【Ding! 】

[The lord kills the sixth-order candle demon]

[The lord gained 7.62 million experience points and 5.22 million soul crystals! 】

[Void Devouring successfully launched...]


Half a day has passed, but the fighting outside the Demon Town has not subsided.

Huang Yu threw a candle demon with its tail and horns burning like a candle into the anchor point space, enduring the pain of dry throat, and released a breath of demon dragon, killing the army of demons that were coming, and by the way, he was forced to retreat. A sixth-order balrog and two sixth-order dog demons.

Then Huang Yu grabbed the sixth-order sickle-tail demon who attacked him with his tail, and launched a teleportation to teleport him and himself to the town of demon town.

"Human... ah!

! "

Before the sickle-tailed demon could say the cruel words that were brewing in his mouth, Huang Yu, who was transformed into a dragon, pierced his chest with a sharp claw blade, and pulled out the demon's heart that was still beating after he left the body.

【Ding! 】

[The lord kills the sixth-order sickle tail demon]

[The lord gained 4.75 million experience points and 3.18 million soul crystals! 】


Whoosh whoosh!

Putting the corpse of the sickle-tail demon into the anchor space, Huang Yu turned into a human figure, gasping for breath.

After the last extraordinary transformation, Huang Yu had been fighting for more than three hours in a row.

Continuously using his talent to slaughter demons and hunt extraordinary demons, Huang Yu naturally gained a lot of experience points and soul crystals.

But it also made him feel weak for the first time since he consciously awakened his talent.

The number of demons is too large, and the extraordinary demons seem to be inexhaustible, and they can be encountered wherever they go.

Even Huang Yu didn't dare to easily go to places where some extraordinary demons gathered.

Especially after the Balrog and the Lava Demon joined the battlefield, the intensity of the war in the town of Demon City increased significantly.

Although these two kinds of demons are both fire-type demons, the Balrog is more inclined to casters, while the Lava Demon is more inclined to warriors.

After the two sides jointly attacked the town of Demon Town, three of the twelve golden figures were damaged, and Thunder Fury Clios was also seriously injured.

Later, Leia had to recall the magic knight to the wall, which avoided the risk of being attacked by the demon.

"I knew about catching that terrifying demon, and the experience value given by this sickle-tailed demon is too low!"

Huang Yu glanced at his 97% experience bar.

He finally left the battlefield, not because he was physically weak and wanted to escape the pursuit of the extraordinary demon, but because he was about to usher in a new round of breakthroughs.

I originally thought that killing an extraordinary demon would fill the last point of experience points from lv57 to lv58, but unexpectedly, after killing the sickle tail demon, the experience points obtained are still not enough.

"When the transformation is completed and I go to the battlefield to hunt down extraordinary demons, I should pick some high-level demons to kill..."

Huang Yu looked at the big men standing out in the demon army.

After this half-day battle, Huang Yu also had a certain understanding of the classification of demon races.

Although no specific information about demons has been obtained for the time being, Huang Yu can still tell which demons are strong and which are weak.

The strongest demon race in the Slurry Plateau is the Balrog.

The reason why the Lava Demon can compete with the Balrog is because the Lava Demon, as the aborigines of the Slurry Plateau, has a very large number.

Moreover, the strength of the lava demon is not bad. In the previous performance, it is obviously a grade higher than the demons such as the candle demon, the dog demon, and the terror demon.

As for demons such as Kui-arm demon, bat demon, sickle-tail demon, and horn demon, their strength is weaker than that of candle demon and terror demon.

Inferior demons, cowardly demons, and eyebrow demons, etc., are the cannon fodder among the cannon fodder. Huang Yu was on the battlefield, and he did not even see the extraordinary demons of these three races.

Although I don't know if there are grades of demon arms, the stronger the demon, the more experience points and soul crystals will be given.

Just before Huang Yu left, he dragged a sickle-tail demon. In the entire demon class, it was only a demon in the second echelon. The experience points given were naturally not on the same order as the horror demon in the third echelon.

Fortunately, his subordinates are powerful, and the experience points given to Huang Yu every minute are quickly filling the 3% of the vacant experience in his experience slot.

This also made Huang Yu temporarily put out the idea of ​​​​breaking into the demon army to fight, and turned to look at the performance of his subordinates on the battlefield.

At this time, only Pan Sen, Kratos, Cao Xing, Jiang Chengzi, Ryana, Pairush, and Rommel were able to go to the conventional area to fight.

Each of them rode an extraordinary dragon, possessing certain maneuverability, and their comprehensive strength was very strong. They could run rampant in conventional areas just like Huang Yu.

Now the level of the seven people has improved a lot, and there are few big demons in the Flame Demon army who can fight against them.

And the Valkyrie Shikoti, whose strength has not fully recovered, has not been matched with the blood-born **** general and blood-born apostle of the extraordinary dragon, and has been promoted to the extraordinary king-level arms, hero arms, and Yang Yan Hippolyte, Dragon Blood Wuji Shyvana, two newly-born god-level units, jumped repeatedly between the regular area and the core area.

Some of them relied on the extraordinary flight advantage of Tier 6, and some relied on the adult reincarnated dragon to slaughter the demons that were constantly flocking to the town of Demon Town, reducing the pressure on the defenders on the Wall of Broken Demons.

People with such strength as the blood-born **** generals and the extraordinary king-level arms, even most of the time, form groups to fight extraordinary demons in the regular area.

In the army of demons, the vast majority of extraordinary demons are not their opponents, but there are too many extraordinary demons in the enemy.

Especially near the core area, extraordinary demons basically appear together.

There are seven or eight, or even a dozen of them at a time, plus the harassment of demons under the extraordinary, basically requires the cooperation of many people to be foolproof.

"Wu Mo doesn't even look at the location? He doesn't even know if he is surrounded!"

Huang Yu was condescending and focused on the middle of the regular area.

There, Baji Swordsman Wumo, who is more like a demon than a demon, is frantically slaughtering the demons around him.

Wu Mo has the ability to source blood and energy, and can draw energy from the surrounding corpses to restore his physical strength and injuries.

This also gives Wu Mo a strong ability to continue fighting.

Under the influence of the taste of God and the physique of predators~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at this time Wu Mo can no longer be called "eight-pole sword mad", and he is called "sixteen-pole sword mad", perhaps would be more appropriate.

Its body seems to be evenly cut in half from the side, with two heads, two upper body parts, and sixteen arms.

The original face on the back of the head was often turned on after Wu Mo was promoted to extraordinary, and at this time it happened to act as the controller of Wu Mo's "behind" body.

The current Wu Mo is like two eight-armed swordsmen who cooperate tacitly, with sixteen arms and sixteen swords dancing in airtightness.

All the demons and attacks that approached would be cut into pieces by the sword light, and even the extraordinary demons would not dare to touch its edge.

It's just that Wu Mo's movement speed is not fast, which also causes it to be targeted by more extraordinary demons.

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