Huang Yu accumulated a lot of soul crystals when he hunted down the Demon Commander and the Extraordinary Demon earlier.

After Zhenmocheng was upgraded to Tier 4, Huang Yu raced against time to use the materials transported through the transmission channel to spend soul crystals to continue to upgrade the secondary fire of Town Mocheng to Tier 5.

Only then did the newly applied Wall of Breaking Demons be upgraded to Tier 3, and then all the special buildings in the city were collectively upgraded.

Taking into account the environment of the abyss, Huang Yu did not use spiritual jade, soul-cultivating stone, etc., when he upgraded the town of magic town to the fourth tier, and he would obtain special building materials with the characteristics of production and life-enhancing territories.

Instead, I chose four kinds: Kunjinyan, Xuankongyu, Shuiyunshi and Jingmagicite.

Kun Jinyan gave Zhenmo City the characteristic of being immobile, which can enhance the strength of Zhenmo City;

It is difficult for spells below the fifth rank to cause excessive damage to the town of magic.

Xuankong Jade enabled Demon Town to gain the characteristics of extra space, and expanded the radiation range of the secondary fire, so that the area within two kilometers outside the Wall of Breaking Demons was also included in the radiation range of the secondary fire.

It also means that the function of the Lord's Statue can also affect that area.

Now the radiation range of the sub-fire in the town of demons almost coincides with the core area that is about to be separated from the world of the gods.

From now on, the extraordinary and the enemies below the extraordinary will not be able to fly within two kilometers of the town of magic.

The creatures above the supernatural cannot use the supernormal abilities in the core area due to the suppression of the imprint of the gods.

In the sky of the town of Demon City, only the arms of the universe will be able to fly!

The characteristic ability of water marble is the land of spirits, which can quickly restore the stamina and injuries of the creatures in the town of magic.

This is a very important characteristic guarantee for the universal arms that need to fight for a long time.

As for the pure magic stone, the area covered by the secondary fire in the town of magic became a pure magic field.

This is equivalent to applying dEbUFF with all attributes weakened to all the demons who broke into the coverage of the secondary fire in the town of magic.

At the same time, it can also improve the environment of the town and make it more suitable for human activities.

Because Zhenmo City is not suitable for production and reproduction for the time being, the special building materials that Huang Yu invested in upgrading to the fifth rank in Zhenmo City were also invested on the basis of these four materials.

And when the town of magic town is upgraded to the fifth rank, Huang Yu is not ready to increase the urban area of ​​the town of magic town in the existing layout.

He plans to build a number of military fortresses within the newly added fire coverage area to defend the town of Demon City, so as to maximize the use of the abyss battlefield to train troops.

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After almost killing the demons in the core area, Leia saw that the town of Demon Town was upgraded to Tier 4, and the aftermath of the sanctuary spells covering the entire regular area also began to dissipate, and immediately sounded the horn to return to the city.

And the arms that arrived at the town of magic town through the transmission channel also began to use the weapons and materials that were continuously transported into the town of magic town for defense after the transmission channel was opened.

One after another large-scale ordnance such as magic-guided cannons, adamantine magic-light cannons, and maglev screw-bed crossbows were moved to the Wall of Breaking Demons by the auxiliary soldiers of each legion.

The extraordinary arms from different legions are mixed together to form special combat teams, which are scattered on the 20-kilometer Wall of Broken Demons.

Heavy Warrior Spartan Warrior, Twilight Raider;

The fortified warrior Kate Zhanji and the Shadow Moon Cang Wolf Warrior;

With the responsibility of guarding, the strongest shield guards in front of everyone;

As well as the Amazons of the Ranger per capita and the Raven Guard of the Assassin per capita.

Extraordinary units are not restricted by their own combat positions, and the Spartans and Deep Tide Knights are the best examples.

But no matter who he is, he will only be stronger when he does what he is best at.

Perhaps these extraordinary arms were in different positions in their respective legions before. After more than a month of running-in, they returned to their best positions and did what they were best at.

And this is also one of the directions of Huang Yu's reform of the military after eliminating the special customs of various extraordinary arms.

This abyss war also has a certain experimental nature.

"The warriors who have just fought went to the city to rest first, and handed over the city defense to their new companions.

Except for the magic knights, others only need to rely on the city wall to defend.

Try to preserve your physical strength, there may be a wave of high-intensity combat in five hours..."

After leaving the battle, Leia issued orders to the legion commander, chapter commander, battalion commander, etc.

The aftermath of the Sanctuary spell has completely disappeared, and the extraordinary troops standing on the Wall of Breaking Demons can even see the mighty army of demons rushing in.

Fortunately, after everyone entered the town of Demon Town, those demons came to the core area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm, and they were greeted by the roaring magic cannons on the city wall.

The town of Demon Town has been upgraded to Tier 4, and its ability to suppress demons has also been greatly improved.

In the core area, the strength of the devil has become weaker, while the strength of the universe arm is stronger.

Seeing that it was not a problem to defend the town from demon invasion, Huang Yu was not in a hurry to catch the extraordinary demon and help his subordinates level up.

Instead, he looked at the four god-level arms that stopped upgrading.

During the duration of the sanctuary spell, the four of them have been gaining experience points, and at this time all of them have entered the extraordinary.

Among them, Shyvana's highest has been upgraded to LV56.

The other three are all LV55, but they are not much less experienced than LV56.

Four epic-level spell scrolls directly added four super combat powers in Huang Yu's hands that were not inferior to the old god-level arms!

"Waste, waste!

If those demons were killed normally, just based on the experience points they contributed, how many extraordinary combat powers would I have to give birth to!

The soul crystal I got is enough to buy a legendary item! "

Seeing the four god-level troops who were quickly adapting to their own strength, Huang Yu felt a little pity in his heart.

If it was a last resort, he really didn't want to use epic-level skill scrolls.

Not only wasted soul crystals, but also wasted experience points.

"Lord Lord, please allow us to go outside the city to participate in the battle.

The level is rising too fast, and we can't completely grasp the power above the extraordinary.

Only fighting can make us adapt quickly! "

The four settled for a moment, and after looking at each other, Kate and Shivana stepped forward to ask Huang Yu for orders.


Huang Yu waved his hand and agreed to the request of the four.

Even if they are unfamiliar with the newly added strength, the four of them have stepped into the extraordinary god-level arms.

As long as they don't leave the core area, no demon can fight them.

When they get used to the added power, the regular area can stop their demons, and there won't be too many.

Seeing Huang Yu's agreement, the four of them were overjoyed, and immediately took advantage of the flying ability they acquired after entering the supernatural, and crossed the Wall of Broken Demons and fell into the battlefield.

And Huang Yu also came to the wheel of time and space, with the beacon condensed by the arcanist of the time and space genre, and began to search for valuable prey.

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