[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

The 233rd floor of the Endless Abyss, the Ooze Plateau.

The demon lord Atherond, who has reached the eighth-order legend, is sleeping soundly in his bed at the moment.

Its obsidian castle is built on the largest craters of the Slurry Plateau, and its bedroom is the interior of the volcano decorated with the skulls of various strange creatures, and the bed is the boiling lava pool.

To a Balrog, the hot, sticky lava is like a warm bed of water, which is not only comfortable to lie on, but also helps it build strength.

This is simply the paradise and blessed land of the Balrog!

However, Atheronde and the Balrog are not the masters of the Ooze Plateau, and even it and the army it rules are outsiders from this plane.

This seat originally belonged to a demon race called the Lava Demon, but the great Balrog Lord, the Demon Lord Morofigo who controlled the flames and the ashes, discovered it by chance.

The endless plane of the abyss, the terrain and environment are all kinds of strange, and it is rare to encounter a world that fits your own race. How can you let go of the greedy and tyrannical Balrog.

Shortly after the Demon Lord Morofigo watched the world, his army invaded the Ooze Plateau, ready to wrest control of the world from the Lava Demon.

During the long battle, at the bottom of the rolling lava river, the bones of the Balrog and the Lava Demon piled up like mountains, and I don't know how many monsters and servant demons turned to ashes in this land.

The two Balrog lords under Morofigo led the Balrog army and hundreds of millions of servant demons to fight here for several epochs before they took control of the Ooze Plateau from the Lava Devils.

But it's just a slippery plateau.

Although the 233rd floor of the abyss was named the Magma Plateau by Morofigo, the largest area in the world is a lava sea that surrounds the Magma Plateau.

Among them are countless volcanic islands and obsidian reefs.

The fighting of several epochs not only mutated the Balrogs under Atherond's command, but also gave the Lava Devils born in the lava sea an opportunity to evolve.

When another Balrog Lord rashly attacked the lava sea for the authority of the son of the devil, he was ambushed and killed by the suddenly born Lava Demon Lord.

And the demon king Molofigo, who is the main player in the hilarious hill, is unable to send support troops any more.

Atheronde's army, it is difficult to take another step into the lava sea.

A wide-hearted and fat Balrog, Atheronde has since lied down.

The last time it got up, it was interrupted by an inexplicable alien summoning spell.

In order to see the creature without eyes and dared to drive the Balrog, Aselund marked a Balrog who was about to break the summoning limit, and then threw it into the summoning circle.

And then... no then.

The Balrog Lord Aselond, who slept in the dark, completely forgot that he had a subordinate, was thrown into another world by himself and has not returned.

But today, Atheronde, whose snoring shook the volcano, couldn't fall into a deep sleep no matter how much he slept.

Its thousand-meter-high demon body was tossing and turning in the volcano, causing the lava river on the surface to collapse, causing the demons in Atheronde City to suffer from earthquakes.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

Until Atheronde, who was sleeping, sensed that his brand was activated, and smelled a sweet smell in the sulphur-smelling slush plateau.

Atherond, who was lying in the molten lava, suddenly opened his eyes.

This is the fluctuation of the Chaos Continent!

And the breath of the soul!


! "

Atheronde, who found Chaos Continent, climbed up from the lava and let out a roar of excitement.

The terrifying sound waves echoed in the crater, and the boiling lava expanded rapidly, filling the crater in an instant, and then sprayed the obese Aselund together with a huge amount of lava into the sky.

Atherond, who was let go by the volcano like a fart, didn't care about the castle that was torn apart, the city destroyed by the pouring lava, and the demon burned to death.

After shouting a few times at the Balrog who crawled out of the lava river, he couldn't wait to rush to the place where his mark was activated.

Fuck the Slurry Plateau, **** the lava sea, **** the Molofigo..


Now the demon lord, the legendary Balrog, and Atherond, whose brain has been burned by magma for thousands of years, has only one thought in his heart.

I have made a fortune!

If I'm not wrong, the creature that opened its imprint for the first time in so many epochs came from that chaotic continent that has the potential to transcend reincarnation!


If he can enter there and find the opportunities contained in it, Atheronde may be promoted to the devil, or even... the devil!

At that time, Morofigo will only have to please himself.

Demons are selfish, ill-tempered creatures with no loyalty at all.

When they encounter benefits, they will seek help from other demons unless they cannot be grabbed or destroyed.

For example, the Balrog Lord who died in the hands of the Lava Demon Lord in the Lava Sea before was killed because he did not want to share the godhead of the Devil's Son on the 233rd floor of the abyss with Atherond and attacked the Lava Sea alone.

Otherwise, how could a legendary demon, or a high-level demon like the Flame Demon, die in the lava sea without even having a chance to escape.

And Atheronde's current mentality is the same as that of the dead Balrog Lord, what it found is it.

Even its owner, creator, and ruler, the Demon King Molofigo, cannot rob what it finds.

When it can't get it by itself and can't destroy it, it will cooperate with other demons and rely on it in exchange for certain benefits.

In order to prevent the passage of Chaos Continent from being discovered by those lava demons, Atheronde also awakened all the demon commanders under him.

It instructs those demon lords loyal to Morofigo, and the subordinates of the dead demon lord, to wage war on the lava demons of the lava sea.

Disturb the perception of the Lava Demon Lord who is trying to fuse the Devil's Son Godhead, so that it doesn't notice his own movements and the opening of the Chaos Continent.

At the same time, Atheronde pointed out the location for the demon leaders and great demons who were loyal to him, and asked them to lead the elite troops to that area as soon as possible.

Restricted by the level limit of the interplanetary summoning spell, Atherond kept his mind and marked the demons that he shoved past.

But even if the demon broke through the level in the Chaos Continent, its strength only reached the level of the fifth-order demon general.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

Even if the imprint is strengthened, it can only barely allow the magic generals who have just entered the fifth rank and below to pass through the transmission channel without being restricted by the Chaos Continent.

Although Atheronde is powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it cannot shake the laws of Chaos Continent.

What it can do is to try to send enough elite subordinates to the Chaos Continent, so that they can plunder the coordinates with sufficient energy to stabilize, expand the channel, and prolong the existence of the channel.

When the passage is raised enough to allow it to pass, it can go to the Chaos Continent to harvest souls and find opportunities.

"I don't know what idiot, dare to activate the teleportation mark I set!"

As soon as he woke up, he picked up a huge opportunity, and Atheronde's big, hideous mouth never closed.

If the will of the abyss hadn't been broken, Atherond would have felt favored by the will of the abyss.

In the abyss, Atherond only heard that there was a small movement in the Chaos Continent in the realm of no light, but he had not heard of anyone who had actually obtained a teleportation channel.

If he can become the first demon lord to enter the Chaos Continent, Atherond's advantage is undoubtedly great.

After all, this is something that the Demon Kings of all races have never done before.

And Atherond doesn't believe that the Chaos Continent, which was born not long ago, will have a more powerful existence and power than it!

As long as it reaches the Chaos Continent unrestrictedly, everything on the Chaos Continent will be available to it.

In order to prevent being discovered, Aselonde chose to fly at a low altitude, and when it encountered a volcano, he would slam into it.

Although he didn't master much space ability, but with the strength of the eighth-order legend, Aselonde's movement speed was still very fast, and he reached his destination in ten seconds.

Then, Atherond saw the "idiot" who activated his mark.

Chapter 795 Demon Lord Aselonde

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