Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 828: Immortal soul, extremely bright star

"Huh, the air in Huanyu City is relatively fresh!"

Walking out of the teleportation array, Huang Yu took a deep breath of the air in the territory.

Four days have passed since the teleportation channel disappeared, and Huang Yu returned to the Chaos Continent for the first time in four days.

As the town of Demon Town was upgraded to Tier 5, the Universal Territory also stabilized the situation on the 233rd floor of the abyss.

After several tentative attacks by the demon army, the offensive eased.

At present, there are not many demons staying in the field of Fushen Realm away from India.

There are only some Balrog vassals and Lava Demons who have lost Lava Behemoths in the regular area.

They were left behind by two demon lords to harass the development of resources in the abyss in the universe.

There are quite a few Balrog powerhouses in the outer area, which were originally used by demon lords to block the activities of the townspeople.

However, after Pan Sen and Ryana successively broke through the seventh order and condensed the sanctuary, the demon days in the outer areas began to be sad.

Yes, Huang Yu has now obtained three powerhouses in the seventh-order sanctuary.

In addition to Pan Sen and Ryana, the army commander Leia also stepped into the seventh-order sanctuary on the eve of Huang Yu's return to Universal City due to her duty!

Because they stepped into the seventh-order sanctuary as warriors, the influence of the domain opened by the three was limited, but they were very powerful on the frontal battlefield.

With the epic-grade equipment given by Huang Yu, although it is still far from the level of invincibility among ten thousand armies, if the three of them join forces, they can still come and go freely in the peripheral area.

As a god-level arm, even if it is a first-time entry into the seventh-order sanctuary, it is difficult for the demon commanders in the peripheral area to compete head-on with it.

After all, most of the demon leaders among them have reached the limit of their potential. Compared with the division of arms on the human side, they are not even king-level arms.

Only a few Balrog Commanders and Lava Demon Commanders can face-to-face with the three god-level troops who have stepped into the seventh-order sanctuary, and most of them rely on the experience of using the field.

When Pantheon, Ryana, and Leia gradually become proficient in the field, and their levels increase a few levels, there will be not many demon commanders who can defeat them.

Among the three, Pan Sen was the first to break through the seventh order, and the realm he obtained was called "Indestructible Soul Realm".

After opening the field, Pan Sen can selectively plunder the energy of any creature in the field, and use this part of the energy to bless his own moves.

In theory, there is no upper limit to this increase.

And as of now, Huang Yu has not seen an existence that can resist the energy drawn from Pan Sen's Immortal Soul Realm, not even himself.

What's more terrifying is that Pan Sen can also use the plundered energy to feed back the Immortal Soul Realm, thereby enhancing the coverage and plundering efficiency of the Indestructible Soul Realm.

In the Immortal Soul Realm, no matter how many injuries he suffered, Pan Sen could instantly recover.

If the energy stored in the Immortal Soul Realm cannot be exhausted, even if Pan Sen is sealed, the Immortal Soul Realm will immediately condense a new body for Pan Sen.

It can be said that the more enemies besieged, the stronger Pantheon's combat power will be, and the more difficult it will be to kill.

In addition, Pan Sen can also feed back the energy absorbed by the Indestructible Soul Domain to friendly units in the domain.

These energies can have the same effect on friendly units, whether it is skill, constitution or field, can be increased.

This also makes Pan Sen a hexagonal warrior who can fight, resist, and milk!

The first demon commander who fell in the outer area died in the hands of Pan Sen because he didn't understand Pan Sen's domain ability.

After stepping into the seventh-order sanctuary, Pan Sen ran to the outer area to challenge the demon commander.

In the beginning, Pantheon was not even a match for a Horned Demon Lord.

But as the battle time went on, the horned demon commander had less energy as he fought, and eventually he couldn't even maintain the domain.

In the end, the Great Desolate Xingyun, who had been blessed by the Immortal Soul Domain, was hit head-on and died in the hands of Pan Sen.

This scene shocked the other demon leaders in the outer area.

After a while, a Bone Demon Commander, a Candle Demon Commander, and a Horror Demon Commander all surrounded Pan Sen, and started besieging Pan Sen.

These three demon leaders are not weak, and they have successively killed Pan Sen who continued to activate the wrath of the soul four times.

The last time, the candle demon commander personally shot, burning Pan Sen's body to ashes.

But Pantheon's death domain is still there, and under the influence of Immortal Breath, his domain is extremely strong.

Even if the three demon leaders took action, they could not eradicate it.

After Pan Sen was resurrected again, the Bone Demon Commander and the Horror Demon Commander had been plundered because of too much energy, and it was difficult to maintain their domain.

The Candle Demon Commander, who roughly guessed the characteristics of Pan Sen's domain, pulled Pan Sen into his own domain, and wanted to prevent Pan Sen from drawing energy from other targets.

The Candle Demon and the Balrog are both demons who are good at casting spells.

The domain led by the candle demon is also the domain of the caster, which was rarely used in battles before.

But after pulling Pan Sen into his domain, it didn't take long for the Candle Demon Commander to regret it.

It found itself unable to beat Pantheon.

As a spell caster, the domain of the candle demon is not much larger than that of the immortal soul domain that has absorbed half a day's energy, and it is even inferior to the domain of the bright angel Carlos killed by Huang Yu.

Locking Pantheon with himself is like locking a spellcaster and berserker in an iron cage.

After being chased by Pan Sen for a while, Lord Candle Demon took the initiative to release the domain.

Pan Sen who returned to the outer area again, after fighting in the demon army for a while, also calmly returned to the regular area.

It is precisely because of the strength that Pan Sen showed by stepping into the seventh-order sanctuary that the Lord Balrog and the Lord of Lava slowed down their attack rhythm.

The characteristic of the Immortal Soul Realm is to absorb all kinds of energy and transform it into the place Pansen needs.

But according to what Huang Yu saw through the Eye of Chaos, the ability of the indestructible Divine Soul Domain is more than that.

Domain names are usually associated with domain capabilities. Absorbing and distributing energy should only be the front part of the ability in this field.

If he wants to unlock all the abilities of the field, Pan Sen needs to continue to improve his level and continue to explore how to use the field.

Ryana stepped into the seventh-order sanctuary early yesterday morning after Pan Sen, and obtained her own domain.

Ruiana's domain is called "The Extremely Bright Star Domain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are two abilities that can be displayed after the domain is opened.

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The first ability is high-speed movement and teleportation, and when activated, it will burst with strong starlight, with excellent defense and damage capabilities.

The second ability is Starlight Clone. The number of star clones is determined by Ryana's energy, and each clone has half the strength of Ryana's body.

Ryana can transfer all the damage she takes to the Starlight clone, and can switch places with the Starlight clone.

Ryana can also fuse with her starlight avatar for a short period of time, thereby gaining several times the power in a short time, but after the fusion time is over, the starlight avatar will disappear completely.

In addition, the starlight clone also has the ability to self-destruct, and the self-destruction of each clone is stronger than the blazing jade!

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