Bursting with the melting halo, there was also a storm with dense wind blades, an ice thorn forest that spread to dozens of square kilometers, and a sand whirl tornado that spun and threw deadly terrifying sand bombs.

The four sanctuary spells that burst out suddenly covered almost all the corners of the town from a kilometer away to the regular area.

Even the universe troops guarding the Wall of Broken Demons can feel the manic and turbulent energy aura, and there is a kind of shock in the heart of observing the nuclear bomb explosion at close range.

Although the power of the blasting storm, ice burial thorns and sand whirl bomb is not as amazing as that of the melting halo, its sustained lethality is very strong.

After the bursting halo expanded to its limit, it began to disappear.

However, the blasting storm, ice burial thorns and sand whirl bombs still exist, constantly attacking all creatures within the coverage area.

It's just that there are demon commanders stationed in the outskirts of Liyin in the Fushen Realm. As the existence of the seventh-order sanctuary, they are not afraid of the power of the four spells.

Therefore, the damage caused by the four Sanctuary spells to the demons in the peripheral area is relatively limited.

But even so, looking at the demons who were constantly struggling and dying under the ravages of the Sanctuary spell, all the demons in the outer areas couldn't help but feel a little terrified.

It was like being poured into a basin of cold water, a demon with a bloodthirsty and aggressive nature.

In normal times, the demons would not be surprised and feared by a seventh-order sanctuary spell.

Because there are hundreds of demon leaders among them, each of them is the existence of the seventh-order sanctuary.

Over the years, there have been countless battles, large and small, and it is not uncommon for them to see attacks of the same intensity as these four spells.

And the strength of the two demon lords has reached the eighth-order legend.

In the tens of thousands of years of battle, whenever two legendary demons took the lead, several lava volcanic islands would sink, or hundreds of kilometers of lava plateau plates would collapse.

If it weren't for the strong self-healing ability of the 233rd floor of the abyss, and the fact that the two demon lords were relatively restrained in their actions in the world, this abyss plane might not be enough for them to fight.

But things are different now.

The land of nearly one thousand square kilometers is now under the protection of the artifact.

When the demon enters it, the strength will be completely suppressed, and only the combat power below the sanctuary can be exerted.

At this time, the power of the seventh-order sanctuary suddenly erupted, and the demons were suddenly stunned.

"Damn, Aselonde, you didn't tell me that these humans have commander-level means!"

Looking at the four formed Sanctuary spells, Melmidok asked Atherond in a gloomy tone.

At this time, the demons in the regular area and the core area basically died eighty-nine times out of ten, and the surviving demons were also injured, and not many were able to persist in fighting.

However, for Aselonde, most of the dead demons are alien demons in the servant army. Because of the half-element physique, the Balrog does not die much.

As for the servant demons, Atherond can summon at will from the abyss plane conquered by Morofigo, the Balrog Lord.

It will have as much as it wants, and it will not be distressed how much it dies.

But lava devils are different.

As a native of the Slurry Plateau, the Lava Demon has never traveled to other abyss planes, and naturally there is no demon servant army.

Melmidok's army is composed entirely of lava demons.

Therefore, the Lava Demon is not only its soldiers, but also its kin and subjects.

Although the Lava Demon has rough skin and thick flesh, it is not a semi-elemental physique like the Balrog. Even a sixth-order extraordinary Lava Demon is not easy to withstand the bombardment of Sanctuary spells.

Those four sanctuary spells have now killed tens of thousands of lava demons, and many lava demons at the level of demon generals and great demons are struggling under the sanctuary spells.

Restricted by the suppression of the seal of the gods, the lava demon lord Melmidok could only watch his people continue to die, but he couldn't do anything.

The anger in his heart caused the breathing holes on his head to start spewing lava.

Atheronde was also startled by the four Sanctuary spells at first.

But after feeling Melmidok's wrath, Atheronde felt a little relieved.

Even if the number of demons killed under it is several times that of Melmidok.

"Melmidok, the humans from the Chaos Continent just arrived, and you chased after them.

It's been less than half a day of fighting now, how can I know what means they have? "

Athelund replied to Melmidok, then looked at the Sanctuary spell that was still raging, and said thoughtfully:

"For humans, this level of attack must also be one of the cards.

There are only two reasons for using it so early.

Either humans can't hold on anymore, and we need to use these spells to ease our offensive pressure.

Either these humans have to make some big moves and cannot be disturbed by war! "

The separation of the gods from the God Realm suppressed the perceptions of the two demon lords, coupled with the barriers of the four sanctuary spells, so that they could not see the current situation of the town of demons.

But thinking of his own guess, Atheronde immediately waved his flame whip.

No matter how incoherent, it should not wait for the influence of the Sanctuary spell to subside before organizing an attack again.

It must sabotage those human plans, no matter the cost!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The long whip lashed at several vassal demon commanders, and Atheronde shouted loudly:

"Waste, why are you still standing there, let your people serve it to me!

Listen, at all costs, rush to that city for me too! "

Compared with the spell storm that enveloped the regular area, the demon commanders were more afraid of the Balrog Lord behind them, and immediately drove the demons of their own race to launch a suicide attack on the town.

Melmidok on the side looked at Atherond differently, wondering when Atheronde's burnt brain became so useful.

When he was still in anger, this fat flame demon who had been played around by himself in the past had already realized that there was something strange in it.

"Melmidok, what are you still doing!"

Just as Mermidok was observing Atheronde, the Balrog lord sent by the army also looked at Mermidok and said viciously:

"If you and your lava demon dare to speculate again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't mind fighting a war with you at the same time here!

Either kill me, or cooperate with me to attack those humans.

Otherwise, the chance in my hand, you can't even think of it! "

Hearing Atheronde's words, Melmidok was about to continue to express his anger and dissatisfaction, but after seeing Atheronde's cold eyes, he couldn't help but hold back the nonsense.


With a cold snort at Aselund, Melmidok turned his head to look at a lava demon commander and gave him a few words.

It didn't take long for the lava demon lord to take tens of thousands of lava demons and step into the field of Liyin of the Fushen Realm.

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