The demons are coming, but the town of Demon Town has already been prepared.

Now in the town of magic, except for the houses donated by the secondary fire upgrade, other places are full of materials.

Potion, scrolls, equipment, food, magic weave construction. It can fully meet the needs of 100,000 people fighting for a week.

Moreover, the defenders in the town of magic, as long as they are dragged to the town of magic to upgrade to Tier 5, they don't have to worry about the problem of supplies and backup.

With Huang Yu's financial resources, it can fully satisfy the unlimited transmission from Zhenmo City to Universal City.

With Fushen Realm leaving India, they will be invincible as long as they are not attacked and broken by demons.

In other words, as long as you survive the current wave of demon siege, it will be even more difficult for demons to attack the town in the future.

However, now Huang Yu is facing an embarrassing thing.

He has completed the ultimate transformation of the sixth-order extraordinary not long ago, and now he is only one step away from the seventh-order sanctuary.

And the main force of the demon's attack this time, except for the hundred lava giant beasts, the rest are the fifth-order and sixth-order demons.

Just killing demons by his subordinates can give him a huge amount of experience points. If he fights in person, maybe he can fill the experience slots of LV59-LV60 in half a day.

If you accidentally step into the seventh-order sanctuary, the extraordinary demons in the core area will all regain their sixth-order extraordinary strength.

At that time, Demon Town will definitely not be able to resist the offensive of tens of thousands of extraordinary demons.

Just like before, Huang Yu could loot and kill the super-major demon in the Whip of Atheronde, but he couldn't prevent the Whip of Atheronde from gathering the elites of the vassal demons and attacking the core area step by step.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, even if Huang Yu's strength is sky-high, there will always be times when he can't resist the collective power.

But Huang Yu couldn't help but do it. He who can release the seventh-order sanctuary spell is the existence that can turn the tide of the battle.

"Is this also in your plan? Abyss Will!"

Huang Yu sighed slightly in his heart, turned his wrist, and immediately entered the state of the body of the abyss.

Different from the body of chaos filled with the four talents, Huang Yu's body of the abyss is a huge dry lake, which is in urgent need of energy irrigation.

Although there is no level and no information to introduce, this body of the abyss with ultimate transformation is enough to accommodate the same amount of energy that Huang Yu consumed to upgrade from LV1 to LV59!

If this body is used as a container for killing demons and plundering energy, Huang Yu can fight unscrupulously to the town of Demon Town to upgrade to the fifth rank without worrying about the problem of rank promotion.

Moreover, because the two bodies are under the control of Huang Yu, Huang Yu can also use the ability seeds of the body of the abyss to release the other three god-level innate abilities in addition to the power of chaos.

It's just that after the body of the abyss is released, these abilities will mutate, and there will be a certain consumption, and the strength will be weakened to varying degrees.

Of course, the body of the abyss also has advantages.

As the body condensed by the will of the abyss, all the skills released by Huang Yu using the body of the abyss have characteristics similar to "true damage" to the abyss creatures.

Referring to the power of the void and the power of chaos, Huang Yu called it "the power of the abyss".

In addition, the body of the abyss, like the body of chaos, has a unique resonance with the law of the abyss.

This resonance is applicable to all planes of the abyss. The first use that Huang Yu discovered is that all abyss creatures that have not been exposed to the power of the law, their body structure can be understood and even influenced by Huang Yu!

This ability is similar to Eye of Chaos, but not as direct as Eye of Chaos.

For example, the real master of the 233rd floor of the abyss created the lava monster of the lava demon family.

These giant beasts nearly 100 meters high, the lava core in their bodies is not much bigger than a human fist.

Not only is it difficult to be discovered by reconnaissance spells, but it can also quickly transfer the core to other parts of the body before being attacked by the enemy.

And as long as the core is not destroyed, they can quickly recover in a breath.

This made them extremely difficult to deal with. Aselond and Herald invaded the Slurry Plateau strongly in the early stage, but they hit the wall one after another, and there was a factor that was blocked by the lava behemoth.

Even the death of the Balrog Lord Herad was related to the three seventh-order lava giants in the depths of the lava sea.

However, in the state of the body of the abyss, Huang Yu can not only "see" those cores like the eyes of chaos, but also temporarily affect these fifth-order lava giants, preventing their cores from being transferred.

And this is not even expected by the lava lord Melmidok, and it is a deadly threat that threatens the existence of the lava demon race.

When the Balrog army braved the magic cannon, the Adamantite magic light cannon, the caster and the flying arrow to attack, and reached the bottom of the broken magic wall.

The lava behemoth that had just stepped into the core area slammed his hands into the ground beneath his feet.

With the shaking of the ground and the eruption of lava, the lava behemoth "pulled out" a handful of giant lava weapons and obsidian shields from the ground.

Because of the influence of "Flying is prohibited in this universe", all the creatures and material attacks under the enemy's transcendence cannot fly within the coverage of the sub-fire in the town of magic.

And in the core area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm, there is currently no enemy above the transcendent.

Therefore, from the establishment of the town of Demon Town to the present, no demon has ever been able to fly into the city.

After fighting with Demon Town for so long, Lord Lava Demon and Lord Balrog have also collected detailed information about Demon Town and found a way to deal with it.

Under the command of the lava demons, these lava giants gave up their favorite rock-throwing attacks, but held up obsidian shields and huge lava weapons to withstand artillery fire and spell attacks for themselves and the lava demons behind them, and quickly moved towards The town of magic is approaching.

In front of those thick obsidian shields, the magic cannon was almost useless.

Although the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon can penetrate obsidian shields, under the control of the lava giant, those stone shields can be automatically repaired in the blink of an eye.

Watching the giant beast that was not much shorter than the Wall of Severing Demons approaching fast, Leia couldn't help but cast a shadow over her heart.

Once such a giant beast is close to the town of magic, UU reading www.uukanshu. The defensive ability of com's Wall of Breaking Demons will be greatly reduced.

However, at this moment, four golden lights flashed past, hitting the four lava giants walking in the forefront.

The obsidian giant shield and the body of the lava demon were as crisp as paper in front of the golden light, and they were directly shot through on both sides.

And after shooting through the lava behemoth, the golden light still had spare power, and it only showed its original shape after grinding hundreds of meters of blood in the lava demon army behind.

It was a giant arrow with an extremely exaggerated length, and the characteristic crossbow arrow of the magnetic levitation spiral crossbow was like a toothpick in front of it.

The special power of Gengjin that echoes on it belongs to the special ability of the "Shen" Jin people among the twelve Jin people, and has a powerful "armor-breaking" feature.

In addition to this, the arrows are haunted by a special energy that makes demons instinctively covet and fear.

This is what Huang Yu calls "the power of the abyss"!

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