In Universal City, Huang Yu immediately chose "Yes" when he saw the message from the abyss beacon.

Afterwards, the abyss beacon broke away from Huang Yu's palm and quickly rotated and expanded two or three meters in front of him.

Like an eraser that erases the real world, a teleportation channel twenty or thirty meters in diameter was formed in an instant.

Through this transmission channel, Huang Yu could see the gray-brown land of the laminar slush plateau in Abyss 233, the magma exuding scarlet rays of light in the cracks of the land, the smoke and dust in the air, and the volcano in the distance.

This scorched earth is like the end of the world, and there is no life at all.

But everything in sight has already made Huang Yu feel that entering the abyss is a good choice.

Just the obsidian everywhere, the fire essence that contains abundant fire element energy, is worth a lot of soul crystals.

And the resources of the abyss 233 laminar slurry plateau are obviously not the only ones.

After the portal to the abyss was opened, Huang Yu did not hesitate too much, and immediately flew into the portal with Liyin of Fushen Realm.

The Valkyrie holding the secondary fire also summoned the frost dew Aurora, and followed Huang Yu to the 233rd floor of the abyss.

The son of the element, Emile, originally wanted to be one step ahead of the Valkyrie and accompany Huang Yu into the abyss.

But because of the Wings of Blue Fabrio, the Wrath of Thunder Kraos, and the dragons of the fifth and sixth rank, all of them were too large to enter the teleportation channel, so they could only stay outside. , and use the seal crystal to start storing these big guys.

After Huang Yu, the five hundred magic knights and the elite casters of the Crown of Mysteries began to march towards the abyss ahead of the legion warriors.

The fourth-order young giant dragon will also look at the neutral position, converge its wings, and plunge into the transmission channel.

The temperature in the air could be in the 50s or 60s, and there was an unpleasant smell of sulphur and choking soot.

Just as Huang Yu stepped into the 233rd floor of the abyss, he couldn't help frowning.

In this gray world, it is not suitable for human survival and activities. Even if it is an extraordinary army, if it does not have a certain strength, if it stays for a long time, it will be plagued by the accumulation of dust and toxins in the body.

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

In the troops stationed in the abyss this time, everyone's strength has reached the third-order or above.

Not only that, the Magic Weave Research Institute has also created a mask that can help the soldiers breathe normally and balance their body temperature on the 233 laminar Slurry Plateau in the abyss.

When Huang Yu establishes a city here, the dwarf master Groin, the arcanist of the Crown of Secrets, and the masters of the Magic Weave Research Institute will jointly transform the abyss city and make it more livable.

Thoughts flashed by, almost at the moment of arrival, in order to prevent accidents, Huang Yu directly chose to open the seal of Fushen Realm.

The mysterious field instantly enveloped an area of ​​25 kilometers, and Huang Yu's consciousness also covered this area.

Some monsters, demons wandering in the Slurry Plateau, and demons lurking in the underground lava all appeared in Huang Yu's perception.

And these monsters also became restless and restless because of the inexplicable suppression on their bodies.

More than a month ago, when Huang Yu activated Fushen Realm Liyin, the area that he could cover was only 22 kilometers.

But after more than a month of cultivation, this range has spread out by another three kilometers, and the core area, regular area, and peripheral area have all increased accordingly.

"Sir, Tinder!"

The Valkyrie Shi Kodi handed over the fire, and Huang Yu was about to activate the fire, but suddenly felt that the energy in the Liyinyu field of Fushen Realm was inexplicably impacted.

The next moment, the originally hazy smog plateau lit up!

In the distant sky, a fireball emitting a scorching light appeared.

It is like a sun falling to the ground, swaying hot magma and falling to the earth.

Half of the world in front of Huang Yu's eyes was occupied by the firelight it emitted.

The terrifying high temperature made the space in that half of the world begin to distort.

And the world outside the area covered by the Liyin of Fushen Realm is like the end of the world.

The earth trembles, the fire erupts, the volcano erupts... These are just the consequences of the unintentional existence, but for ordinary people, it is already a desperate phenomenon.

"Is this the power at the top of the world?"

Huang Yu looked at the fireball that was getting closer and closer, and after opening the chaotic world, he could barely see Aselonde's figure clearly.

This is a balrog with a fat body and a demon body exceeding 2000 meters.

If it weren't for the protection of the gods of the gods, his strength would not support him to observe this level of energy creatures for a long time.

Waving his hand back, Huang Yu asked the troops entering the 233rd floor of the abyss to suspend their entry.

Huang Yu knew that his intrusion would definitely attract the attention of powerful beings in the abyss, but he did not expect the enemy to come so quickly.

Before his army could enter, before he could establish a stronghold, a terrifying flame demon came to kill him.

Although he has confidence in the artifact Fushen Realm Liyin, but the situation is unknown now, in order to prevent accidents, Huang Yu still asked his subordinates not to call over.

If Fushen Realm's Liyin can't stop this flame demon, which is very likely to be a legendary existence, he can easily run away.

Under Huang Yu's gaze, the demon lord Aselonde was approaching at an extremely fast speed, and the whole world was dyed orange because of its arrival.

Even the temperature in the air has risen by more than ten degrees, making the fourth-order white dragon who entered the abyss first feel uncomfortable.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The excited roar of the Flame Demon Lord entered the ears of the people present, and Huang Yu could feel the excitement, ridicule, and endless greed from the eyes he looked at himself.

Finally, the Flame Demon Lord came to Huang Yu twenty-five kilometers away, that is, the edge of the Fushen Realm from the Indy Field.

Without any hesitation, the Flame Demon Lord plunged into the outer area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm.


As if a handful of water was poured on the fire, Aselonde's fat body of more than 2,000 meters suddenly became only more than 600 meters after entering the outer area of ​​Fushen Realm and leaving India.

Its aura that changed the color of the world also disappeared in an instant.

The earth returned to calm, the fire stopped spraying, and even the volcano seemed to be unable to urinate, and after spitting it twice, it lost its movement.

The Balrog Lord Aselonde felt something was wrong and immediately stopped.

It looked at its shrunk body in disbelief, wondering where its power went.

The strength and physicality of the original eighth-order legend is now only the level of the seventh-order sanctuary.

This made Atherond feel a sense of unease and crisis in his heart.

Huang Yu looked at the flame demon lord who was standing in the outer area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm, and he was relieved.

Fushen Realm Liyin still played its role as an artifact stably, forcibly suppressing the strength of the Legendary Flame Demon to a level higher than him.

This also gave Huang Yu the confidence to stand in the abyss!

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