The body created by the will of the abyss is not inferior to the body of chaos after Huang Yu's nine transformations.

But in terms of ability, this body is far worse than the body of chaos, which has three god-level talents and a suspected top-level talent.

The three ability seeds are so weak that they are not as good as rare talents. Before they have fully grown up, Huang Yu can only rely on the flesh to fight.

This is a fatal blow to Huang Yu, whose melee combat ability can only be equal to that of heroes, and usually relies solely on talent to fight!

"The growth potential of this body is definitely above the god-level arms.

But now it has at most the strength of the sixth-order extraordinary king-level arms."

Clenching his fist, Huang Yu was silent for a while.

He didn't know why the will of the abyss would forcibly freeze in time and space, and take action on his "little" extraordinary human.

Neither deprived him of his life nor destroyed his body of chaos, but created a new "body of the abyss" for him according to the body of chaos.

As an outsider who invaded the abyss, all this seemed unrealistic.

"Could it be that the will of the abyss is to see that my talent is too outstanding, forcibly digging the corner of the Chaos Continent?"

Huang Yu made a random guess.

But through the accident just now, he also knew one thing, the endless abyss has an ultimate consciousness.

Although I don't know why this ultimate consciousness will take action on myself, one thing is certain is that the will of the abyss must have paid a small price for this action.

After all, the chaotic will of the same magnitude as the abyss did not show such a strong interference ability when facing the invasion of creatures from other worlds.

In other words, in the life of the other world that invaded the Chaos Continent, there is no target worth the price of Chaos Will to stop it.

Of course, all these conjectures are based on the fact that there is a conscious body in the Chaos Continent.

No matter how you look at the current Chaos Continent, it looks like a world that was not born for a long time.

Whether there is a law consciousness like the will of the abyss is still a question.

"The body of chaos still exists. There should be a way to regain control."

Huang Yu set his sights on the body of chaos after nine extraordinary transformations.

It has been less than two years since the establishment of the Universal Territory, and his rule is still not stable.

In addition, there are many enemies and a long war to open up the abyss is ongoing.

Only strong strength can give Huang Yu the confidence not to let the things he encounter exceed his control.

The body of Chaos closed his eyes and lowered his head, standing quietly in place.

But the coercion that he instinctively exudes gave Huang Yu a strong sense of crisis.

"I am afraid of myself. I am already so strong!"

Only after facing himself did Huang Yu realize how powerful he was.

In the past time, although he was sure to win every battle, most of the time he defeated the enemy with an overwhelming advantage.

But in fact, he didn't even use one-tenth of his ability.

But think about it, the four talents were all mythical grades before, and it is easier said than done if you want to completely control them with only the extraordinary strength of the sixth-order.

"Try if you can use mental power to control it"

Huang Yu recalled his feelings during the ninth transformation, and his spiritual power turned into a substantial tentacle and probed into the body of chaos.

However, just as the mental force entered the body of chaos, a powerful suction suddenly came from the body of chaos.

And this suction is not only aimed at Huang Yu's soul, but also the body of the abyss where Huang Yu is now living.

In the soul body barrier, the body of chaos and the body of the abyss turned into gray fog and black fog respectively, entangled and condensed together in a soft sound like fireworks.

After a while, Huang Yu's image reappeared, only in the form of a chaotic body.

"So it is!"

Huang Yu opened his eyes, and his expression became more enlightened. Various feelings after the fusion of body and soul automatically appeared in his mind, and the way was slightly similar to the inheritance of the real name of the super race.

"Gene Era"

Extending his palm, Huang Yu looked at the back of his hand, a gray and a white entangled circuit composed of countless mini runes.

When he flipped the back of his hand, the black runes spread all over his body instantly, and Huang Yu's body also became the body of the abyss.

When it flipped again, it changed back to the body of chaos.

"It's okay"

Huang Yu used his spiritual power to control the overflow of the rune circuit representing the body of the abyss.

After a while, the body of the abyss separated from the body of chaos, and made some simple actions according to Huang Yu's consciousness.

Huang Yu thought for a while, and spent his mental power to create a mental imprint in the body of the abyss.

This is one of the ways that the caster controls the puppet, and Huang Yu found that he can also use this method to control his abyss body.

"A more advanced control method for puppets is to split the soul fragments and implant them into the puppets, so that the puppets can also act autonomously. Do you want to try?"

Huang Yu also has some involvement in the puppet technique. After all, the Book of Creation has appeared in the Book of Creation before.

Huang Yu is quite interested in the feeling of dual-view activities.

However, after a brief thought, Huang Yu gave up the idea.

When he thought that this abyss body was formed by the will of the abyss, Huang Yu was full of vigilance.

He doesn't think that the will of the abyss is well-intentioned.

The price is spent, just to create a body with great potential for yourself?

In any case, this doesn't seem to be something that an existence like the will of the abyss can do!

However, once the idea of ​​"destroying the body of the abyss" appeared in his consciousness, Huang Yu would feel unbearable and resisting in his heart, as if doing so would be something he regretted.

Considering the potential of the body of the abyss, Huang Yu was also reluctant to destroy it, so he simply recalled it and re-incorporated it into the body of chaos.

"Is it more secure?"

The body of chaos is back under control, and so are the four innate abilities.

And Huang Yu also knew the ability after Chaos Drift's transformation - Chaos Nothingness.

In addition to enhancing the abilities of Chaos Drifting, it also has the ability to return everything to "nothingness".

This point is slightly similar to the existence of the Faceless and "Yellow Town".

"It's time to come back."

Through the spirit body barrier, Huang Yu saw the universe elites guarding outside the He didn't know how long it took for his ninth transformation, but the magic knights and the universe elites outside, Clearly the guard has reached the limit.

There are too many demons, no matter how powerful the elites of the universe are, they will be exhausted in front of the huge demon army.

The ammunition of the magic-patterned knight's magic bullet gun has been exhausted. At this moment, he is holding various magic-patterned power weapons to melee the demons, and there have been casualties.

The Universal Elites who arrived earlier also showed signs of fatigue. Among them were two Tier 6 extraordinary arms, who were transformed into Heroic Spirits by the Valkyrie Shi Kedi on the spot.

If it takes him a little longer to transform, the Universal Territory may usher in the most tragic loss of high-end combat power in history.

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