Bursting Storm, Melting Halo, Ice Buried Thorns, Sand Whirl Bomb.

This is the name of the four skill scrolls that Huang Yu handed over to Okos, Hippolyte, Xijiangyue and Shyvana.

And these four names also represent four seventh-order sanctuary-level spells.

And it's a large-scale offensive spell!

Although Huang Yu has accumulated forty or fifty epic-level skill scrolls intermittently, since the establishment of the universe, a spell scroll of this level has never been used on the frontal battlefield!

"Wait, the wheel of time will give you a time and space beacon, and then I will send you to the border of the regular area with Yuri.

All you have to do is to release the teleportation scroll in your hand, then activate the time-space beacon before the seventh-order sanctuary spell is formed, and return to the town of magic through the wheel of time and space.

One person, one direction, pay attention to controlling the coverage of the spell, and try not to spread to the town of magic."

Huang Yu began to explain the reason for giving the seventh-order sanctuary spell scroll to the four.

The town of Demon Town has been upgraded to Tier 4, and the area covered by fire has increased. Huang Yu also has to rearrange the layout of Demon Town.

But now there are demons everywhere in the core area, if these demons are not driven out of the area covered by fire in the town.

When the town of Demon Town is upgraded to Tier 4, there will also be demons appearing all over the town, which can easily cause an impact on the defensive troops of the town.

If one is not good, it might even put the town of Demon City at risk of being lost.

Orcus, Hippolyte, Xijiangyue, and Sylvana must use the seventh-order holy domain spell scrolls in their hands to clear the demons in the regular area and some core areas and peripheral areas before the town of Demon Town is upgraded to the fourth level, and fight for demons. Siege buffer time.

The world powerhouse who was recalled by Huang Yu will quickly destroy the remaining demons in the core area after the spell is released, making room for the fourth-order upgrade of the town of demons.

The reason why Leia cast envious glances at the four god-level units is because the tasks assigned by Huang Yu are not too difficult.

The four only need to set the coverage area and direction of the scroll, release the spell, and then leave the battlefield before the spell is formed, and they can rely on the seventh-order holy domain spell to harvest the devil's life.

Although using the spell scroll to kill the enemy, the experience value gained will be greatly reduced.

But considering the dense number of demons in the regular area, as well as the terrifying power and killing range of the seventh-order sanctuary spells, the four god-level troops will definitely gain a huge amount of experience points.

Among the four god-level arms standing in front of Huang Yu, Okos and Xi Jiangyue are the highest, but they are only approaching the fourth level.

Hippolyte and Sylvana, who were born not long ago, are currently only entering the second rank, and they are still a long way from being extraordinary.

If the next plan is successful, driven by the huge amount of experience points, the four young god-level troops will usher in a leap in level!

It is not impossible to catch up or even surpass the old god-level arms.

Huang Yuyuan was going to take action himself and release the seventh-order sanctuary spells and the spells in the Book of Creation to make room and time for the town of Demon Town to upgrade to the fourth-order.

Doing so would also save him four seventh-order Sanctuary spell scrolls.

But considering that his level could not be improved too fast, Huang Yu could only hand over this "fat difference" to four young god-level troops.

"It's a bit of a waste of experience points, and the corpse of the devil."

After the four god-level troops went to the wheel of time and space to receive the transmission beacon, Huang Yu felt a little pity.

At this time, outside the town of Demon Suppression, since Huang Yu's order was issued, the god-level arms, blood **** generals, blood apostles, king-level arms above the extraordinary, and hero arms in the regular area have all returned to the demon town. in the city.

The Demon Knights, the Twelve Golden Men, Thunder Fury, Kraos and others who fought outside the city also gave up guarding the border of the core area and returned to the town of Demon Town neatly.

This change made the demons excited, thinking that the town of Demon Town was stretched out and could no longer hold on, so they could only transfer the powerhouses from the outside world back to the Town of Demon Town to assist in the defense.

Immediately dispatched the main force to the town of Demon Town, and even many extraordinary demons who were unwilling to enter the core area ventured in at this time.

Since the Universal Territory entered the abyss and established the Demon City, it was the first time that the demons fully touched the Wall of Destruction.

Fortunately, the Wall of Breaking Demons has already been upgraded to Tier 3 by Huang Yu, and its defensive power is amazing, and it is difficult for the Abyss Demon General to damage it.

If you want to occupy the town of Demon City, the demons can only attack the city honestly.

"let's start!"

Looking at the surging demon army outside the town of Demon Town, Huang Yu gestured to the teleporter Yuri.

The two of them carried two god-level troops holding epic-level skill scrolls and launched teleportation to the regular area.

The figures of the six disappeared in unison, and then successively appeared in the regular areas of the four defense lines of Town Demon City.

Fushen Realm's Li Yin suppressed the strength of the demon lord, naturally including its powerful perception.

However, after seeing Huang Yu and Yuri, the teleporter, sending a human with a scroll above their army, Aselund and Melmidok still felt something was wrong.

However, before the two demon lords discovered the problem, the four god-level units activated the time-space beacon in their hands while their bodies fell, and successively released the epic-level spell scrolls in their hands.

Using the time delay effect generated by the activation of the time-space beacon, the four god-level troops quickly determined the coverage of the spell scroll, and then affixed the time-space beacon to themselves without hesitation.

Before the flying demons encircled, the four god-level troops returned to the town of demons through the wheel of time and space, leaving only four reels that shone and fell freely.

"This is."

A sixth-order bat demon did not catch Hippolyte, and took the spell scroll left by Hippolyte into his hand.

The next moment, the spell scroll turned to ashes, and what followed was a dazzling halo that contained terrifying energy.

The bat demon who touched the halo was melted into ashes before he could make any sound.

And in the expressions of fear of other demons ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the halo flew to the ground at an extremely fast speed, and quickly expanded to the size of a hundred meters in diameter.

All the demons who encountered the halo in the middle, like the sixth-order bat demon, ended up in a halo.

Finally, at a height of four or five meters above the ground, the explosive halo released by Hippolyte suddenly spread out, and the blazing white light illuminated the sky and the earth like day.

There is no earth-shattering sound, and most of the demons are hard to resist where the halo expands, and it melts instantly under the white light.

The explosion-melting halo is centered on the boundary of the conventional area, expands inward to the core area, and expands outward to the middle of the peripheral area before it stops erupting.

The killing range is extremely terrifying, and it is a powerful spell that can really destroy a city.

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