"Thank you Lord Lord!"

When I opened my eyes, I saw Lord Lord guarding him to advance to the sixth rank, and Shikodi greeted Huang Yu with a smile like a flower.

"Don't thank me, I basically did nothing."

Huang Yu shook his head and opened the Eye of Chaos to check the situation of the Valkyrie Shikodi.

The creatures in the Hall of Valor do not have any claims of extraordinary transformation.

After Shikodi is promoted to Tier 6, the upgrade is over.

Huang Yu can feel that her breath has become stronger, but it is completely different from Pan Sen, Kratos and others.

Heroic spirits, Valkyries and human arms are different, there is no rank, only rank.

However, killing four extraordinary demons by leaps and bounds, even if it is not the hands of the current one, all the experience is counted on the Valkyrie Shikodi.

It is natural to jump from the fifth step to the sixth step.

"The more sniping the time just now, just consumes all the energy after you stepped into the sixth order... Is this also in your calculation?"

Under normal circumstances, each time the level increases, the individual will recover a certain amount of energy and injury.

But through the eye of chaos, Huang Yu saw that the energy in Shikodi's body was very thin.

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Shikodi looked a little embarrassed, and answered:

"I, who has reached the seventh rank, seems to have overdrawn the energy after my promotion to the sixth rank in advance. I only know that she has opened the sanctuary, but I don't know how she did it."

The seventh-order me, the sixth-order me... Shi Kedi felt that her words were strange.

However, she was also very much looking forward to the day when she was promoted to the seventh rank.

Because at the moment when the realm opened, she found that even if her realm was closed, it was amazing.

It is many times larger than the "Bright Burning Spirit Realm" that Lord Lord once entered.

According to the convention that the larger the realm, the stronger the strength, as mentioned by the great master Yo'an, Shikodi felt that after opening the realm, the strength must be very terrible.

"You can rest in the town of Demon City first, and leave it to us."

Huang Yu didn't tangle too much about the overdraft of Shikodi's energy.

Seeing more and more demons flocking to him, including several extraordinary demons, Huang Yu immediately used teleportation to send Shikodi back to the town of demons.

"Go to hell, human beings!"

As soon as Shikodi was sent away, a horned demon stepped on the corpse of a low-level demon and slammed into Huang Yu.

In the regular area, the strength of these extraordinary demons is basically not affected too much, which also makes the extraordinary demons in the demon servant army active.

Seeing that the human being named by the Balrog Lord Atherond appeared in the regular area, the nearby demons swarmed over.

Want to kill Huang Yu, make a great contribution.

But there is a gap above the extraordinary.

The heroic arms, king-level arms, and god-level arms above the extraordinary will definitely not be of the same level, let alone Huang Yu, who has unfathomable abilities.

On the demon side, there are many extraordinary demons and even demon commanders.

But it took hundreds of thousands of years to step into the transcendent, so one can imagine what kind of stuff it is.

The earth shakes!

Huang Yu's incarnation of a demon dragon's right leg quickly became disproportionately sturdy like the arm of a Kui arm, and he stepped on the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The ground trembled violently three times, and with Huang Yu's control of the earth element, the ground beneath his feet was like a tidal wave, and three layers of thorns spewed out successively, covering a wide area of ​​several thousand meters.

The horned demon that rushed in was immediately shot away by the air waves mixed with the stone cones, and all the demons within the range of Huang Yu's earth shaking were shot by ground thorns, flying rocks, and stone cones. Meat puree.

Not far away, an extraordinary Kui-armed demon saw this scene and couldn't believe his eyes.

This is a powerful area attack that can only be released by hammering the earth at different frequencies.

That monster stomped its feet, could it trigger such a terrifying power?

"This ability is not very useful."

Huang Yu, who completed the clearing in an instant, complained about the earth shaking, and then stretched out his hands.

The void energy in the left hand surged, condensing a star-grazing magic blade, and the elemental fire in the right hand was entangled, turning it into a flaming giant sword.

Then his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the extraordinary horned demon who was sifted by the earth-attribute attacks mixed in the impact.


The violet light passed by, the head of the horned demon flew up, the power of the void invaded and shattered the will of the horned demon, and Huang Yu beheaded the life of the first extraordinary demon today.

Throwing the corpse of the extraordinary demon into the anchor space, Huang Yu sighed the dragon's breath and burned the incoming demon army to ashes.

Then, he teleported to another extraordinary demon again, and stabbed the flaming sword in his hand.

[The lord kills the extraordinary demon...]


[The lord kills the extraordinary...]


[The lord kills...]


Huang Yu used the breath of the dragon to slaughter the boundless demon army, and at the same time used the space teleportation ability to attack and kill the extraordinary demons who entered the regular area.

During the whole process, no demon could stop Huang Yu's massacre.

In front of Huang Yu, the difference between those extraordinary demons and other demons is that they won't easily die under the breath of the dragon who cleans up the miscellaneous soldiers, and they can do some meaningless struggles before they die.

After slaughtering three extraordinary demons in a row and countless demon servants, Huang Yu collected enough upgraded soul crystals and returned to Universal City through the teleportation channel for extraordinary transformation.

Half an hour later, Huang Yu, who had already upgraded to lv57, transformed the element master and phase element into element master and absolute element, and stepped into the battlefield again.

In the regular area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm, experience points and soul crystals are harvested crazily.

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash!"

Seeing Huang Yu wantonly in the regular area, the demon lord Atherond, who stood outside the Liyinyu field of Fushenjie, was full of anger.

He threw out the flame whip in his hand, and burned several extraordinary demons who were hidden in the army and did not want to enter the field to ashes.

Then he pulled back his long whip, and after swinging it a few times, he slammed it towards the army of lava demons stationed by the magma river.

Several of the lava demon leaders who led the team did not dare to take the angry blow of the Balrog Lord and dodged one after another.

But the whip never came down.

The head of Harad stopped the flame whip, and the figure of the lava demon lord Melmidok appeared, frowning and looking at Atheronde, with a look of "what are you doing~".

"When are you going to see?"

The Balrog Lord Aselond dispelled the flame whip, and said in a loud voice:

"My subordinates have been attacking for so long, shouldn't the lava demon do something?"

"Jie Jie Jie, Aselonde, didn't one of your Balrogs not move?"

Lava Demon Lord Melmidok laughed weirdly:

"As for those middle and low-level demons, they were originally used as cannon fodder. No matter how many they die, they won't make you feel bad, right?"

"I only know that my legion is being rapidly consumed by the enemy, while your clan is watching the show!"

Athelund looked at Melmidok coldly and warned:

"That teleportation channel won't last for too long~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If we can't occupy the teleportation channel before it disappears, the only way for us to enter the Chaos Continent is to **** the coordinates."

However, the self-confessed cunning lava lord doesn't take Atherond's way.

Now that it has discovered Atherond's purpose, it has no fear of Atherond being able to put himself aside.

Although Atheronde is temporarily stronger than it, it is impossible to kill it.

Patting Herad's head, the Lava Demon Lord said to Aselonde:

"It's okay if you want the Lava Demon to go up, and your Balrog must also go up!"

Hearing the words of the Lava Demon Lord, Aselond looked at the teleportation channel in the town of Demon Town, and at the servant army who had not even climbed the Wall of Broken Demon, and finally nodded.

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