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The Balrog Lord Aselonde was silent as he watched the heroic spirit descending from the sky.

The appearance of this army completely shattered the demon army's intention to break through the town of Demon City in one go.

And what Atherond didn't expect was that after two and a half days of continuous fighting, those humans still had the power to fight back.

Now, with those heroic troops as the vanguard, they are fighting back against the demon army, and they are starting to drive the demons out of the core area of ​​Liyin of Fushenjie step by step.

Obviously, those humans were extremely well prepared before they invaded the abyss.

In contrast, although the demon army that rushed to fight was numerous and powerful, it was unable to exert its own strength under the suppression of the Fushen Realm's Liyin, and now it has become a stepping stone for Huang Yu to improve the strength of his arms.

If it continues like this, one day, the trend of offense and defense will change.

"Aselonde, it's impossible to continue like this, stop the war temporarily!"

Melmidok looked at the surviving lava demons in the core area, and said to the Balrog Lord in a deep voice:

"If that human still has a scroll of sanctuary spells in his hand, your loss will be huge!"

Inside and outside the words of the Lava Demon Lord, he was talking about the 2,500 Aselond Whips that the Balrog Lord sent into the regular area.

No matter how many other demons die, Atherond will not feel bad.

But if the 2,500 Whiplashes of Aselond were wiped out, it would be a major blow to the Balrog Lord.

In the more than a dozen abyss planes ruled by the Flame Demon King, there is no shortage of extraordinary demons, no matter how many they want.

However, like the Whip of Atheronde, it is not easy to cultivate an extraordinary demon with a clear division of labor and good at coordinated combat.

The master of the Obscure Forest, the master of the filthy demon clan, the demon king Gormond who controls the virus and corruption, and even used the virus to transform the demons under him, in an attempt to destroy the nature of demons to create a large-scale army of wielding emissaries. The supernatural demon army.

But it failed because it violated the fundamental meaning of the existence of the abyss demon.

Of course, Melmidok's reason for persuading Athelund was not with good intentions.

In the previous battle, the number of demons lost by the Balrog side was several times that of the Lava Demon.

But most of those demons were the old divisions that Atherond had incorporated into Harad, and he wouldn't care how many Atherond died.

In the past three days of fighting, only the Whip of Atheronde counted as the core army of the Balrog Lord.

If half the Whip of Atherond is destroyed as usual, it is something that the Lava Demon Lord is very happy to see.

But not now!

At least not before capturing that human city.

Even as an opponent, the Lava Demon Lord has to admit that the Whip of Aselonde is a special demon army that can make the demon army undergo a qualitative change during battle.

Their formidable combat power is second, and the ability to drive a dozen or two hundred thousand demon armies to attack in an orderly manner is the most terrifying part of the Whip of Atheronde.

"Unfortunately, having experienced the attacks of the previous four Sanctuary spells, Atherond dare not send out all the Whip of Atheronde.

Otherwise, the human city might have been captured by now. "

Melmidok naturally knew why the Balrog Lord was hiding, and the other party was always guarding him.

And let alone the Whip of Atheronde, Melmidok has never seen another elite army of the Balrog Lord, the Wings of Atheronde.

Not surprisingly, the Wings of Atheronde are now lurking near the sea of ​​lava, staring at the lava demon's lair.

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