"I'm going to upgrade again... Even if I try to suppress the level as much as possible, the amount of experience points shared from the people is still huge.

It seems that after using up this time-space beacon in my hand, I need to find a place to prepare for transformation.

If this transformation is the ability of Chaos Power Law and Chaos Drifting, it will definitely take a lot of time... After all, this is a talent that has the opportunity to transform into a top-level talent! "

In the normal area of ​​Fushen Realm, Huang Yu sent a lava demon to the wheel of time and space and glanced at his experience bar.

It has been more than two hours since Zhenmo City was upgraded to Tier 4.

The four seventh-order spells slaughtered a large number of demons, which not only brought the strength of Okos, Hippolyte, Xijiangyue and Shyvana to the same level as the old god-level arms, but also diverted Huang Yu to a lot of experience points. .

Coupled with the experience gained in combat with arms during this period of time, and the experience Huang Yu gained from having to kill demons, he was almost filling up his LV58-LV59 experience bar.

Fortunately, after upgrading to LV59, Huang Yu didn't have to worry too much that the level would be directly upgraded to the seventh-order sanctuary, thus weakening the ability of Fushen Realm's Liyin to suppress the enemy.

Because LV59-LV60 is a cross-level promotion, according to past experience, the experience value required for this level is more than the sum of the experience value of LV50-LV59.

This is enough for him to be "kind" to the demons outside the town of demons for a while.

In the past two hours, Huang Yu has captured a total of 73 extraordinary demons, most of them are Balrogs and Lava Demons, and only a few are Terror Demons and Candle Demons.

And these seventy-three extraordinary demons also added thirty-two extraordinary combat powers to Huang Yu's hands.

It's just that as Huang Yu's actions became more and more frequent, the Balrog and the Lava Demon also began to form a group on guard, making it more and more difficult for Huang Yu to capture the demons.

"This Balrog looks a bit strange...but since I'm alone, don't blame me for being rude."

Through the Eye of Chaos, Huang Yu saw an extremely powerful Balrog whose energy intensity was about to break through to the Sanctuary.

It holds a flaming whip, and a necklace of demon heads looms under its flaming cloak.

This Balrog seemed to be dazzled by anger, and frantically drove the vassal demons to attack the town of Demon Town, but did not notice that several of his companions were already quite a distance away from him.

So when Huang Yu quietly appeared behind him, the Balrog only had time to take out the necklace on his chest, and was transported to the wheel of time and space by Huang Yu.


Huang Yu's eyes met the devil's head that made up the necklace, and his consciousness sank.

When he returned to normal, he found himself surrounded by eight sixth-order flame demons.

These Balrogs seem to have been prepared long ago. They fiddled with the strange heads strung with red chains on their chests, and spoke a language that even "Devil's Words" could not distinguish.

These eight Balrogs, including the one sent away by Huang Yu, all had the exact same demon head necklace hanging around their necks.

Those demons had hideous faces, and on their pale faces were facial features wrapped in red and green, just like the clowns on the blue star.

Although only one head remained, the mouths of these heads were still wriggling.

Crying for a while, laughing for a while, and sometimes there are tears in the corners of his eyes, it looks like he is alive, which is quite strange.

But if you look closely at his eyes, you will find that they are dull and dead, and they are obviously dead.

Huang Yu glanced at the uncomfortable demon heads, and was about to teleport away, but found that the surrounding space was actually blocked.

The next moment, laughter, crying, screaming... all kinds of crazy voices poured into Huang Yu's mind.

Huang Yu felt as if he was besieged by countless mentally abnormal clowns.

"Something wrong, is this an illusion attack or a spiritual attack?

With the law of chaos and the protection of the seal of the gods, even the legendary demon lord of the eighth order, can't attack my soul in the field of the gods of the gods! "

Huang Yu knew that he had encountered the devil's trap.

As one of the top demon races in the abyss, the Flame Demons are naturally not a group of low-level demons who only know how to bury their heads in killing.

Since the formation of the abyss, they have fought on various planes to the present, and naturally there is no shortage of means to deal with the enemy.

Seeing Huang Yu continue to transmit the extraordinary demons in the Balrog and Lava Demons to the core area, let his subordinates level up.

The Flame Demon Lord finally couldn't bear it anymore, and took out his sixth-order transcendental strongest restriction method.

The demon heads on the necklaces on the necks of the Balrogs came from a race of the same level as the abyss and the Balrogs - the Bizarre Devils.

The ancestor of the strange demon is "Xigole", the master of the hilarious hill with the same identity and status as the abyss demon Morofigo.

Because of a conflict several epochs ago, Morofigo, the Fire Demon, and Sigole, the Demon Lord, have been fighting to this day.

The struggle between the two demonic forces has cost the lives of the flame demons and the strange demons, and as a result, many special items have been created.

And now the "Laughing and Crying Demon Chains" on the necks of these eight flame demons are the extraordinary-grade items that the flame demons used the dead monster heads to refine.

Once triggered, it will form a crying and laughing barrier.

Not only can it block the space where the target is located, but also in the form of a spiritual body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ touch the target's soul body to pollute it.

Knowing that he was recruited, Huang Yu worked hard to restrain his inner impulse and kept thinking about the countermeasures.

During this time, the demons were not idle either. Although they could not affect Huang Yu who was isolated by the barrier, they had a way to completely incapacitate Huang Yu.

A seventh-order dog demon commander rushed from the outer area.

It carries a skull almost as big as its body on its back, and upon closer inspection, its outline is somewhat similar to that of a monster.

In addition, the dark gray bones of this skull are also printed with graffiti-like patterns.

If a demon with a lower strength in the peripheral area takes a look, the look in his eyes will quickly darken, or even die.

It was not until the dog demon commander dragged the head into the regular area that the Weiya possessed by the skull itself subsided instantly under the suppression of the Divine Seal of the Gods Realm.

This is the head of an eighth-order legendary level monster lord. It is the trophy of the Balrog Lord Aselond in the battle with the monster. Now it has been made into a special equipment.

The flame demon army used the lives of several flame demons to deceive Huang Yu into this trap that they were still preparing, and naturally they would not let Huang Yu easily.

For this reason, Aselonde, the lord of the Balrog, took out this treasure, and after waiting for Huang Yu to be fooled, he would use this "hilarious skeleton" to seal it.

How to concoct Huang Yu at that time depends on the mood of the Flame Demon Lord Aselonde.

This legendary equipment, although the function will be suppressed to the extraordinary level by the imprint of the gods, but it can also be used by the extraordinary demon.

As long as Huang Yu was sealed inside and brought to the outer area, the Balrog Lord felt that the invasion of Chaos Continent was half successful.

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