fighting each other, they were both controlled within their limits, and there was no conflict at all, nor did it affect his work.

Seeing this, Huang Yu just let it go.

After all, the only consequence of the competition between the two is that Huang Yu's quality of life is getting higher and higher, and there is a tendency to develop towards the ancient emperor of Blue Star...

"Shikodi, you will follow me to pick a fire, before and after entering the abyss, you must protect it.

Emile, take the sealing crystal, and if the abyss passage can't hold Fabilio, Kraos, and the dragon, you will seal them into the abyss. "

After getting ready, Huang Yu arranged tasks for the two people standing behind him.

Then he teleported to the fire hall with Shi Kodi, and looked at the Fushen Realm Li Yin floating under the fire.

In the past month, the separation of the gods from the gods has been unfolding in the universe.

Suppressing those transferred lords is just a matter of convenience. Huang Yu's real purpose is to master the ability of Fushenjie Liyin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The current Fushenjie Liyin is like Huang Yu's extra palm, A single thought can flexibly use each function.

Extending his arm, Fushen Realm Liyin quickly regained its size and fell into Huang Yu's palm.

At the same time, the strange area that shrouded Universal City for more than a month also disappeared.

After Shikodi picked off a pair of fire seeds, Huang Yu personally held the seal of Fushenjie and brought Shikoti to the training ground in the west of the city.

"Welcome Lord Lord!"

As soon as Huang Yu's figure appeared, the troops gathered on the training ground saluted.

They knew that the place of this battle was an abyss full of chaos and harsh environment, but what Huang Yu saw from the faces of his soldiers were all fanatical fighting intent.

Especially the Shadowmoon Blue Wolf Legion, who had not participated in large-scale battles with him, and the warriors of the Twilight Raiders Legion.

They can be said to have longed for the next trip to a foreign land.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

An army with such high fighting spirit does not need Huang Yu's words to stimulate their morale. As long as they point the way, they will bring victory to Huang Yu!

Asking the soldiers to stand up, Huang Yu took out the abyss beacon from the anchor space, and a message popped up in his consciousness at the same time.

[Do you activate the abyss beacon and open the passage to the 233rd floor of the abyss? 】

[Note: This channel lasts for one day, and it is easy to cause demon invasion after opening, please use it with caution! 】


Chapter seven hundred and ninety fourth everything is ready

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