【Ding! 】

[The lord kills the commander of the Kui-arm demon (seventh-order sanctuary!)]

[The lord has gained 67.83 million experience points and 42.3 million soul crystals! 】

[Void Devouring has been successfully launched, and the lord has been selected for the lord's racial abilities: Shaking Mountain, Throwing Stars. Gene Ability: Quebec Arm, Strong Bone. Innate Ability: Earth Shaking. 】

After Huang Yu returned to Zhenmo City, he received a series of information prompts.

Before it was too late to get excited about killing the leader of the Kui Arm Demon, Huang Yu quickly returned to the Universal City through the teleportation channel with the huge sum of more than 40 million soul crystals harvested.

After gaining more than 60 million experience points, Huang Yu felt like he was overwhelmed at the moment.

Every part of his body is boiling, like a butterfly desperately trying to break out of its cocoon.

Moreover, Huang Yu felt that the energy he had just poured into his body was rapidly draining. If he didn't hurry up to make extraordinary transformation, the energy that could have allowed him to rise two or even three levels in a row might only allow him to rise to one level.

Therefore, Huang Yu needs a safe and stable place to carry out his extraordinary transformation.

The Demon Commander's body was taken out and thrown at the training ground and handed over to his subordinates for disposal. When Huang Yu killed the Demon Commander, who was only about 200 meters away, he immediately swelled to a height of 700 meters after losing the restraint of the Fushen Realm's Liyin. high.

In the warm cheers of his subordinates, Huang Yu flew to the top of the palace and immediately underwent extraordinary transformation.

Huang Yu can feel that the main part of his transformation this time is the "eyes", and the core ability of this part is the first ability of the "law of chaos", chaos vision.

In the previous transformation, the second ability of the Chaos Power Law, "weight loss manipulation", has transformed into "weight loss control".

At first glance, it seems that there is not much change, but the gap is still quite large. The most intuitive point is that Huang Yu has a broader and more flexible control over the weight loss target.

Huang Yu originally thought that the ability for the second transformation of Chaos Power and Law would be "scalar manipulation", but he did not expect it to be his most powerful reconnaissance ability "Chaos Vision".

Because it did not involve the sublimation of the entire talent, Huang Yu's transformation was not slow this time.

But before he could see the ability of "Chaos Vision" after transformation, the second extraordinary transformation followed.

It can only be said that "scalar manipulation" is late, but Huang Yu's ability to transform for the seventh time is impressively the third ability of the Law of Chaos.

It took nearly an hour before and after, before Huang Yu completed two transformations.

Even though Huang Yu's movements were fast enough, he could still feel that nearly 20 million experience points had been wasted in vain.

If the 20 million experience points can be retained, Huang Yu might be able to undergo the third extraordinary transformation.

Although Huang Yu felt a pity in his heart, he was more joyful after the strength was improved.

After two consecutive upgrades, he raised his level to LV56. If he killed two or three more demon commanders, wouldn't he be able to step directly into the seventh-order sanctuary?

As for the two abilities after metamorphosis, scalar manipulation continued the metamorphosis route of loss manipulation and became scalar control.

However, the change in Chaos Vision is particularly large, from Chaos Vision to "Eye of Chaos".

Not only does it have all the abilities of Chaos Vision, but it can also remotely release the original ability of Chaos Vision by making the mark of the Eye of Chaos.

In addition, after possessing some information and items of the target, Huang Yu can observe the past, present and future of Mohu of the target, and impose curses or other influences on it.

However, the Eye of Chaos can be detected by people who are extremely mentally strong, or who also have the ability of Chaos.

The transformation intensity of "Chaos Vision" this time made Huang Yu feel a little exaggerated, and even faintly felt that the Law of Chaos Power did have a chance to impact the "Perfect" grade!

"After the Void Plundering talent evolved into Void Devouring, it directly became my stomach for acquiring excellent abilities!

Take the essence and get rid of the dross, as long as it benefits my ability, I can have it all for me!

However, the ability of the domain cannot be swallowed. Is it because the personal brand of the domain is too heavy and not suitable for me to integrate, or is the ability of the domain cannot be swallowed? "

In addition to the huge experience points and soul crystals, after Huang Yu killed the commander of the Kui Arm Demon, there was another good gain, that is, the physique and ability obtained by swallowing the void.

It's just that in the ability to swallow, there is no domain ability commanded by the Kui Arm Demon.

In addition, Huang Yu did not obtain the body of the Kui Arm Demon like killing the Flame Demon.

Huang Yu felt that the reason for this might be that the racial value of the Kui Arm Demon was too low, and it was inferior to a powerful demon like the Flame Demon.

From the composition of the Flame Demon army, it can be seen that demons such as Kui-arm demon, bat demon, horn demon, and sickle-tail demon have a higher status than demons, as well as cannon fodder such as inferior demons, cowardly demons, little demons, and brow-horned demons. Some.

Just like the ten thousand races on the Chaos Continent, there are divisions such as super races and advanced races.

Although the commander of the Kui Arm Demon is the existence of the seventh-order sanctuary, his status in the flame demon army should not be considered high, or else he would not enter the Fushen Realm with a group of big demons and become the warlord within the normal range of the Indian realm. .

Of course, this information is not comprehensive, Huang Yu has now sent someone to capture the demon.

After bringing it to the Chaos Continent, there will be special people to obtain information from the brains of these demons.

At that time, Huang Yu will also get more information about the various races in the abyss.

After a little activity and familiarity with the newly added power, Huang Yu flew to the transmission channel again.

At this time, the arms on the training ground have been rotated, which shows how tense the war in Town Demon City is.

In addition, there are also many corpses of demons and monsters piled up on the training ground, which are being decomposed by professional people.

In addition to the materials in the abyss, the corpse of the demon is also a very valuable thing. This is why Huang Yu just killed the commander of the Kui Arm Demon and tried to use Void Drift to keep his whole corpse.

However, in addition to the huge corpse of the gigantic Demon Commander in the training ground, there were even several corpses of great demons.

Among them were bat demons, horned demons, gigantic arm demons, and even a terror!

"The devil can't bear it anymore, has he started sending out the backbone?"

Huang Yu was worried about the war in Zhenmocheng, so he immediately got into the teleportation channel and returned to Zhenmocheng.

As soon as he stood still, his ears were filled with shouting and killing voices.

The town of Demon Town was still the same as it was an hour ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was basically unaffected by the battle.

Arms and dragons are waiting to be rotated with their comrades outside.

The mages stepped on the Frisbee, or were located in the war airship, and released spells on both the enemy and the enemy according to the command.

The only difference may be that the twelve expensive Adamantite Magic Light Cannons are now in operation.

From time to time, magic light rain and magic light rays are launched, and the magic light explosion that consumes serious energy has not been launched.

"However. Where did Shikodi, the blood-born **** general, and Pan Sen and others go?"

Huang Yu dodged and came to the Wall of Broken Demons. In addition to the boundless demon army, there were also several troops fighting in the conventional area.

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