Although Wu Mo was not in the forefront of Huang Yu's god-level combat power.

But if you only talk about swordsmanship and melee combat ability, there are very few that can surpass it in the universe.

Simultaneously wielding sixteen blades and using two sets of eight-pole swordsmanship, only Wu Mo, who has sixteen arms, can do it.

As more and more demons were killed, Wu Mo gradually showed some characteristics of demons.

Its innate ability "Taste of God" was born out of Huang Yu's void plundering talent, and it can devour and merge the abilities that fit it.

This also caused the grotesque Wumo to become more and more powerful than the demons present.

In particular, the sixteen arms are as flexible and agile as the tail of a sickle tail demon, and as strong and powerful as the arms of a kui arm demon.

Such limbs, combined with superb swordsmanship and excellent swords, exert a terrifying lethality.

In Wu Mo's hands, the airtight sword light is not only a sharp attack method, but also a powerful defense guarantee.

The demons even bombarded Wumo with ordnance, but it was easily resisted by it with eight pole swordsmanship.

A sixth-order horned demon tried to hit Wumo with the hard single horn on its head, but what awaited it was the death of its entire head being sliced ​​into slices.

This also led to the rise of Wu Mozai, and rushed into the demon army arrogantly, so that he came to the middle of the regular area of ​​Liyin in the Fushen Realm.

After beheading the seventh extraordinary demon and raising the level by one level, Wu Mo found that the number of demons in front of him had actually decreased.

What followed were two sixth-order flame demons, five sixth-order lava demons, and six extraordinary demons of other races.

"Are you surrounded?"

Seeing this, Wu Mo did not hesitate at all, and immediately rushed to the sixth-order lava demon who blocked his retreat.

Seeing Wu Mo rushing towards him, the sixth-order lava demon smiled grimly, raised his arm made of magma and wrapped in volcanic ash, and slammed into the ground beneath his feet.


The scorching magma mixed with extremely impactful stones swept across the fan-shaped area of ​​nearly 200 meters in front of the lava demon.

Many demon servants who were too late to evacuate were turned to ashes under this heavy blow of lava.

Although it has reached a cooperation with the Balrog, the Lava Devil obviously doesn't care much about the life and death of the Lava Devil army. When attacking Wumo, he also killed many demons in the Balrog's servant army.

As the original owner of the Slurry Plateau, the Balrog and the Lava Devil can be said to be a feud

Even if they cooperate under the orders of their own lords, when they can make a stumble, the two sides will never get involved in the lake.

However, before the Flame Demon side scolded the Lava Demon, a silk thread that shone with metallic luster came out of the surging lava wave and hit the Lava Demon's chest accurately.


The lava demon subconsciously wanted to grab the thread, and saw a figure spinning like a top, breaking through the turbulent lava layer and approaching him.

Giant Rock Punch!

The lava demon's fist quickly turned into an obsidian-like form and changed direction to smash at Wumo.

ever had ever-

Like the sound of a cutting machine cutting floor tiles, Wu Mo quickly rolled around the Lava Demon's arm several times.

The face of the sixth-order lava demon also became hideous in an instant, and there was a look of pain in his eyes.

The next moment, the arm that turned into obsidian was chopped into several pieces by Wu Mo.

Just as Wu Mo was about to cut off the lava demon's neck, the lava demon suddenly cracked with dense openings.

Feeling the blazing heat, Wu Mo immediately set up sixteen swords and danced them tightly.

puff puff!

The boiling lava shot outwards from all parts of the lava demon's body, and at the same time released a shock wave comparable to the explosion of magic light, which directly blew Wu Mo away.

"Damn, I'm going to kill..."

Controlling the lava demon whose arms were growing rapidly, he opened his mouth and roared at Wu Mo.

However, before the Lava Demon could finish speaking, a flame whip slammed on it, sending the Lava Demon flying out.

"Idiot, I was about to burn him to death, but you shot him away!"

A sixth-order Balrog that besieged Wumo yelled at the lava demon, then waved the flame whip again, and pulled it towards Wumo, who was still in mid-air.


! "

The flame demon's whip instantly aroused bad memories of the lava demon.

It looked at the wound that cut open its chest, roared angrily, and looked viciously at the Balrog who whipped itself.

The other four Lava Demons also stopped their movements and confronted the two Balrogs and the six big demons of other races.

After Wu Mo, who escaped the flames' whip, saw it, he sneered, quickly left the area where the two sides were facing off, and rushed towards the core area.

"Each of them has a ghost, and they are jealous of each other. These demons are really more than successful."

Seeing Wu Mo break away from the siege and return to the core area, Huang Yu also let go of his thoughts.

However, at this moment, a magic circle suddenly unfolded in the air at the same level as the Wall of Breaking Demons.

Afterwards, the six great demons fell from the magic circle one after another, and before they could resist, they were killed by the universe troops waiting below.

"This is?"

Huang Yu opened the Eye of Chaos, and easily locked the creator of the magic circle according to the energy fluctuations.

That is the arcanist of the time and space genre added after the Crown of Secrets was upgraded to Tier 6.

They created a teleportation circle using the core component of their Arcane Tower, "The Wheel of Time", and combined with the teleporter Yuri to forcibly teleport the sixth-order extraordinary demons in the regular area and even the peripheral area to the core area.

Then use the suppressing ability of the core area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm to easily kill these big demons whose strength has been suppressed below the extraordinary.

The efficiency is actually much faster than Huang Yu!

As the six big demons were killed by the troops in the core area, the energy in Huang Yu's body suddenly began to boil, and the rich golden light also began to overflow outside the body.

As long as he undergoes another extraordinary transformation, his level can be raised to lv58!

However, Huang Yu's mind at this time was not on the extraordinary transformation.

The actions of the time-space arcanist and Yuri just now reminded him of one thing.

His level can't increase too fast, at least he can't break through the sanctuary in the near future.

Otherwise, the suppression force of the field of Liyin of Fushen Realm will also decrease as his level increases.

At that time, the regular area can also accommodate the existence of the seventh-order sanctuary, and the universe can only shrink in the core area, which is very unfavorable to him.

Huang Yu has been upgraded to three levels today, and the field of Fushen Realm from India has also expanded, but the radiation radius of the core area is still only five kilometers.

Although this area will definitely increase exponentially when Huang Yu is upgraded to Sanctuary, it also means that the enemy's extraordinary combat power can operate normally in the core area.

At that time, Huang Yu can resist a hundred great demons, or even a thousand great demons, can he still resist ten thousand great demons?

As far as Huang Yu has seen the big demons in the army of lava demons and flame demons, there are more than 10,000!

Even the Demon Commander, Huang Yu saw nearly a hundred of them!

Unless there are sufficient sixth-order supernatural or even seventh-order sanctuary combat power in the town of Demon Town, Huang Yu alone cannot resist the demon's offensive at all.

"It's not enough for me to fight against a force like the devil alone.

Next, you can't just focus on upgrading yourself, you must lead your subordinates to upgrade together.

If necessary, the backbone of other legions should be brought over to experience the experience. "

Huang Yu glanced at the gate of time and space, and suddenly made a decision in his heart.

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