Outside the soul-body barrier, demons and blood-born gods are battling around the hilarious skeletons.

The only blood-born **** generals here are Youlan Death Light Xingeruo and the teleporter Yuri, as well as the three blood-born apostles who inherited the speed of Xingeruo.

On the demon side, in addition to the eight sixth-order flame demons carrying the chains of crying and laughing, there are countless other races of demons.

Both Singlo and Yuri lacked powerful means of attack, and after relying on space ability and speed force to entangle for a while, the two were forced to leave around the hilarious skeleton.

"Bastard, block the enemy for me, don't let them interfere with me!"

After pushing Thinglo and Yuri back, the flame demon Gregg scolded the vassal demons beside him a few times.

The reinforcements of the human have arrived, and in order to prevent accidents, they must seal it as soon as possible and transport it out of the regular area of ​​the Divine Realm.

After spending so much money, if the human being is allowed to escape, even if they are the confidants of the Balrog Lord Aselonde, they will lose their heads under the wrath of Aselond when they return.

With the order of the flame demon Gregg, all the nearby demons except the lava demon immediately gave up attacking the town and began to rush towards the hilarious skeletons.

Especially the extraordinary demon, who directly dropped his troops and flew around the flame demon. In less than half a minute, fifty or sixty were gathered.

Greg and other Balrogs, under the guard of these demons, once again sacrificed their hilarious skeletons.


At this moment, the blue wing Fabilio flew out of the thick volcanic cloud with a gust of wind.

Along with its loud roar, a raging storm spewed out at the hilarious skeleton.

The demon army below was caught off guard, and the people who were beaten by Fabilio, the blue wing, turned their backs. Only eight sixth-order flame demons stood still, and their semi-elemental bodies resisted the storm rolled up by Fabilio. .


Fabrio slammed to the ground and smashed directly into the encirclement of the demons, smashing many demons who were too late to dodge into flesh.

Then, using his metal wings and limbs, he shredded the demon in front of him, and in the middle he used his tail to smash a sixth-order Balrog who was focused on controlling the hilarious skeleton.

But even so, the remaining seven Balrogs still controlled the hilarious skeletons to release their magical energy in an orderly manner, covering a corner of the soul body barrier created by the magic chain of crying and laughter.

After seeing this scene, Cangqing Wing Fabilio became even more angry, roaring and slaying the nearest Balrog.

However, other demons also reacted and rushed towards Fabio, the blue wing.

A sixth-order bone demon took the opportunity to flash under the Wing of Azure Fabrio, and the bones in his right arm quickly formed a sharp, sharp conical spear, stabbing towards the Wing of Azure Fabrio. O's jaw.


! "

Although Azure Wing Fabilio reacted, he wanted to dodge.

But when the bone demon attacked, many demons hugged its limbs, wings and tail, restraining its movements.

As a result, it could only barely twist its head away, causing the bone demon's attack to land on the fin-like structure on the side of its face.

The full-strength strike of the sixth-order bone demon is enough to break through Fabilio's powerful defense.

The fin-like structure on Fabrio's right face was almost torn off, and Yin Hong's dragon blood sprayed the bone demon, making it even more excited.

Feeling the pain from his cheeks, the Blue Wings flapped its wings, swayed away the demon that attacked its wings, and summoned a gust of wind to fly into the air again.

After it got rid of the siege of the extraordinary demon and the bat demon, the dragon's body was also covered with large and small scars, which were slowly healing under the erosion of demonic energy.

"Didn't you **** see that there is another enemy!"

The flame demon Greg escaped a slash in embarrassment, and the magic of manipulating the hilarious skeleton was also interrupted.

It turned out that when the Wings of Blue Fabrilio attracted the attention of other demons, Baji Swordsman Wumo also used the predator's physique to turn himself into a demon.

Just now, Baji Swordsman Wumo not only secretly killed the sixth-order Balrog that was shot by Fabilio, but also launched a sneak attack on Gregg.

It's just that Ge Yanmo Greg's strength is not weak, and he has always been prepared in his heart, so he didn't let Baji Sword Madness Wumo's sneak attack succeed.

After another round of melee, a circular circle suddenly appeared above the battlefield.

The next moment, a figure like a mountain was teleported over and fell straight to the ground.


The ground shook, making a loud noise, and some weaker demons were even thrown into the air.

Thunderfury Kraos arrived directly at the battle scene through the Chrono Trigger.

It first used the innate ability of scalar augmentation to increase its special red lightning power to the maximum, and then stomped the ground to release it as much as possible.

In an instant, the scarlet thunder light sputtered around like a splash of water.

Dozens of demons, including a sixth-order Balrog and seven extraordinary demons, were shrouded in these terrifying lightning.

The sixth-order Balrog, the main target of Kraos' attack, was directly electrocuted to ashes. Three of the other seven extraordinary demons also died, and the remaining four were seriously injured.

As for the demons under the transcendent, they all vanished into ashes.

"The power of thunder!"

The huge body, the outer shell like a heavy armor, and the thunder and lightning that roamed and jumped all over the body, gave Thunder Wrath Kraos a super high defense.

This also allows it to ignore the attacks of surrounding demons in a short period of time and fully prepare for the second round of attacks.

Manic thunderbolts leaped between Kraos' hands.

As it pushed outwards, those lightning bolts shot out towards the other five Balrogs.

The half-elemental body of the Balrog can indeed be immune to many physical attacks and elemental attacks, but its carrying capacity is also limited.

As for the thunder and lightning power that Kraos had blessed with a scalar increase, these flame demons had just seen it, and naturally they were unwilling to resist.

They interrupted the control of the hilarious skeletons one after another, avoiding the terrifying thunder and lightning.

Looking at the five Balrogs that survived, and at the hilarious skeletons interrupted by the lightning attack, Gregg the Balrog knew that if these enemies were not resolved, they would not be able to complete the seal at all.

Under the anger, flames spewed out of Gregg's body, and his size instantly doubled, reaching the position of Kraos' waist.


! "

Gregg the Balrog issues orders to other demons to destroy their enemies as quickly as possible, no matter the cost.

Then he stretched out his hand and threw out a long flaming whip, killing Thunderfury Kraos.

However, at this moment, Greg suddenly had a strong sense of crisis.

It subconsciously looked in the direction of the danger, but only saw the thick volcanic clouds in the sky and the neighing flying demons.


Greg saw a golden-red light breaking through the volcanic cloud, and the chilling energy of the bearer flew towards it.

Greg couldn't even think of dodging in his mind, so he could only let the golden-red streamer block his sight while trembling.



Like a giant spear flying from the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the upper body of the flame demon Gregg was directly smashed by the golden red light!

However this is not enough.

The streamer smashed to the ground, and "ploughed" a long blank area about 300 meters long in the dense demon army.

All the demons in this area, whether above or below the supernatural, were all annihilated by it.

After the golden red light faded, Pan Sen stood up from the fragments of the demon's corpse with a spear and looked at the demons around him indifferently.

This is the Great Desolate Starfall!

His strongest skill!

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