"Nino Dillon, you are a little slow!"

Just after taking the hilarious skeleton outside the magic chain barrier, the seventh-order dog demon commander was questioned by a sixth-order flame demon.

Glancing indifferently at the sixth-level Balrog, the dog demon commander named Nino Dillon did not reply.

Instead, he poured his anger on nearby demons, berating them for coming over to help dismantle the hilarious skeletons on their backs.

Although its strength has reached the seventh-order sanctuary, it is one of the commanders who manage all the dog demons under the Balrog Lord Aselonde.

However, as a vassal race of the Balrog, it is not much higher than some special sixth-order Balrogs under Atherond, just like other demon commanders except the Balrog.

Demons are indeed a race that believes in strength, but it also depends on what kind of demons it is.

Take the nine Balrogs besieging Huang Yu for example, they are all potential stocks in the Balrog family whose talents have not been fully realized, and they are the objects that the Balrog Lord Aselonde pays attention to.

Each of them has the potential to be promoted to the seventh-order sanctuary, and a few of them may even hit the heavenly sanctuary or even the eighth-order legend!

However, Nino Dillon is just a vassal dog demon commander who has reached the end of his talent, and his status in the heart of the flame demon lord is really not comparable to these sixth-order flame demons with a chain of crying and laughing.

Of course, among the dog demons under the command of the Balrog Lord Aselonde, there have also been dog devils whose potential is not inferior to the nine Balrogs in front of Arnoldilon.

It's just that in the Flame Demon Army, sometimes too high talent is not a good thing. Relatively mediocre demons, it is easier to live.

"Greg, only you can use the hilarious skeleton.

Hurry up and seal this human being, Lord Atheronde is still waiting! "

Feeling the looseness on his back, Nino Dillon stood up from his prostrate form and urged the remaining eight Balrogs who were wearing the chains of crying and laughing.

The strength was directly suppressed from the seventh-order sanctuary to the sixth-order extraordinary, which made the dog demon commander Nino Dillon quite uneasy.

It has been a long time, and it has not felt the extraordinary "weakness" of the sixth-order.

Coupled with the tragic death of the commander of the Kui Arm Demon some time ago, the longer he stayed in the regular area of ​​​​the God of God, the less secure Nino Dillon felt.

It just faced the censure of the flame demon Greg, and did not fight back because of its disrespect to itself. In fact, there are reasons for this.

The strength is suppressed and the domain is not available. The dog demon commander Nino Dillon is not necessarily the opponent of the great demon Greg.

If the sixth-order flame demon Gregg is angered, the other party will join other flame demons to kill him on the spot, and the dog demon commander Nino Dillon has no place to cry.

After all, the Balrog Lord Asedron is very protective!

"It's not because you're late, you've wasted a lot of our time."

The sixth-order flame demon Greg habitually made things difficult for Nino Dillon. He knew that it was a big deal, and he did not do anything superfluous. He immediately joined the other seven flame demons and began to join forces to urge the hilarious skeletons.

"Yeah, ah, ah~"

In the gloomy, sharp and strange laughter, the jaws of the hilarious skeleton kept shaking, and at the same time, it flew into the air under the entanglement of black demonic energy.

However, at this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed between the eight flame demons and the dog demon commander.

Greg and the others were startled, and before they could react to what was flying in front of them, they heard the crackling of thunder and lightning, and the sudden appearance of dense, head-sized ice bombs in front of them.

bang bang bang —

Immediately afterwards, the roar of countless explosions erupted at almost the same time.

The bone-piercing ice engulfed the Balrogs' bodies, and before they could freeze the Balrogs, the flames spewed out of the Balrogs' body transpired into hot steam.

Only the dog demon commander Nino Dillon was frozen with a small half of his head, but he shattered it a moment later.

The Ice Bomb is an optimized and upgraded version of the Ice Blast Magic Pill by the Magic Weave Research Institute. The small model is a rare-grade magic-weave construction, and the giant version is an excellent-grade magic-weave configuration.

But even an excellent-grade magic-weave construction, and an ice attribute that is incomparable to the Balrog attribute, cannot cause any damage to the Balrog, who has entered the sixth-order extraordinary level.

However, Youlan Death Light Xingeruo did not intend to rely on dozens of ice bombs to defeat eight special Balrogs whose strength was obviously several levels stronger than other extraordinary Balrogs.

Its purpose was to interrupt the Balrogs' spellcasting, and it did that.

That weird skull had already fallen to the ground at this moment.

The graffiti symbols on the dark gray bones also disappeared and fell into silence.

As Huang Yu's blood descendant, the blood descendant **** generals including Xingeruo have a special relationship with Huang Yu.

Just now, they felt Huang Yu's plight.

As the fastest blood-born **** general, Singleon arrived at Huang Yu's location by induction for the first time.

On the way, Singlo also met Emile, the son of the element, and asked him to find a helping hand, and at the same time he also got Emile's space ring.

It was by using the ice bombs stored in Emile's space ring that Xinglo could interrupt the strange casting of the Balrogs in an instant.

Of course, compared to the speed of movement, the teleporter Yuri, who has the ability to teleport, is not slow to reach Huang Yu's side.

It's just that as "brothers and sisters", there is also a unique telepathy between the blood gods.

When Singro was in charge of interrupting the spellcasting of the Balrog, the teleporter Yuri also found his target.

When the dog demon commander Nino Dillon carried the hilarious skeleton from the outer area into the regular area, it happened to be captured by the time-space wheel that opened the demon's teleportation.

Yuri, who assisted the time-space school arcanist in condensing the time-space beacon, also saw some pictures.

Subconsciously, Yuri made this dog demon commander and its hunchbacked hilarious skeleton a priority target.

During the time when the dog demon Nino Diron was briefly frozen, the teleporter Yuri appeared behind it and put the teleportation beacon on it.

Nino Dillon, who was confused, only felt that the world was spinning for a while. Before he could break free from the shackles of time and space, he found that the world in front of him had changed from a ferocious and ferocious demon to a high wall full of humans.


The dog demon lord only had time to come up with this thought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then his body began to fall uncontrollably, and it was greeted by countless long-awaited attacks...

After teleporting the dog demon lord away, Yuri dodged, came to the hilarious skeleton, and attached another time-space beacon on his body to the hilarious skeleton.

However, when the power of time and space emitted by the beacon surged, the traces branded on the hilarious skeleton lit up, and a large amount of demonic energy was exhaled.

Although the function has been suppressed to an extraordinary level, the Hilarious Skeleton is after all a special equipment crafted from the head of a legendary demon lord.

In the strong energy fluctuation, the transmission of the Chrono Trigger failed.

And the flame demons who reacted also rushed to Yuri and the hilarious skeleton for the first time!

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