When Emile sealed the Hilarious Skull with the Sealing Crystal, the demons' goals changed.

Missions can fail, but hilarious skeletons must not be lost!

In the eyes of the Flame Demon Lord, the value of nearly 10,000 extraordinary demons in the regular area, and the hundreds of thousands of extraordinary demons, are not necessarily comparable to the hilarious skeletons.

After all, there are countless demon servants in other planes, and they can be recruited at any time if they are not.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of vassal demons are all within the allowable range of consumption in the Balrog's war.

But there's only one hilarious skeleton, Atherond!

This is the trophy of the lord of the monster that it killed in a lifetime of death, and it is its unique glory.

If the hilarious skeleton can't be snatched back, the furious Lord of the Flame Demon might kill all the demons present!

Only two of the Balrogs who were wearing the Demon Chains of Weeping and Laughing were left to die. At this time, they were attacking the line of defense formed by the Universal Elite and the Demon Knights together with other demons like crazy.

But the tenacity of the soldiers of the universe far exceeded the knowledge of the demons.

Even if there is no suppression of the core area of ​​the gods, and the Wall of Broken Demons as a barrier.

Military elites such as the Mageweave Knight and Ryana did not back down.

In order to avoid putting too much pressure on the town, Jiang Chengzi and Ryana didn't even let You An send the crystal that sealed the hilarious skeleton to the town.

After all, when they left, the town of Demon Town lost more than half of their extraordinary combat power. If there was any accident, the purpose of their trip would be completely defeated.

It is even possible to stay in the abyss.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, boulders encased in molten lava, dragging black smoke tails, flew from afar and smashed into the defensive circle of the elites of the universe.

The Lava Demon is also in the fight!

Looking at the menacing lava boulders, Jiang Chengzi and Ruianna couldn't help but tighten their expressions.

When Huang Yu was trapped in the Soul Formation Barrier, the Arcanist in Universal City also dug up information about the Abyss from the devil's brain, including the racial classification of the Abyss Devil.

Compared with the level of all races in the Chaos Continent, such as the flame demon, the night demon, the strange demon, etc., they are the super races in the abyss.

The Lava Demon and the Eight-Armed Snake Demon, Wild Hunt Demon, Soul Judgement Demon, etc., are in the ranks of advanced races.


Candle Demons, Dog Demons, Horrors, Bone Demons, and Nerubians belong to the middle-level demon race.

Kui-arm demons, sickle-tail demons, horned demons, etc. belong to the common demon race.

Cowardly demons, little demons, and brow demons belong to the low-level demon race.

Now that the Lava Demon has also joined the attack on its own side, the defensive pressure of the elites in the universe has suddenly surged.

"Universal soldiers, follow me!"

At this moment, a voice echoed in the ears of Ryana and others.

Lord Lord!

Hearing the familiar voice, the elites of the universe were all refreshed, and then they saw a figure nearly 400 meters high, like a mountain, suddenly appearing in front of everyone.

At this time, Huang Yu still retains the image of a human being, but there is a pair of giant Pengtian wings behind him.

After obtaining the Body of Chaos, Huang Yu did not have to show himself in the image of an alien, but relying on the human body, he could also display the alien means obtained by swallowing the void.

As for the wings on the back, it is to protect the men behind them and provide them with a certain degree of protection.

In the shocked expressions of the demons, Huang Yu stretched out his hands, accompanied by the phantom of the dragon in his hands, and the surging flame dragon breath spurted out under the entanglement of thunder and lightning.

The terrifying breath was drawn from the front of Huang Yu to the back of Ruiana and the others, and the demons who had attacked the universe force had no time to dodge, and they all turned to ashes.

It also includes the two sixth-order flame demon lords with the chains of crying and laughing, and more than twenty extraordinary demons!

After seeing this scene, the lava demon who came from a distance stopped immediately, hesitating whether to come over.

The Flame Demon army was in a dilemma for a while because the hilarious skeleton had not yet been recovered.

Huang Yu didn't care about the thoughts of these demons at all, his hands were like flamethrowers, constantly spraying the dragon's breath, and at the same time using scalar manipulation to increase the power of the dragon's breath.

Soon, in the direction leading to the town of Demon Town, two high flame walls were erected, and he led his men to the core area in the middle of the army.


! "

When Huang Yu escorted his men back to the town of Demon Town, there was also an earth-shattering roar from the outer area.

After Huang Yu turned his head, he saw that it was the angry Balrog Lord Aselonde, and immediately launched a teleportation to reach the border of the regular area of ​​Liyin in Fushen Realm.

The distance between the two is less than 100 meters. Combined with their huge size, there is actually no distance between them. It can be regarded as a face-to-face confrontation.

But it was this step that made the Flame Demon Lord Aselond dare not step in, so he could only stare at Huang Yu fiercely.

Just after completing the ultimate transformation, Huang Yu has the urge to step into the outer area and play a few tricks with the flame demon Aselonde. After all, his chaotic nothingness may have the ability to break through the domain and time-space blockade.

But looking at the demon leaders behind Atheronde, Huang Yu finally suppressed the urge in his heart.

Huang Yu believed that if he stepped into the outer area, these demons would definitely not talk about martial arts, and rush up to pull him into the field.

No matter how strong he is, there is still a gap in rank, and he cannot fight against dozens of demon commanders at the same time.

"I will destroy your city and slaughter your people!"

After the confrontation for a while, the Flame Demon Lord Aselonde glared at Huang Yu, slammed a harsh word, and returned to the outside of the Fushen Realm to leave the Indian Realm.

Afterwards, a demon elite consisting of 500 Balrogs, 2000 Bone Demons, Terror Demons, Candle Demons, Nerubians, and Canine Demons formed a formation and headed towards the regular area.

When the lava lord Melmidok, who was watching the play, saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised, knowing that the flame lord Aselonde had made a real move.

After fighting the Balrog for so long, Melmidok naturally knew that the troop Atheronde is sending now is one of the two most powerful troops in its hands, and it is called "The Whip of Atheronde" ".

There are a total of 5,000 demons in this force~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and all of them are sixth-order extraordinary existences.

Moreover, unlike the previous demon troops in chaos, these demons of different races can work together and have a clear division of labor.

Balrog command, bone demon defense, terror attack, candle demon casting, nerubian control, dog demon wandering... Even in the abyss, demons that can work together like the Whip of Atheronde The army is also rare.

After all, demons are synonymous with chaos, and they naturally hate things related to order. Even demons of the same race rarely work together.

Now, in order to deal with those human beings, Aselund actually sent half of them directly. Even in the battle for planes, Lava Demons rarely enjoy such "treatment".

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