[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

Huang Yu took out the four epic-level skill scrolls back into the trace space.

The battle to drive the demon out of the core area of ​​Liyin, Fushenjie, was unexpectedly smooth, saving him four valuable scrolls.

Even under the leadership of the sixth-order combat power such as Heroic Spirits, Magicknights, and Blood-Descent God Generals, the defenders of the town of Demon City also entered the regular area and fought for a while.

It was not until the front line was stretched that the number of people was not enough to support the coordinated battle, and the Mageweave knights and the large army of the legion returned to the core area to defend under Leia's order.

Only some of the extraordinary combat power of the legion, the blood-born **** general, the blood-born apostle, and the Valkyrie Shikoti, and others, with the assistance of the heroic army, madly hunted down demons to upgrade their ranks.

Pan Sen, Ruianna, Jiang Chengzi, Ying Changtian and other veteran king-level and god-level arms have now entered level 59 and are about to break through the seventh level.

Kratos, Leia, Pairush, Horus and others are not slow, and they are basically around lv57 and lv58.

Saying,,,.. edition. 】

Among the blood-born **** generals, with the exception of Blue Wing Fabilio and Thunder Fury Kraos, because of their special races, the experience points required for each upgrade are several times that of other people, and the levels are all at lv56.

The level of other blood **** generals has reached lv59.

When this group of people is promoted to the seventh-order sanctuary, Huang Yu will no longer have to suppress his level.

And in terms of the current upgrade speed, it shouldn't take long.

The demon retreated too fast, and Huang Yu also had enough time to optimize the layout of the town after upgrading to the fifth rank.

The first is the layout of the city wall.

In the past three days of fighting, the Wall of Breaking Demons has played a huge role.

This perfect-grade third-order city wall perfectly interprets its name of "Breaking the Demon".

Demons have attacked the town of Demon Town several times, but it is difficult to climb this high wall like a moat.

Under the suppression of the lord's statue "This world is in this world, no flying is allowed", the Wall of Broken Demons is the most important protective facility in the town of Demons.

"The 20km city wall is enough to maintain the existing urban area of ​​Zhenmo City, but if you want to allocate a part to build the outer wall of the fortress, it is not enough at all."

If the urban planning is too large, the defensive personnel will also increase accordingly.

At present, the strength of the Universal Territory cannot invest too much into the abyss.

When the soldiers of other legions returned to the Chaos Continent, the only troops stationed in Zhenmocheng were the Amazon Legion and the other legions sent to take turns.

According to Huang Yu and the military plan, the permanent troops should not exceed 30,000.

After comprehensive consideration, Huang Yu intends to maintain the obvious urban planning before upgrading the town to the sixth level.

I just plan to add eight fortresses outside the town of magic town to defend the town of magic town, improve the defense strength of town and magic town, and reduce the difficulty of defense of Kate's army in the future.

For the outer walls of these fortresses, as well as the passage leading to the town of Demon Town, it is better to use the Wall of Breaking Demons.

If one day he feels that the defense strength of the town is not enough, Huang Yu can use these fortresses as nodes to circle a layer of outer walls again, and plan eight urn cities...

Huang Yu opened the Chaos Mall, paid 160 million soul crystals, and purchased the 10km Wall of Broken Demons.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

When buying the forbidden wall in the past, Huang Yu used a sum of soul crystals to buy a little bit every day.

Now that there are more soul crystals in his hand, 1.66 billion soul crystal flowers can be said to go out without blinking an eye.

However, compared to the soul crystals obtained from the three-day battle, this 600 million soul crystals was really nothing to Huang Yu.

In addition to the Demon Breaking Wall, which acts as the outer wall, Huang Yu purchased a series of defensive buildings such as eight dragon towers, twenty-four mage towers, thirty-two bunkers...etc.

Like the city walls, these buildings are only of perfect grade at the highest, but the price is much more affordable than the Wall of Broken Demons.

After combining with the Wall of Severing Demons, eight fortresses that would make the attacker's scalp tingle at first glance were formed.

When the town of Demon Town is upgraded to Tier 5, the supported weapons such as the Magic Cannon, the Maglev Helical Crossbow, and the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon will be arranged in the fortress.

These fortresses not only have heinous defensive power, but also have terrifying firepower. It is difficult for the devil to touch the town!

Ding! 】

The secondary fire of Zhenmocheng has been upgraded to Tier 5! 】


With the sound of the prompt, the golden light covering the town of Demon City began to spread outward, directly covering nearly half of the core area.

Many demons who had no time to fly out of the core area in the future screamed in panic and fell from the air like dumplings.

The demon who fell to his death directly contributed a wave of abyss energy and soul crystals to Huang Yu, while the demon who did not fall to his death was picked up by the extraordinary arms that returned to the core area for defense, and he was easily killed.

The coverage area of ​​the fifth-order secondary fire is a 10x10km square.

However, when Huang Yu upgraded the secondary fire in Zhenmo City, he added the space attribute material Xuankong Jade, which enabled Zhenmocheng to obtain the territorial characteristics of the fifth-order extra space.

As a result, the fire coverage area of ​​Town Magic City has increased by 50%, reaching 150 square kilometers.

This has also expanded the no-fly area of ​​the town of Demon City again, and the demons will be unable to move an inch in the core area in the future.

As the golden light swept across, the buildings that had already been set by Huang Yu appeared within the coverage of the secondary fire like 3D printing.

Leia also knew the general structure of Town Demon City after it was upgraded to Tier 5, and immediately arranged for people to settle in the fortress and do a good job in defense.

At the same time, Universal City ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which received Huang Yu's information, also began to send materials and personnel to Zhenmo City through the transmission channel.

After three days of preparation, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, the Red Skill Knight Corps, the Friends Cavalry Corps, the Blood Alliance Guard Corps, and the Black Fury Berserker Corps, who had not participated in the war before, also sent a group of soldiers to the abyss battlefield to upgrade their strength levels. .

They will successively take over the warriors of other legions whose level has reached the limit of their potential, and fight against the demon army in the abyss.

And god-level troops like Cao Xing, Cao Ren, Yin Skan, Chukulin, Aragorn, Drogo, Moro, etc., will spend time in the abyss.

Even the Deep Tide Knight Legion, which is not good at land combat, was led by the legion commander, the god-level soldier Asimia, and organized hundreds of the backbone of the Deep Tide Knight Legion to come to the abyss to experience.

They will fight in the abyss for a long time, and they will not leave the abyss and return to the Chaos Continent until the level is approaching, or even stepping into the seventh-order sanctuary.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

The upgrade of Demon Town to Tier 5 also means that the Universal Territory will temporarily gain a firm foothold in the abyss.

The Fushen Realm will become the hunting ground for the elites of the universe within the regular area of ​​​​the India!

There are a large number of high-level demons for them to hunt, and they can obtain enough experience points in the shortest time to upgrade the level.

When this "abyss training" is over, the quality of the arms in the universe will open a certain gap with other races in the Chaos Continent.

Whether it is high-end combat power or the average level of arms;

Whether it is equipment or characteristic abilities;

The fourteen legions of the world territory can stabilize all races!

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