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The teleportation channel completely collapsed and disappeared half an hour after the lava giant returned to Fushen Realm and was outside the Indy Field.

It's just that the demons' offensive not only did not weaken, but instead became stronger.

Because of the 34 Lava Demon Tribe's life-threatening attacks, the demons completely suppressed the entire universe in the town of Demon Town for the first time, and once even attacked a city tower and destroyed most of it.

Since they couldn't get the teleportation channel, Atherond and Melmidok set the target on the Chaos coordinates.

The angry Melmidok not only sent all the remaining demons from the thirty-four lava demon tribes to the battlefield, but also sent a special lava demon army.

These lava demons are the descendants of the three seventh-order lava giants in the depths of the lava sea, and have the ability to control soil and lava.

When they first joined the battlefield, these special lava demons tried to sneak into the town of demon town from the ground by digging tunnels.

However, because the foundation of the Demon Breaking Wall is too deep, and the town of Demon Town has the characteristic of being immobile on the fourth-order ground, the excavation efficiency is extremely low, and it has been destroyed by Huang Yu several times in advance.

Later, these special lava demons began to control the accumulation of soil, creating large soil slopes, which were convenient for demons to attack the Wall of Broken Demons.

The speed at which they manipulated the soil was extremely fast, which brought a lot of trouble to the defenders on the Demon Town.

The tower that had been destroyed for the most part was also broken by demons in this way.

Fortunately, there were nearly a thousand spellcasters in the town of Demon Town, and the intervention of Huang Yu and Emile, the son of the element, disrupted the actions of these special lava demons.

In addition to these lava demons, there are also those spider demons that can spin silk.

Because of the existence of "Flying is prohibited in this world," all demons have lost their ability to fly, even the Balrog.

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The spider demon can rely on the spider silk to quickly pull itself up the wall of the demon, and it can also form spider webs for other demons to climb. For a period of time, it became the main force of siege.

It's just that spider silk is afraid of fire, and Commander Leia quickly found a way to deal with it.

Now the red dragon flying back and forth above the town of Demon City was sent by Leia to deal with these nerubians.

Anyway, demons can't fly in the core area, and they can't carry out flying attacks. It is very safe for dragons to breathe dragon breath in the air.

In addition, the continuous concave-shaped and mountain-shaped structure of the Wall of Broken Demons also greatly increased the difficulty of the demons' siege.

In a siege battle, the defender always has a certain advantage over the siege.

Especially a fortified city like Zhenmo City, which has a large number of defenders that can be rotated and has sufficient firepower to suppress, it is difficult to break through only with the advantage of numbers.

Moreover, the overall quality of the defenders of Demon Town is also stronger than that of most demons of the same level.

Excellent equipment, the blessing of possessed magic patterns, building characteristics and territory characteristics, potions and scrolls that can be used at will, and a variety of extraordinary arms to fight together

As the number of demons killed increased, even the gap in level showed signs of overtaking.

All these advantages are not possessed by demons.

They fight by instinct rather than skill, and their weapons are also their own claw blades, bone spurs, etc.

Because of the mindless charge of the Lava Demon, the synergy that was barely maintained by the Whip of Atherond was gone.

As time goes on, under the influence of the territorial characteristics of "the field of pure demons" and the function of the lord's withered image of "protecting the state, the demons are scattered", the physical fitness of the demons has also continued to decline in all directions.

Wait until this offensive and defensive battle hits the end.

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