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"It's useless!"

A sixth-order lava demon commanding a lava behemoth, although he was startled by the power of the arrow lost.

But after he came back to his senses, he still dismissed the attack of the fit-gold man.

Their "mother" lava behemoths can recover on their own even if they are crushed into powder.

It's just an empty hole, even if the lava behemoth doesn't absorb the energy of the earth, it can recover in a moment.

Moreover, when it saw the four golden lights flying, it reminded the lava behemoth to deflect the core in its body, and now it only needs...what is the situation!

At this moment, the sixth-order lava demon suddenly found that the lava beast beside him, the body temperature like a furnace, was cooling down at a very fast speed.

The same goes for the other three lava behemoths hit by long arrows.

Their red eyes instantly darkened, their bodies as crystal clear as obsidian also lost their luster, and even the hot magma flowing out of the wounds cooled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And all of this symbolizes the death of the four lava giants.

"Is this by accident or..."

The lava demon lord Melmidok, who was standing outside the Liyinyu field of the Fushen Realm, also noticed the death of the four lava giants, and his expression immediately became solemn.

The lava monster is the creator of the lava demon family. It has no gender and cannot reproduce on its own. It can only hatch by itself through the plane law of the Slurry Plateau.

Under normal circumstances, it takes thousands of years to give birth to one!

Whether it is a strategic position or an existential significance, it is very special in the Lava Demon population.

And like the lava behemoth, the lava demon has no gender and self-reproduction ability.

All Lava Demons hatch from the stone eggs expelled by the Lava Behemoth.

Therefore, each lava monster is equivalent to a "tribe" in the lava monster population. Now that four lava monsters have died, it means that there are four lava monster tribes that are "extinct" from now on!

"No! It's not accidental, there is something wrong with that human being!"

The domain field of Fushen Realm Liyin suppressed the perception of the lava demon lord, but with the help of the devil prince, it still felt an ominous aura on Huang Yu.

After seeing Huang Yu controlling the combined golden man to take arrows and draw bows, the lava demon lord Melmidok almost screamed and shouted:

"Don't get close to that city, let the lava beast come back!"

However, the delivery of military orders is not just about roaring.

The moment Mermidok's voice fell, four golden rays of light penetrated the four lava giants again, and killed many demons along the way.

Let's go and try it. 】

Four more lava monsters didn't even make a scream, they lost their breath of life, and the entire lava demon army was in chaos.

The eight lava demon tribes who lost their "mother" rushed to the town of Demon Town with despair in their eyes.

Losing the lava giants means that they have lost their future.

The rest of the tribes that have not lost the lava monsters are in danger. They don't know whether to follow the lava monsters of the eight tribes to attack the town of magic town, or to evacuate this dangerous area.

But it didn't take long for Huang Yu, who controlled the combined golden man, to make a choice for them.

Four golden lights, four more golden lights... The eight arms of the integrated golden man continuously opened the bow, and successively shot four rounds of long arrows.

These huge arrows, under the double increase of the power of Gengjin and the power of the abyss, killed sixteen lava behemoths one after another.

In a short period of time, there were twenty-four tribes in the Lava Demon clan, and their creators were permanently lost.

Even in the battle with the Balrog army, the Lava Demon rarely lost more than 20 lava giants at one time.

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