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Under the traction of the wheel of time and space, Okos, Hippolyte, Xi Jiangyue, and Shyvana returned to the town of Demon Town smoothly.

After the four sanctuary spells erupted in the regular area, rich golden light also poured out from the four people, almost turning them into four little suns.

Under Huang Yu's gaze, the four people's levels began to soar rapidly.

Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5... extraordinary!

Because the experience points gained are too huge, before the Sanctuary spells stopped, the level of the four was pushed to the extraordinary.

When breaking through the rank during the period, a lot of experience points were wasted.

But even so, after the four god-level arms entered the sixth-order transcendence, they were still gaining experience points and undergoing extraordinary transformations again and again.

When Okos, Hippolyte and others were soaring in strength, Leia also issued an order for the entire army to attack according to Huang Yu's previous plan.

"It's right now, the whole army is attacking!" Leia, the ice cold, drove her white dragon Finas and shouted to the soldiers in the town of magic, "Warriors, take these demons to the town of magic now. kilometers away!"

Not many demons in the regular area survived, and most of them were injured.

The core area was also affected by sanctuary spells, most of the demons were killed and injured, and the surviving demons were also injured to varying degrees.

At this time, the residual power of the Sanctuary spell continued. Storms, ice thorns, sand bullets and holy light blocked the retreat of the demons in the core area, and also hindered the support of the demons in the outer areas.

As long as the army of the Universal Territory eliminates the demons in the core area, the town of Demon Town can safely rise to Tier 4, both the radiation range of the fire and the number of arms will be greatly increased.

The dragon knights drove their own dragons and took off from the town of magic.

The twelve golden men, who had replenished their energy, also took the lead in the charge with the magic knights, blood **** generals, blood apostles, and many troops who stepped into the extraordinary, killing the demons who were in a dilemma in the core area.

On the other side of the teleportation passage, the resting troops also passed through the teleportation passage in an orderly manner, huddled in the town of Demon Town, and waited for the Town of Demon Town to be upgraded to Tier 4, and then immediately arrived at their designated positions for defense.

The town of Demon Town was upgraded to Tier 4, and while the coverage area of ​​fire increased, it also increased the defensive area of ​​Demon Town.

At the beginning, the town of Demon City only needed 10,000 troops, and the defense could be perfectly matched without leaving any flaws.

But after Town Demon City was upgraded to Tier 4, 40,000 units of defense would be required to achieve the current effect.

In addition, Huang Yu also needs to prepare 20,000 arms to act as a backup force to prevent the high-intensity combat arms from taking turns to rest during the period when the town is upgraded to the fifth rank.

This is also the reason why Huang Yu was stationed in the abyss and organized 60,000 extraordinary arms.

"Lord Lord, do you need to summon heroic spirits to fight?"

The Valkyrie Shi Kedi did not follow the main force to charge, because Leia did not arrange tasks for her as Huang Yu's personal servant, so Shi Kedi always followed behind Huang Yu.

At this time, seeing the troops in the town of Demon City rushing out to clear the demons in the core area, they asked Huang Yu.

As the strongest troop in Huang Yu's hands, Heroic Spirit has never been used until now.

"No, not for now.

The time gained by the four sanctuary spells is enough to upgrade the town of Demon Town to Tier 4 safely. "

Huang Yu turned on Chaos Vision, checked the dynamics of the demons in the regular area and the demons in the peripheral area, and naturally also saw the reinforcements of the Lord of the Flame Demon and the Lord of the Lava Demon.

However, the power of the four sanctuary spells exceeded Huang Yu's expectations. _o_m

Although he can also release a range of seventh-order holy domain spells, the power is definitely not up to this level.

Huang Yu roughly estimated the speed of the enemy's reinforcements, and felt that the time was enough, and planned to temporarily hold the power of the heroic spirit in his hand.

The next important battle node can be more than one.

Whether it was the disappearance of the teleportation channel, or the "lack of support" period when the town of Demon Town was not upgraded to Tier 5.

Before the town of Demon Town is upgraded to Tier 5, the time period for the second layout may require the assistance of Heroic Spirits.

Use the heroic spirit so early, and wait until the town is in danger. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 812: Fourth Order of Town Demon City

Now, he can't throw out a few more epic skill scrolls, right?

An epic-level skill scroll, especially a large-scale offensive spell scroll like the previous one, is worth tens of millions of soul crystals. _o_m

Although Huang Yu saved it through discounted artifacts, he didn't use it for abuse.

The current situation is completely in favor of Huang Yu's side, and the ability to play these cards can be saved if they can be saved.

After getting Huang Yu's reply, the Valkyrie Shi Kodi saluted and obeyed, and then called out the frost dew aurora and rushed to the core area of ​​the battlefield.

Huang Yu did not take the initiative to participate in the war because he wanted to suppress the level.

Instead, relying on the powerful perception brought by Liyin and the Eye of Chaos from the God of God Realm, he took on the task of being a rescuer.

Whenever he realizes that his subordinates are in danger, Huang Yu will teleport to his side to save him from danger.

Fortunately, the warriors under his command are relatively powerful, and the demons who break into the core area are only the fifth-order strongest.

The overwhelming dragon breathed its breath, and the stone horned beast knight, who had been in the city for a long time, launched a charge in the abyss for the first time, and the five hundred magic knights were like no one...

Under the leadership of nearly a thousand extraordinary units in the world (including the magic knights), the demons could only retreat to the regular area at a very fast speed.

Demons who have lost support would even rather face the aftermath of Sanctuary spells than be part of the strength of the universe.

Soon, the army of the world drove the demon to three kilometers away from the town of magic town.

Except for some demons who escaped into the aftermath of the Sanctuary spell, there are only a few demons left in the core area.

【Ding! 】

[The sub-tinder of Town Demon City has been upgraded to Tier 4! 】


Just at this time Town Magic City completed the upgrade.

According to the city construction plan set by Huang Yu, the new town and magic city was built at an extremely fast speed, as if 3D printing.

The remaining Demon-Breaking Wall stored in the sub-tinder rose from the ground two kilometers away from the sub-tinder, and together with the Demon-Breaking Wall previously upgraded to Tier 3, it formed a square city wall with a total length of 20 kilometers.

This Demon-Breaking Wall is the strongest line of defense in the town of Demon City!

In the Wall of Broken Demons, Huang Yu also used the prepared secondary city walls to build defensive small-area urns at the entrances of Demon Town to strengthen the defense at the gates of the city.

As for a series of defensive buildings such as the Arrow Tower, the Mage Tower, and the City Tower, Huang Yu has already prepared them well, and now they have appeared in various areas of the Town Demon City according to his arrangement.

It's just that most of these buildings, including the newly added Wall of Breaking Demons, are only level 1 and have low functionality, so Huang Yu needs to upgrade them as soon as possible. .

Chapter 812: Fourth Order of Town Demon City

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