The meaning of the domain's existence is to increase its own holdings and suppress the enemy units.

The two abilities shown in Ruianna's realm only enriched her fighting ability, but they did not reflect the suppression of the enemy's target like the bright burning spirit realm, the Adai flame realm, and the immortal soul realm.

Obviously, Ryana, like Panson, has not fully tapped the core capabilities of Ji Yaoxuan Star Territory.

Even the two abilities given to her by the domain are already powerful enough in battle.

However, when Ryana opened the extremely bright star field, Huang Yu saw something through the eye of chaos.

In Ryana's realm, a phantom like a star will appear.

These astral shadows move according to Ryana's consciousness and create starlight.

Ryana's rapid movement, teleportation, and even condensing starlight to create a clone are all done by using these stars.

But Huang Yu found that these stars do more than that.

Yesterday, when Ryana and Pan Sen went to fight in the outer area together, Huang Yu accidentally discovered that the movement of those astral phantoms would affect the enemy's body movements and spells to a certain extent.

Obviously, the phantoms of stars that no one can see except Ryana and Huang Yu, who opened the Eye of Chaos, are the core abilities of Ryana's Ji Yaoxuan Star Territory.

Last night, Huang Yu opened the Eye of Chaos to help Ruianna tap her domain abilities, and it took a lot of effort to find some rules.

These include applying gravity to enemies in the realm, warping space to deflect enemy attacks, and bursting bright lights to blind enemies...

The blinding here is not only in the sight, the enemy's five senses and even the spiritual perception will be affected.

Only the bug-level innate ability like the Eye of Chaos can block the suppression of those star phantoms.

Ordinary reconnaissance methods simply cannot decipher this obscure ability.

The operation of Ji Yaoxuan Star Territory is much more fancy than that of Indestructible Soul Territory, which may also be related to Ryana's fighting habits.

This morning, Ryana and Pantheon headed to the outer area again.

Pantheon's Immortal Soul Domain can increase Ryana's domain, and the battle with the devil has gradually evolved from one Pantheon plus five Ryana to one Pantheon + more than 20 Ryana.

At first, the demon commanders could rely on the number of two to flee, but later on, they lost their numerical advantage.

Later, the two rudely dragged a lava demon commander to the regular area and handed it over to the elites of the universe who were on the verge of breaking through.

This move also angered the lava demon lord Melmidok, who not only broke into the outer area to suppress Ryana and Pantheon, but also led a lava demon army to besiege and kill the universal elites in the conventional area.

Compared with the demon lords like Melmidok, whose strength was suppressed at the seventh rank, Pantheon and Leia, who had just entered the sanctuary, were still inferior in strength.

Ryana did not hesitate to send all her clones out to self-destruct, avoiding the fate of being dragged into the realm by demons such as Melmidok, and also blocking the Lava Demon's intention to surround the elites of the universe.

In the end, together with Pan Sen, after fighting with the demons for a while with the elites of the universe, they returned to the town of demons smoothly.

As a result, Leia gained her battle experience and her level was raised to lv60, making her the third person in the universe to step into the seventh-order sanctuary.

The domain that Leya acquired, called "Blue Smoke Condensation Domain", was the one with the most obvious core competence among the three, and it was also the most lethal of the three domains at this stage.

The core ability of the Azure Blue Smoke Condensation Domain is the extreme cold.

Even if it is a sixth-order extraordinary lava demon, if he stays in Leia's blue smoke condensing field for a while, the hot lava in the body will cool down and turn into ice and die.

When Leia expands the blue smoke condensing field, the area within a few thousand meters of her will be shrouded in a thin ice fog.

These ice fogs have strong plasticity, as well as the ability to perceive and suppress energy.

Leia can integrate into these ice fogs, control these ice fogs not to affect their own units, and use the ice fog to sense the status of enemies in the field.

When attacking the enemy, Leia can choose to assassinate, can control the ice fog to form various forms to attack the enemy, or control the ice fog to penetrate into the enemy's body and destroy its internal tissue.

In addition, Leia can also use these ice fog to trap the enemy.

The longer the enemy stays in the blue smoke condensate domain, the harder it is to resist the cold.

Of course, most of the enemies may have been frozen into a block of ice by the blue smoke condensed domain before they saw Leia.

Install the latest version. 】

Perhaps because of the bloodline ability, Leia's azure-blue smoke condensation domain is already highly developed.

However, after observing with the Eye of Chaos, Huang Yu felt that Leia's blue smoke condensation field still has a certain room for improvement.

Because he has the talent of time and space wandering, he felt a little fluctuation of the power of time and space when he was running in the blue smoke condensing domain.

Obviously, Leia's bloodline ability has the ability to touch time and space!

In addition to Pan Sen, Ryana and Leia, Jiang Chengzi, Kratos, Ying Changtian, Ella and other dozens of god-level, king-level and hero-level arms are already close to level 60.

Considering that the demon's offensive has eased, if there is no more large-scale war in the abyss, in the next month or two, there will be many powerhouses in the seventh-order sanctuary in the universe.

When Huang Yu came out this time, he also left the body of the abyss under the fire of Liyin and Zhenmocheng in Fushen Realm.

Because of Huang Yu's restraint, the power of the abyss absorbed by the body of the abyss is limited, and currently it barely reaches half of what the body of the abyss can hold.

But even so, the combat power of the body of the abyss is stronger than the sixth-order extraordinary god-level arms.

Especially when hunting demons, no matter how high the demon's anti-magic resistance is, when attacked by Huang Yu, it is the same as Zhihu's.

Because the body of the abyss has Huang Yu's brand, Huang Yu can also remotely control the body of the abyss to and there is almost no distance limit.

Even if Huang Yu is in the Chaos Continent now, he can sense and manipulate the body of Chaos, and use it to control the Divine Realm.

Even a few days ago, he controlled the body of the abyss to change into a demon form, went to the outer area to assassinate the demon, and successfully provoked a dispute between the lava demon and the balrog.

During the whole process, no demon saw the difference in him.

It's just that unlike the Chaos Body, the Abyss Body's abilities are full of demonic characteristics.

The ability seeds condensed by devouring the void possessed the physical advantages of the demons killed by Huang Yu.

The ability seed condensed by the master of the elements has the special ability of killing demons by Huang Yu.

Only the ability seeds condensed by the gods of time and space develop normally, but there is a big gap between the way the ability is manifested and the body of chaos.

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