【Laughing and crying magic chain】

[Grade: Extraordinary]

[Introduction: The crude equipment made by the head of the top race of the abyss, the monster, can release the soul of the monster to attack the target.

If there are more than five ghost spirit bodies above the supernatural, a spirit body enchantment can be created, and the target can be imprisoned in it...]


After controlling the mental power forcibly stabilized, Huang Yu also saw the relevant information of the magic chain.

He was still on the Slurry Plateau at this time, and could see the situation outside the barrier, but the area of ​​100 meters was cut off from reality by the soul barrier, so he couldn't interact with the outside world.

This soul enchantment is like a low-end version of the domain, but the core of the domain is the magic chain of crying and laughing worn by those sixth-order Balrogs.

This also made Huang Yu unable to find a way to leave the soul enchantment.

In the battle of the Alliance of the Gods, the reason why Huang Yu was able to escape from the Light Burning Spirit Realm was because he killed Carlos, the Angel of Light, who was the core of the realm.

But now, the core of this soul body barrier is outside. If you can't directly destroy the magic chain of crying and laughing, the barrier will always exist.

"No, if the core of the enchantment is outside, what is it that gnaws at my mental power and attacks my soul?"

The constant tingling from the soul reminded Huang Yu of one thing.

He first relied on the blood-born induction, sent assistance messages to the blood-born **** generals, and then opened the Eye of Chaos.

The next moment, Huang Yu was frightened by the so-called "strange demon soul body", his scalp tingling.

The soul body, which cannot be perceived by mental power, has nothing to hide in the eyes of chaos.

These souls have hideous faces like demon clowns, long ears and fangs, **** eyes and noses, blurred bodies, and they look very terrifying.

They densely surrounded Huang Yu, constantly attacking Huang Yu with their mouths and claws, devouring Huang Yu's spiritual power.

However, these strange demon souls don't seem to have any intelligence, and are just relying on instinct.

Huang Yu tried to use some soul-style attack methods on the soul body, but with little success.

After these soul bodies are shattered, they will re-aggregate at an extremely fast speed, and they can also grow rapidly by swallowing his spiritual power.

And among these strange demon souls, there are eight of them which are the most massive, and their bodies are also extremely solid. The soul school spells under the supernatural are basically unable to hurt them.

Even the hand of the soul can only shoot it away, but cannot completely annihilate it.

After all, Hand of Soul is not a purely offensive spell, its effect is more used to affect wise targets.

"It seems that after returning this time, I have to enrich my soul-type attack methods.

Relying only on the hand of the soul and innate ability, there are still too many limitations. "

After using the power of the void to dissolve the ghost demon body to its original size, but still unable to eradicate it, Huang Yu couldn't help frowning.

After thinking for a moment, Huang Yu stretched out his soul's hand to a ghostly spirit body.

Chaos Drift!

A huge amount of information poured into the ghost demon soul body. The ghost demon soul body was like a balloon, expanding at an extremely fast speed, and then exploded into pieces with a "pop" and disappeared into the spirit body barrier.

At the same time, on the chain of crying and laughing demons worn by a flame demon outside the enchantment, a strange demon's head was instantly shriveled and slowly turned to ashes.

it works!

After seeing this scene, Huang Yu immediately became excited.

As long as all the ghost spirit bodies in the spirit body barrier are killed, the crying and laughing magic chains in the hands of the eight flame demons outside will also be automatically destroyed.

At that time, the soul body barrier will be self-destructed without attacking.

But after being happy for a while, Huang Yu looked at the ghostly demon soul body crowded with the enchantment, and the excitement in his heart subsided at a very fast speed.

The number of ghost demon souls in the enchantment is too many, there are hundreds of them at least.

No matter how strong Huang Yu's mental power was, he couldn't use it hundreds of times in a row.

And now that he has mental power for protection, Huang Yu's soul can also avoid the attack of the ghost spirit body. @·No mistake starting~~

Once his mental power is exhausted, the ghost demon soul body can directly threaten his soul, and even if Huang Yu doesn't die, his fate will not be much better.


Of course, Huang Yu could use Chaos Drift a few times to obliterate the ghost spirit body at intervals, and then rely on meditation and immortal breath to restore his spiritual power.

But it will take a long time.

But will the devil give Huang Yu time?

Obviously not!

Huang Yu had already seen the dog demon commander Nino Dillon and the strange equipment he was carrying.

【Hilarious Skeleton】

【grade:? ? ? 】

[Introduction: It is suspected that the equipment made by the head of the eighth-order legendary demon lord. According to its energy circuit, it can be guessed that this equipment has the ability to kill souls, or to ban...]


The equipment made by the head of the eighth-order legendary demon lord is at least legendary grade.

After seeing the information introduction of the hilarious skeleton, Huang Yu understood what these demons were going to do.

They are going to move themselves, sealed by the soul body enchantment, to the outer area of ​​the Fushen Realm from the seal.

At that time, Huang Yu's life will be in his own hands!

Seeing that the hilarious skeletons quickly flew above the soul barrier under the control of the eight Balrogs, Huang Yu's heart couldn't help but hang up.

But in the next moment, the spellcasting of the Balrogs was interrupted by Youlan Death Light Singro.

And the teleporter Yuri, who appeared almost at the same time as the blue death light Xingro, also put the time-space beacon in his hand on the dog demon commander and the hilarious skeleton.

"Failed...but that's okay.

The blood-born **** general and stepping into the extraordinary class should buy me a lot of time! "

Huang Yu used Chaos Drift again to burst a ghost demon soul body. When he was about to destroy the third ghost demon soul body, he received a message prompt. @·No mistake starting~~

【Ding! 】

[Your warrior kills the dog demon commander (seventh-order sanctuary), and you get 135382 experience points! 】


Not long after being passed away by the teleporter Yuri, the commander of the dog demon whose strength was suppressed under the extraordinary died in the chaos in front of the town of demon town.

At the same time, its death also brought 130,000 experience points to Huang Yu, filling the vacancy of Huang Yu's LV48-LV49 experience slots.

Huang Yu ushered in the fourth extraordinary transformation today!

"The innate ability of this transformation is... Chaos Drifting!"

The boiling energy in his body told Huang Yu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that his last transformation in the extraordinary rank was the fifth ability of Chaos Power and Law!

"Wait until I return to the town of Demon Town to transform, or... take a gamble!"

Huang Yu looked at the dense soul body in front of him, and after thinking for a while, he prepared to transform the soul body in place.

The barrier trapped him here, while also keeping the main enemy out.

Except for the town of Demon Town, there should be no safer place for transformation in the entire 233rd floor of the abyss at this time.

As for the attack of the ghost spirit body, Huang Yu's mental power can still withstand it for a while.

As long as the innate ability of Chaos Drifting is transformed, the new ability may help him solve the current predicament faster and easier! .

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