Demon Lord!

Eighth-order legend!

Has come and gone?

Leia's flat tone gave Garro and others a sense of security and more shock.

How strong is the universe territory to say such a thing that makes the eighth-order legendary demon lord come and go!

Leia's confident tone made everyone feel mixed feelings about the world territory.

They are all human, why can the lord of the universe develop the territory to the extent that we need to look up?

Obviously our territory is developing well, right?

"Welcome to the Demon City of Abyss Town. I am Leia, the commander of the entire army of Demon Town, and I will arrange trials for you next."

When everyone's mood was complicated, Leia began to introduce the abyss information and trial methods to Garo and others.

Because of Huang Yu's advice, she did not reveal the level and name of this plane to Jia Luo and others, but only briefly introduced the two demon forces in the Ooze Plateau, as well as the abilities and characteristics of those demons.

Then he focused on the trial.

"According to the Lord's instructions, there are two test methods for the testers.

The first is to join the Demon Town Defender. I will arrange a suitable trial area and opponent for you to ensure that everyone has something.

The second is the free trial.

You can go out to the town to hunt demons by yourself, as long as it doesn't affect our army's mission..."

When Garo listened to Leia's explanation, he suddenly found that he couldn't see through Leia's strength, which showed that Leia's level was far higher than hers.

It was obvious that when we last met, Leia's level was only fourth.

In addition, Garro also realized that he was a little "special".

I don't know if it was the blessing of the town's characteristic ability, or the influence of her innate ability of "devil's life", but she didn't feel uncomfortable like several others.

“There are a few more things in this that need your attention.

We divided the battlefield outside Zhenmo City into three parts, namely the core area within 10 kilometers of Zhenmo City, the regular area within 40 kilometers, and the peripheral area within 100 kilometers.

Under the extraordinary, try to stay in the core area, it is best not to go too deep into the regular area.

The sixth-order supernatural is strictly prohibited from entering the peripheral area..."

"Excuse me, Marshal Leia, why is it divided like this?"

While Leia was still introducing, Wu Guang couldn't help raising his hand to ask.

Garo and the others also looked at Leia curiously, waiting for her answer.

"It's not convenient for me to tell you the specific reason." Leia glanced at Wu Guang, and then said, "You just need to know that if you don't go to the corresponding area according to your own strength, you are very likely to encounter life-threatening danger."

After a brief pause, Leia took out the space ring, took out two batches of signal flares and communication crystals, and handed them to a few people:

"If you encounter trouble in battle, you can also ask us for help.

The market of Town Demon City is also open to you. You can buy medicines, skill scrolls, equipment and other materials. "


Garo and Wu Guang took the items Leia handed over and thanked them.

Although there is no basis for the division of the region, both parties guessed that it may be related to the foothold of the universe in the abyss.

At this level of intelligence, both parties only need to be well aware of it.

In addition, when I heard that the Town Magic City Market would be opened to them, a few people were a little surprised.

Because it was sent from a branch city, neither Jia Luo nor Wu Guang had a space ring in their hands, and the supplies they carried were limited.

It is also a good thing for them to be able to supply supplies through the town of magic town.

In addition, the goods of the world territory are notoriously cheap.

Chu Fu, who was once suppressed by Wu Guang with his perfect grade equipment, could no longer hold back his urge to use public funds privately.

However, what they didn't know was that after the territory was upgraded to Tier 6, the teleportation channel would support carrying space rings.

The reason why Huang Yu didn't let them carry the space ring was to prevent them from taking some items from the abyss.

Such as the corpses of demons, such as the materials that are everywhere in the abyss...

"So what is your trial choice?"

After all the information was introduced, Leia began to ask a few people about the trial method.

"We want to go it alone... definitely not cause trouble to the world lord."

Wu Guang said with a smile.

Garo looked at the fourth-order king-level troops under his command, and said:

"We also choose to test alone."

Leia was not surprised by the choice of the two sides, nodded and said:

"Pay attention to safety, and when you are ready, you can leave no matter from which gate.

If you cannot end the trial within one day, please contact us in advance. "

After speaking, Leia exchanged a few words with the two parties, and then left for the front line.

"Lord Garo, let's go to the Town Demon City Market together?"

After Leia left, Wu Guang invited Garo.

Garro nodded, and under the leadership of a royal guard, he arrived at the market in the town of Demon Town.

This market has pubs, restaurants, and a series of entertainment facilities such as massage, bathing, billiards, etc., which has added a lot of people to the town of magic.

This is a leisure place prepared by Huang Yu for the soldiers of the town of Demon City. After all, long-term battles are prone to mental problems, and even extraordinary arms need other adjustments.

The potions, scrolls, equipment, etc. only occupy a small area of ​​the market, and few soldiers from the town of magic come to visit. UU Reading

Their equipment and materials are uniformly distributed by the military, with sufficient quantity and excellent quality, and there is rarely a shortage of them.

Garo spent nearly one million Universal Coins, helped his subordinates quickly optimize the equipment, bid farewell to Wu Guang, and led the five subordinates to the city gate.

"The danger has been eliminated, you can open the door!"

With the loud bang, Town Demon City opened a side door, and Jia Luo and others, under the urging of the defenders, walked out of the corridor one after another.

What caught Garro's eyes was a piece of charred black land. The slightly muddy ground exuded a strong stench. I don't know how much blood had been soaked in in the past.

Under the dim sky, fires erupted from time to time, and occasionally one could see a troop of universes walking through the earth, beheading demons who dared to approach the town of Demon Town.


Thunder flashed, and a blue dragon with a wingspan of more than 100 meters flashed past. The flurry of lightning dragon breaths turned a group of demons crawling on the ground into caramel, and also made the world clearer.

"The fifth-order adult Rig is only third-order."

Seeing the majestic appearance of the giant dragon, Garo felt a little envious in his heart.

The blue dragon Ruige that Huang Yu helped to hatch was only cultivated to the third rank, and her body was not as big as the head of that adult giant dragon.

"what is that?"

At this moment, Garo, who had good eyesight, saw a huge figure moving slowly in the distance.

After turning on the talent to mutate into a visionary demon boy, she saw a spider-like demon corpse.

The corpse was so huge that even the fifth-order giant dragon just now couldn't reach it.

In front of the corpse, a man was carrying one of the Nerubian's legs, rushing towards the town of Demon Town!

Like the lord of the whole people: the sign-in discount artifact at the beginning, please collect it: () The lord of the whole people: the artifact of the first sign-in discount

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