Latest website: Because it is impossible to accumulate two extraordinary transformations at the same time, in order to avoid wasting experience points, Huang Yu did not choose to take action himself to solve the remaining four angels.

The angels who are still alive now are the angel of wisdom, the angel of earth, the angel of dream, and the angel of death.

These four angels all hid in their respective church armies, relying on forcibly absorbing the faith of the Holy Army and the Templar soldiers, barely resisting the siege of the god-level troops, blood **** generals and heroic spirits.

At present, the four angels are basically lingering, and the angel of death and the angel of the earth have opened the channel for receiving and guiding the gods.

It's just not to escape, but to get a short respite with the super protection of the access channel.

Of course, the world is not unscathed.

The six god-level arms, because of their high strength and the support of extraordinary equipment, did not have any casualties.

But among the blood-born **** generals, Baji Swordsman Wumo, whose strength is slightly weaker than others, fell into a state of "sleepwalking" because of insufficient mental strength not long ago.

In the end, although he managed to break free from Angel Simeng's control, he almost killed Emile, the elemental son who joined with him, and Wu Mo himself cut himself into two pieces before waking up.

If the teleporter Yuri hadn't arrived in time, Wu Mo might have chopped off his head.

Even so, Wu Mo was in a state of hanging by a thread at that time.

If it weren't for the maintenance of extraordinary-grade healing potions, void-plundering physique, and extraordinary power, Wumo might have fallen on the battlefield.

Of course, in this short half hour, the heroic spirits suffered the most casualties.

Although the teleporter has tried his best to disrupt the commander and command system of the alliance of the gods.

But after all, the Alliance of the Gods has more than 100,000 troops, but there are only 2,000 Heroic Spirits.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention the difference in numbers of dozens of times.

No matter how elite the heroic spirit is, it is already the limit of what it can do to maintain the battle between god-level troops and angels without being interfered by other enemies.

Huang Yu looked around the entire battlefield, one-third of the heroic spirits had disappeared, and many of the surviving heroic spirits had dropped their levels.

Fortunately, as long as the Hall of Valor is there, dead Heroic Spirits can be resurrected, and Heroic Spirits who have been leveled down can quickly regain their original strength.

Otherwise, in the first World War, hundreds of soldiers equivalent to heroes, pseudo-kings and even kings would be lost.

Even if the world is full of talents, Huang Yu will feel distressed and can't sleep.

However, as Jiang Chengzi led the army to arrive in time, the pressure on the heroic spirits was instantly reduced a lot.

The five vanguard troops composed of tiger and leopard knights and stone horned beast knights, like five sharp steel knives, accurately divided the cake of the alliance of the gods into five pieces.

They galloped freely among the coalition forces, throwing arrows and short spears on the coalition forces as if they didn't want money.

And under the guidance of the air force, the coalition army was continuously divided into small pieces and then devoured.

In the event of encountering a resisting coalition, the Universal Flying Forces riding Iron Feather Griffons, Steal Eagles, and Thoron Eagles will also drop Explosive Magic Pills and Pyroblasts at them.

A coalition that lost its commander-in-chief and command, and lacked middle and high-level managers, was defeated by the precise reporting and attack of the Universal Air Force.

Some of the more determined Templars were able to fight their own way and launch suicide attacks.

And those holy armies who were recruited by the angels with the power of faith were completely unable to exert any combat power, either surrendering or fleeing.

Not only did it not cause any hindrance to the Universal Army, on the contrary, it loosened the impact of its own formation.

In the end, Jiang Chengzi simply commanded five heavy cavalry units and drove those people to attack several coalition troops that had finally organized their counterattacks.

And the army of the Oneworld Alliance only needs to harvest experience and prisoners in the rear.

In the chaos, Huang Yu also saw the majestic appearance of the magic knight.

Because the battle situation has been decided, Jiang Chengzi specially left a battle group composed of more than 1,000 Templar warriors, and handed it over to the magic knights to solve.

These more than 1,000 Templar warriors all came from the Church of Judgment. Although the king-level arms have been transformed by Yuri into Xieyuan monsters, there are still dozens of heroic arms in the entire army.

Among the various armies of the Alliance of the Gods, it is also a rare "elite".

Just when several of the heroic units were wondering why the surrounding enemies didn't come to attack them, they saw the oppressive enemies coming out of the gunpowder smoke.

They were wearing thick, airtight armor, and each was over three meters tall.

The chainsaw weapon in his hand made a humming sound in the flickering magic pattern, and the part of his eyes exuded a cold blue light, like a robot.

There are still two hundred such magic knights, and ten of them form a team, and there is a square mechanical warehouse with rounded corners behind them to follow them.

In addition, there are more than 200 magic-patterned knights who are not wearing magic-patterned power armor, carrying all kinds of weapons, forming a phalanx to follow behind the fully-armed magic-patterned knights.

Looking at those tall and majestic "cans", the Templar warriors who ruled the church, for some reason, a chill rose in their hearts.

Without waiting for the Templars to think about it, the magic-patterned knights took heavy steps and killed them like lions patrolling their own territory.

"Fire arrows!"

As a heroic unit issued an order, the Templar warrior, who had endured for a long time, began to shoot arrows at the magic-patterned knight who entered the range.

Transformed from the extraordinary arms, and with the blessing of the Holy Light, the strength of the Templar warriors is no worse than the extraordinary arms with two or three characteristics and abilities.

Even with the most common arrows, they can penetrate rare-grade armor, not to mention that they are using rare-grade arrows that are more precious in the Vidic territory at this time.

Under the blessing of the Holy Light, it is enough to shoot through the heavy armor of excellent grade!

But when those locust-like arrows were lost, UU reading dragged the white light and fell towards the two hundred magic knights, but they were isolated by an invisible energy shield.

Even if there are some heroic units that use higher-grade bows and arrows, they only penetrate the energy shield of the magic knight.

When the arrow fell on the physical protection layer of the magic-patterned power armor, it only made a light "ding ding" sound, and then it fell to the ground weakly.

This scene directly made the Templar warriors of the Judgment Church dumbfounded.

Are these tin cans solid?

Looking at the silent knights, the Templars felt an unprecedented pressure in their hearts.

As warriors, they are not afraid of death.

But looking at the enemy's terrifying equipment, what they need to face next may be a massacre.

Even if the number of opponents is far less than their own, they have no confidence to compete with them.

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