The battle between the town and the abyss is still going on.

When the Whip of Atheronde stepped into the battlefield, the magic-patterned knights under Huang Yu, as well as the extraordinary hero and king-level arms, lost the space to hunt extraordinary demons in regular areas.

Even god-level troops like Ryana and Jiang Chengzi are in danger of falling if they are surrounded by the Whip of Aselond when hunting in regular areas.

If it weren't for Huang Yu's Eye of Chaos covering the entire battlefield, he always paid attention to all aspects of information, and took several shots to help his men to clear the siege.

At this time, there may have been god-level troops fallen.

Fortunately, with Huang Yu's upgrade to lv59, the sixth-order extraordinary transformation has been completed, and the coverage of the core area of ​​Liyin's core area of ​​Fushen Realm has also skyrocketed to a ten-kilometer radius.

Thanks to this, the Whip of Atherondo did not dare to go deep into the core area at will.

After all, in the core area, they can only exert the combat power below the extraordinary, and there is a huge strength gap with the magic knights with extraordinary combat power per capita.

Even if they were five times as many as the magic-patterned knights, and they were a rare special unit in the abyss where multiple demon races fought together, they could not resist the rush of the magic-patterned knights in the core area.

Although Atheronde was angry, he was still sensible and would not waste his most elite troops in "unequal" battles.

The 2,500 Aselond Whips were only blocking the movements of the Universal Forces in the regular area at this time, leading the vassal demons in the melee, interspersed with elite troops to raid the weak points of the town.

This also doubled the pressure on the defenders in the town of Demon City, and once even was attacked by the Wall of Broken Demons, directly causing dozens of extraordinary troops to lose their lives.

Since the battle, Huang Yu has lost more than 300 men, including two veteran heroes who have stepped into the extraordinary, and a king-level arm under the extraordinary...

And the most dangerous time is yet to come.

Before the town of Demon Town is upgraded to Tier 5, Huang Yu's subordinates will definitely lose some of the units, and the number of Heroic Spirit Transformation places vacated in the Hall of Heroes may not be enough.

What Huang Yu can do is to help his subordinates improve their strength as much as possible.

The more people who are promoted to extraordinary, the less pressure on the town of Demon City in the core area.

"Chaos power...'power' instead of 'right', the difference may be the direction of my subsequent development of capabilities."

In the regular area, Huang Yu casually knocked a Balrog into a coma, and used the time-space beacon to teleport it away.

Then, before the other demons surrounded him, he teleported to a sixth-order lava demon on the other side of the battlefield when the beacon activation time slowed down.

Using extremely skilled means, while sending it as an experience pack to Town Demon City, he tapped into his transformed abilities.

After returning to the town of magic, Huang Yu calmed down and conducted a detailed study of his transformed abilities.

As Huang Yu's four major talents, the most powerful innate ability.

After the five main abilities have been transformed in turn, the Law of Chaos has been successfully promoted to the highest grade talent!

Its name has also changed from Chaos Power Law to Chaos Power!

The new ability Huang Yu is not yet proficient with, and most of the battles rely on the skills he has mastered before.

But Huang Yu is now in the abyss, but he can sense the "position" of the Chaos Continent, which indicates that his relationship with the Chaos Continent has become closer.

However, when Huang Yu switched to the body of the abyss, this connection disappeared immediately and turned into a sense of closeness to the abyss.

The initially disgusting magical energy and chaotic laws in the abyss made him feel as fresh as air.

The three ability seeds in his body are also growing faintly.

If he kills the demon in the form of the body of the abyss, Huang Yu cannot gain experience points, but it can make the three ability seeds stronger.

It's just that Huang Yu can't view the information of the body of the abyss through the information panel given by Tinder, and even the name appears in the form of "???".

This also made Huang Yu jealous of his abyss body.

After all, this is the "gift" of the will of the abyss. Before figuring out the plot of the will of the abyss, Huang Yu did not want the body of the abyss to grow up.

"The time of the teleportation channel is almost here!"

Just after Huang Yu sent a spider demon with good strength, who was on the verge of breaking through to the seventh-order sanctuary, to the town of demons.

The Eye of Chaos floating above the battlefield found that the transmission channel in the town of Demon City was showing signs of collapse.


At the same time, the Balrog Lord Atheronde, who was far away in the core area, let out a roar, and the Lava Demon Lord Melmidok followed closely and shouted loudly.

The next moment, the demon army instantly boiled.

The Whip of Aselund drove the tens of thousands of fifth-order demon generals and sixth-order great demon-level demons who had gathered during this period, and together with them, stepped into the core area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm.

On the Lava Demon side, one hundred giant lava beasts with a level of 5 and a body size of nearly 100 meters and extremely destructive power were the vanguards, and they flocked to the town of Demon Town in a mighty manner.

In the Crown of Arcane Arcanists excavated information from the lava demon souls, these lava behemoths are actually the "mother" of the lava demon.

All the lava demons on the 233rd floor of the abyss were bred by these low-intelligence lava giants.

Compared with the lava monster, the lava monster is the real darling of the 233rd floor of the abyss.

In addition to their huge size and bodies that are harder than obsidian, these lava giants also have the ability to breathe lava, manipulate soil, and draw energy from the earth.

If they can't smash their core, even if they are blown to pieces, these lava behemoths will "grow" out of the land of the Slurry Plateau.

Not only is the destructive power amazing, but it is also very difficult to deal with.

This kind of terrifying creature is born as a fifth-order creature. There are less than a thousand on the Slurry Plateau, and there are less than a hundred of the level above the extraordinary. It is the most precious combat power of the Lava Demon Clan, and only the Lava Demon can command it. .

If too many lava monsters fall, it will directly affect the reproduction of lava monsters.

This time, 100 lava behemoths were sent directly. Obviously, the lava demon lord Melmidok also knew that at the critical moment, UU Kanshu took out his trump card.


There was a long horn sound from the town of Demon Town. According to its rhythm and tone, Huang Yu knew that it was a signal from Leia to defend.

The god-level troops and blood-born gods who were hunting the extraordinary demons in the regular area immediately left the battle, activated the time-space beacon, and teleported directly back to the town of demons.

The magic-patterned knights in the core area who were rushing to kill demons gathered at the teleportation point of the wheel of time and space, and the heroes and king-level troops waiting to kill the extraordinary demons also retreated to the Wall of Broken Demons.

Only eight twelve golden figures were left, guarding the four gates of the town.

As for the other four twelve golden figurines, under the ability of the "You" golden figurine, they merged into a huge monster with a height of nearly 500 meters, four hands, eight arms and two wings.

Floating in the town of Demon Town, staring at the demons coming from all directions.

82 Chinese Network

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