"Did the lord of the universe established a branch city in the abyss?"

Looking at the teleportation platform in front of him, Garro's questioning tone was mixed with deep surprise.

She thought that Huang Yu used some special props to isolate a certain area of ​​the abyss, making it a place where he could repeatedly spawn monsters.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yu established a branch city directly in the abyss!

The method is simple and rude, but it also eliminates the few worries in Garo's heart.

Being able to build a city in the abyss is naturally guaranteed.

"Yes, that city was named Town Demon City by my lord!"

The staff next to the teleportation platform handed a set of abyss adaptation equipment to Garo and her five men, and then introduced:

"This is the abyss adaptive equipment developed by our territory. This piece is free. If it is damaged and needs to be replaced, you need to pay for it yourself.

However, with everyone's strength, the harsh environment of the abyss should not have much impact on you, so you don't need to decide for yourself.

In addition, I just received news that another lord bought a trial quota for his subordinates and is on his way.

Lord Garo, please wait a moment, and when they arrive, I will start the teleportation for you together. "

Garro looked at the abyss adaptable equipment in his hand. This is a loose robe with a hood and a mask. It has the unique magic pattern circuit of magic pattern technology products. It has a comfortable and cool feeling in his hand.

After briefly checking the information on the robe in his hand, Garro found that it was actually a rare-grade magic-weave construct with good spell resistance.

And it has never appeared in Chaos Mall, Universal Store and Points Mall.

"How much is a set of abyss adaptive equipment?"

"Twenty thousand universe coins!"

Hearing the price of the equipment in his hand, Garro stammered his tongue. It seemed that there was only a "gift" at this price that could match the abyss trial quota worth hundreds of thousands.

Thinking of another lord who bought the abyss trial quota like himself, Garo couldn't help asking the staff member:

"Which territory are we waiting for?"

"Kui Ye Territory." The staff member replied without being arrogant, "A total of three trial quotas have been purchased."

Lord Kaguya?

The staff's answer was a bit unexpected.

She originally thought that it would be Lord Gashid, or Lord Starscar, Lord Zhongtian, those who have a good relationship with Huang Yu.

Unexpectedly, after her, the second person to buy a place for the abyss trial turned out to be Lord Kaguya, who had had some unpleasantness with Huang Yu.

Just as he was talking, the three men sent by Lord Kaguya arrived at the teleportation platform.

However, Garo discovered that the leader was not the fierce-looking god-level soldier, but a smiling king-level soldier.

Among the three, only the king-level soldier who led the team has entered the sixth-order extraordinary level, and the other two are at the fifth-order level.

"I have seen Lord Garo, sorry for making you wait for a long time."

After Wu Guang, who had been to the world territory once, saw Garo, he apologized very friendly to Garo and then looked at the person beside Garo and said:

"Garo Territory is really full of talents, no wonder my lord respects you so much."

Then came a series of compliments, which quickly brought the relationship between the two parties closer.

Although Jia Luo had a general sense of Lord Kaguya, he did not hit the smiling face with his hand, and simply chatted with Wu Guang for a few words.

During this period, I also learned that the god-level arm was named Chu Fu, and the other king-level arm was named Frey.

Looking at the perfect grade longbow behind Wu Guang, Jia Luo knew that he was a good bow player.

"I don't know how much information about the trial site that Lord Garo knows, can you share it with us?"

After communicating for a while, Wu Guang began to ask Jia Luo for information about the trial site.

At this time, Jia Luo realized that he didn't know the information about the abyss trial from Huang Yu in advance, so he rushed over and felt a little ashamed for a while.

"Well... I only know that the trial site is the branch city of the lord of the universe in the abyss, called Town Demon City.

I don't know any other information.... Maybe you can ask them. "

Saying that, Jia Luo gestured to Wu Guang to the teleportation staff who were waiting not far away.

"The town of magic! What a domineering name!

As expected of the lord of the universe, he is the only one who can bear the title of Demon Suppression in the Abyss! "

After sighing as usual, Wu Guang looked at the staff member and was about to ask when he saw the staff member smiling politely and said:

"Everyone, the information about the abyss trial will naturally be told to you after you arrive at the town of magic.

I haven't been to Town Demon City, so I don't know much about it, so please forgive me.

If you are ready to teleport, please step on the teleportation platform. "

Hearing the staff's words, Wu Guang smiled politely, and then made a gesture of invitation to Jia Luo.

Thinking of going to the abyss, Jia Luo was also a little nervous. After nodding at Wu Guang, he led his five men to the teleportation platform.

With the rotation of time and space, the bustling scene of Universal City distorted and disappeared. After a moment of chaos, a sky like the end of the day appeared in front of everyone.

The ground that is shaking all the time, the burning sensation like being in a furnace, the unpleasant and choking air, and the sky that is extremely polluted by smog...

With his back against the withered statue of Huang Yu, Garo saw the dragon flying through the thick volcanic cloud, the extraordinary troops guarded by the strong city wall, and the adamantine magic light cannon that emitted thick beams from time to time.

What echoed in my ears were the rumbling explosions, the shouts of soldiers, the roar of volcanic eruptions, and the unknown roar that shook the world.

Is this the abyss?

Everything in front of them shocked the Garo people.

But it didn't take long for everyone other than Garo to feel more or less uncomfortable due to the special environment on the 233rd floor of the abyss, and they all wore the abyss adaptation device on their bodies.



Just then, an angry roar came.

Immediately afterwards, the sky covered with volcanic clouds was shattered by the roar, revealing a terrifying demon body towering into the clouds!

Jia Luo and the others were shocked when they saw it. The two giant pillars they had seen before turned out to be the legs of that terrifying demon!

What level of creature is this!

Just seeing the terrifying body, Jia Luo and others had fear in their hearts, and hesitated for a while whether they should turn around and teleport back to the universe.

"That's the Flame Demon Lord, and the other side is the Lava Demon Lord. They are all eighth-order legends!"

At this moment, a cool and slightly tired female voice awakened several people from their shock.

When Garo turned around, he saw Leia, who he had seen many times before, looking at them with a smile.

"Don't worry, those two guys dare not step into the town within 40 kilometers.

Otherwise, we'll let it go back and forth! "

82 Chinese Network

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