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Facing the rain of arrows, the magic knights walked another 20 to 30 meters before they took out the bolt guns in their waists and pointed the bolt guns at the Templars of the Church of Judgment as they moved forward. With the blessing of the Holy Light, the range of the bow and arrow is farther than that of the bolt gun. After all, the bolt gun is a violent weapon that can increase its power to the extreme. It is equivalent to the spray on the Blue Star, and it does not care about the range. Compared with the sprayer, the power of the bolt gun is so much stronger that it can almost be regarded as a reduced version of the bazooka. Only the humanoid behemoths such as the magic knights can be used with one hand. "Fire!" "Attack!" "Disperse them!" As the leader of the magic-patterned knight spoke, two hundred magic-patterned knights held guns in one hand and magic-patterned constructions such as chainsaw swords and chainsaw axes in the other. , to kill the Templars of the Church of Judgment. Amidst the bang bang bang, after the magic patterns were activated, red-light pyrotechnic bombs blazed towards the Templars. The Templars who ruled the Church had fought against dwarves and experienced the power of muskets. Seeing that the magic knight took out equipment like a dwarf musket, he immediately hid behind the Templar holding a giant shield.

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