The flame demon Gregg's body collapsed, and at the same time, Pan Sen's body also gushed out a rich and extreme golden light.

The aura that had been weakened by the release of the Wrath of the Soul, the Great Desolate Starfall, also increased at an extremely fast rate.

After Pan Sen completed his eighth transformation after stepping into the supernatural, he briefly fell to the strength of the king-level, and recovered to the level of the god-level arms again, and it was much stronger than that.

However, the death of the flame demon Greg did not cause the remaining five flame demons to be in chaos.

They, Greg, and the strongest sixth-order Balrog, who was first sent away by Huang Yu, only had strengths and weaknesses, not status.

And even if there is only one of them left, they can control the hilarious skeleton whose attribute ability is suppressed at the extraordinary level, but the sealing speed will be much slower.

Seeing the reinforcements from one side of the universe arriving one after another, the five Balrogs wearing the chains of crying and laughing immediately hid in the army of demons.

They forcefully recruited the great demons nearby, surrounding themselves, hilarious skeletons, and soul enchantments.

For a while, all kinds of demons flying in the sky and crawling on the ground gathered into a large group.


With a loud whistle, the red dragon Yayin and several other extraordinary dragons broke through the volcanic cloud and flew above the soul body barrier.

At the same time, these giant dragons also brought the extraordinary combat power of hundreds of people from all over the world.

In addition to Ryana, Jiang Chengzi, Kratos, Sylvana, and other god-level arms who have stepped into the extraordinary, there are also old-fashioned kings such as Citeria, Astinos, and Ying Changtian who have entered the extraordinary. Arms.

When the dragons used the dragon breath to break a gap in the dense flying demon swarm, various spells began to flicker above the demon's encirclement.

The elites of the universe didn't hesitate to use the spell scrolls in their hands, and released the spells at the demons that surrounded the soul enchantment.

In an instant, colorful streamers descended from the sky, blooming among the demons with shuddering energy fluctuations.

These scrolls are at least of excellent grade, and most of them are of perfect grade, with a few extraordinary grade spell scrolls added to them.

At the same time, the power after the outbreak is not inferior to the full-scale attack of a fully prepared Universal Mage Battalion.

The demons are indeed bloodthirsty and aggressive, but they don't want to lose their lives in vain.

Looking at the spells falling from the sky, the demons gathered in the spirit body barrier scattered again, dodging the spell's attack.

The formation that had just been formed by the five Balrog Organizations was instantly swept away by the torrent of spells, and the entire scene was chaotic.

After relying on the spell scroll to open the situation, the extraordinary combat powers who came from the town of demons jumped off the back of the giant dragon and flew out of the spirit body barrier.

Under the command and leadership of Jiang Chengzi and Ruiana, these elites from the universe showed a strong synergy ability.

They cleaned up the demons near the Soul Body Barrier at a very fast speed, and then formed a seemingly thin, but actually quite powerful line of defense according to different combat positions, and protected the Soul Body Barrier within it.

Even the hilarious skeleton, which would spit out demonic energy and attack when it got close, could not be teleported or received into the space ring, was sealed by Emile, who not only appeared when, using the sealing crystal.

After the five flame demons killed a few scurrying demons and stabilized the situation, seeing this scene, there was a chill in the heart of the flame-like demon.

That is a rare legendary equipment in the hands of the Balrog Lord Atheronde!

Now that it is sealed by humans, it is a trivial matter to be unable to manipulate it to accommodate Huang Yu.

If it is taken away by humans, things will be bad!

Without the hilarious skeletons, the Balrog Lord Atherond would never let them go, even if he survived the war.

Even if they are Atherond's henchmen!

What awaits them will be more terrible consequences than death!

Thinking of this, the five lords began to recruit the demons in the vicinity, driving the demons to kill the elites of the universe at any cost.

But the elites of the universe are obviously prepared.

They carried a large number of throwing weapons and strong firepower magic-weave constructions. Ruianna and Jiang Chengzi also each used their own space rings and installed two adamantine magic light cannons.

The powerful firepower network instantly covered the five directions of front, back, left, right, and top.

Bolters, magic light wheels, strong magnetic torrent tubes... all kinds of magic texture constructions began to exert their power on the battlefield of the Slurry Plateau.

The demons rushed towards Ryana and others one after another, and were smashed into a sieve by the oncoming attack.

Even the sixth-order bone demon with amazing defensive power is difficult to resist for a while.

Of course, the devil is not without countermeasures.

Whether it is the Balrog, the Candle Demon or the Bat Demon, they all have a strong spellcasting ability.

Coupled with the disparity in numbers, the elite of the universe is still the passive party.

Unlike the previous journey through the battlefield and hunting extraordinary demons, the immovable soul enchantment limited the flexibility of the extraordinary arms and forced them to face the attacks of several demons at the same time.

This situation continued until the arrival of the Mageweave Knights.

In order to ensure that Huang Yu's ninth extraordinary transformation is foolproof, Commander Leya ordered the entire army to return to the Demon Wall for defense, and sent all the magic knights in the city.

Five hundred magic knights, led by Kate and Ji Yinfu, formed a triangular formation, from the town of magic town to the soul enchantment.

Even Yin Fu was wearing a golden magic-patterned power armor as the tip of the triangular formation, tearing the demons encountered along the way to shreds.

While Mageweave Power Armor is standard for Mageweave knights, it doesn't mean that other people can't wear it.

It's just that warrior-level arms and even hero arms can't carry magic-pattern power armor for a long time, nor can they exert their full capabilities.

But if it is a king-level unit, especially a person like Yin Fu who has the ability to awaken blood, and whose physique is not inferior to that of a giant dragon, it is a very suitable carrier for magic-patterned power armor.

Magic-patterned power armor is a perfect-grade magic-patterned construction, but its value is no less than that of extraordinary-grade heavy armor, and its richness of functions is even greater.

Like the magic-patterned power armor called "Golden Lion" on Yin Fu's body, Zhuling tailored it for her.

When Yin Fu uses the bloodline ability to enter the half-human half-beast state, the golden lion will also transform.

Especially the two pairs of retractable power-cutting claw Bone Demon's extremely tough bone armor, which is as brittle as paper in front of them.

When Yin Fu led the magic knights to the soul enchantment, the Balrogs directed the demons to prevent them from meeting the people in the encirclement, but with little success.

Yin Fu even instructed the magic-patterned knights to intersperse and cut through the dense demon army, and then close it at an extremely fast speed, like a fishing net, catching more than 50 extraordinary demons in one net.

It also includes a Balrog with a chain of crying and laughing.

After the magic knight and the elites of the universe easily reunited, Ruianna and Jiang Chengzi quickly dispatched staff to form a solid defensive barrier outside the spirit body barrier.

At this point, the devil has no chance to get close to the soul enchantment!

82 Chinese Network

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