Outside the town of magic.

Five hundred magic knights, divided into ten squads, each with five multi-functional mechanical warehouses, ran rampantly on the border of the core area of ​​Liyin in Fushen Realm.

Fifty people are well-equipped, with strong defense and firepower, as well as the extraordinary combat power of dragon power and endurance.

When they hugged together, it was like ten black holes of death appeared on the battlefield in the core area.

The ten Mageweave knight squads revolved around the boundary of the core area like grinding discs, tearing all approaching monsters and demons to shreds.

And they have also become another outer line of defense after the magic artillery bombardment area of ​​Zhenmo City.

No one can resist the slaughtering and circling of the magic knights. Even if demons use large ordnance to bombard the magic knights, they will be avoided by their flying ability and powerful defense system.

There are multi-functional mechanical warehouses, and their firepower and energy are very sufficient.

Occasionally, when an extraordinary demon appears near the core area, the magic knight will also cooperate with the blood-born **** general and step into the extraordinary troops, and go to the regular area to hunt them down.

This is also the reason why there are so many extraordinarily large demon corpses on the training ground in the outer city of the universe.

"The front of the universe!"

Just when Huang Yu was checking the battle of the magic knights, a holy artifact chant suddenly came from the regular area.

Immediately afterwards, a holy light sword shot up into the sky, illuminating a large area.

Huang Yu opened the eyes of chaos, and then saw that the Valkyrie Shi Kodi was riding the frost dew aurora, the whole body was protected by the heroic spirit Cao Ming's seventh-order holy weapon "Chaoyue Tiger", and in his hand was holding Dilios's Aurora Borealis. The eight-star holy artifact, "The Frontier of World Development", slashed at a terror that had stepped into the extraordinary.

Originally, with the extraordinary strength of the sixth-order, it was actually very easy for the big demon to escape the attack of the Valkyrie Shikodi, who was only at the fifth-order.

But that terrifying monster was like touching porcelain, with a face full of astonishment, it bumped into the front of the universe under the command of the Valkyrie Shikodi.

The more than 100-meter-long sword beam was drawn from the right shoulder of the extraordinary demon to the left abdomen. After the white light penetrated through the body, the sixth-order extraordinary terror was slashed in half.

Although it was inexplicably slashed by the human in front of him, the terror was not dead. The powerful supernatural power and racial ability allowed it to fix the lower body that was about to fall with both hands, and quickly consumed supernormal power to try to heal.

However, the strength of the front of the universe is not only because of its power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, otherwise, it will not become an eight-star holy artifact that rarely exists in the Hall of Valor.

The blood and internal organs poured out like a waterfall from the broken part of the body, and the extraordinary power used to heal the wound was torn and consumed by the power of faith inscribed with the will of "nothing is broken".

Feeling the loss of vitality, the transcendent Terror who confronted the Valkyrie Shikoti finally showed a look of panic, fear and hatred.

Throwing down his lower body, his wings moved behind him, and the terror flew to the front of the Valkyrie Shikodi in an instant.

After completing the fatal blow, the energy-consuming frontier of the universe was sent back to the Hall of Valor by the Valkyrie Shikoti, and the "Chaoyue Tiger" who helped her defend against the attacks of other demons immediately faced the approaching terror. magic.

Chaoyue Tiger is a seven-star holy weapon awakened by Cao Ming, a fifth-order heroic spirit of the Hall of Heroes. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities. It looks like a white tiger with wings attached. It can actively protect the target, attack the enemy, and can also merge with the target to gain more powerful abilities.

Its owner, Cao Ming, was a heroic soldier who died in the hands of Novalu, the lord of the Blackstone Tribe, after the battle between the Universal Territory and the Orc Allied Forces.

It was also in that battle that Cao Xing became the first king-level arm of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry...

The flying Chaoyue Tiger instantly swelled to the size of half of the Terror, and bit on the Terror's neck.

But the Terror, who knew that he was sure to die, did not pull Chaoyue Tiger, but angrily slapped Shikodi, the Valkyrie Goddess with only fifth-order strength, with the palm of his demonic energy.

The warriors above the transcendent, especially the races like the Terror, which are famous for their strong physique even among the demons, have a very terrifying vitality.

The originally calm Valkyrie Shikodi finally showed a little panic on her face.

She raised her arms high, and a circular magic circle was opened above her head, and then a dozen pure offensive holy weapons flew out one after another, flying towards the extraordinary terror. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 804: Terrifying Shi Yue Sniper

The holy artifacts that Shikodi urgently summoned were all low-star holy artifacts, and the dying supernatural demon smashed them all away with three blows.

But this also gave the Valkyrie Shikoti time to snipe when she launched.

A phantom appeared behind the Valkyrie Shikodi, and in an instant, with the Valkyrie Shikodi as the center, an area of ​​about tens of miles around entered a golden world full of gears and strings.

In addition to the Valkyrie Shikoti and the Transcendent Terror, there are also three great demons who are close to her.


! "

An extraordinary demon who was inexplicably pulled into this realm, his screams broke out of surprise and fear.

Before the three and a half extraordinary demons could resist, dense golden strings appeared in this unknown area.

These golden strings just flickered, and the three and a half extraordinary demons turned into tiny pieces of meat and scattered on the ground.

Even that powerful extraordinary power was instantly wiped out by a mysterious energy.


The Unknown Sanctuary only existed for a moment, and then disappeared immediately.

The demon's roar came like a tide, but the Valkyrie Shikodi was just riding the frost dew aurora, staring blankly at the demon that turned into minced meat in the air, and was stunned for a while.

This was the first time she used the sniper. It was originally just an instinctive release in panic, but she did not expect to summon herself directly to the seventh-order sanctuary, using the power of the domain to instantly kill three and a half extraordinary demons.

"Have you summoned yourself to enter the sanctuary in the future, and directly use the ability of the sanctuary to instantly kill the enemy!"

"Time Yue Sniper... It's a terrifying and unreasonable ability!"

Huang Yu, who turned into a dragon, took a breath of the dragon, cleaned up the demons that came in the vicinity, and then sent it to the anchor space along with the four supernatural demon corpses that had turned into minced meat.

Not long after he returned to the town of Demon Town, he saw that Shi Kedi was caught in an embarrassed situation when he challenged an extraordinary demon.

Just as he teleported to Shikodi and was about to rescue Shikodi, the "half" big demon who attacked Shikodi and the other three big demons who had gathered here disappeared instantly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

When they reappeared, the four demons were already dead and could no longer die.

Recalling the phantom that flashed behind Shi Kou Di, Huang Yu immediately guessed what ability Shi Kou Di used.

After cleaning up the surrounding demons, Huang Yu looked at Shikodi.

As a special existence in the Hall of Valor, the Valkyrie Shikodi can also be upgraded through experience points.

After killing four extraordinary demons with the help of the future self, the huge experience value immediately poured into the body of the Valkyrie Shikodi.

After the surging golden light disappeared, the girl who was transformed into a Valkyrie by Huang Yu a week ago was already a sixth-order existence!

Chapter 804: Terrifying Shi Yue Sniper

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