The latest website: [Ding! 】

[Your warrior has killed the divine creature, you have gained 820,000 experience points and 7.86 million soul crystals! 】


Because the level of the magic knights has reached the upper limit of potential, the experience points are useless to them, and finally the angel of wisdom was relieved by the storm's wrath, Kraos, who originally fought against it.

After using the inheritance spell Feng Yao Slash to kill the angel, Storm Fury Kraos got his wish and was upgraded to level 51.

It and Thunder's Wrath Kraos are the lowest level of the god-level troops in the battle with the angels this time.

But their strength is not weak at all. In this battle, there are a few one-on-ones who can suppress the existence of angels without the assistance of heroic spirits.

With the death of the Angel of Wisdom, the ten angels sent by the Alliance of Gods have all been destroyed.

The battle between the alliance of the gods and the universe army is also quickly subsiding.

Half of the 100,000 coalition forces were destroyed, and many of them died either from the angel's belief extraction or from the impact of their own people.


Although the remaining coalition forces occasionally resisted, under the iron hoofs of the Universal Army, there was basically no waves.

Especially wherever the magic knights go, the alliance of the gods can be said to be looking out for the wind.

Even the Templar warriors transformed from the extraordinary arms are not willing to fight against these brutal iron cans.

The battle officially ended when the Universal Army had killed all the rebels in the coalition, and the remaining Holy Army and Templar warriors were disarmed and controlled by the arcanists with magic.

Of the 100,000 coalition forces, except for Josie and the Faceless [Saint], who were deliberately released by Yuri, they never escaped.

Among the 100,000 coalition troops, nearly 50,000 surrendered, the vast majority of them were holy troops, and only a small number were Templars.

The fighting will of the extraordinary arms is usually very high. Even if they are transformed into Templar warriors, the literacy of the arms itself will not be reduced.

The Holy Army, which is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, is different. Many of them are even transformed from fine-grade arms.

Although because of the power of belief, he has the strength of a perfect class of arms, but whether it is combat awareness, skills, writing, or personal will, they are all very poor.

Coupled with the corrosion of the power of faith, the vast majority of the Holy Army saw that the situation was not good and surrendered without any resistance.

It was their credit for the battle to end so quickly.

From the beginning to the present, the entire battle has been going on for about four hours, of which it took more than an hour to collect and take care of the prisoners.

Because except for the Murayama territory, the churches in other territories have not been destroyed.

The surrendered Holy Army and Templar warriors still retain the blessing of the power of faith, even if they have no weapons, they also have a certain ability to cause chaos.

Although Huang Yu is not a bloodthirsty person, he is not a soft-hearted person either.

In order to prevent these captives from mutiny, attacking their own side, or rebelling against the rule of the universe in the future.

Huang Yu specially summoned a thousand arcanists, and imposed spell restrictions on these captives, prohibiting them from using divine arts and blood energy.

He also planned to leave all these captives in the Sunrise Grassland at the end of the war. Under the supervision of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the construction area of ​​Skyrim Province was comparable to more than half of the world.

In the past two months, in order to deal with the allied forces of the gods, Huang Yu has carried out a venting development on the sunset grassland.

Not only has the four cities of Tianxuan, Kaiyang, Yuheng, and Yaoguang been built successively, but also Tianshu City, the capital of Tianji Province, and Yaoguang City, the city closest to Murayama Territory, are the first to be upgraded to fifth-order cities.

During this period, the resources of the entire universe were tilted towards Skyrim Province, and the development of other provinces and regions was at a standstill.

Only in this way can we create the largest province deep into the sunset grassland, Skyrim Province, within two months.

But there are also big drawbacks.

Among the seven cities in Tianji Province, except for the earliest established Tianshu City, Tianquan City and Tianji City, where ordinary residents lived and lived, other cities were obviously populated.

Among these cities, only one Royal Guard Corps was arranged to serve as a defender, and it was built as a front-line transit station.

Moreover, these cities' control over the surrounding areas is not stable enough.

The tiger and leopard rode all the way to the northeast, and indeed swept a lot of alien territories.

However, it is impossible to clean up the entire Sunrise Grassland, and there are still fish that slip through the net around each city.

The development of these lands still poses a lot of risks to the Universal Territory.

Now that there are 50,000 prisoners, all of whom were born in the war ranks, it is much more convenient for Huang Yu.

He can completely send these prisoners to develop those dangerous areas, and after those areas are under the control of the Universal Territory, he can call ordinary citizens to build them.

The Holy Army and the Templars have the foundation of warriors, and their endurance and work efficiency are far better than that of ordinary citizens. They are the best candidates for developing Skyrim Province.

Huang Yu can also take advantage of this method by the way, toil his body and skin, suffer his mind, and deplete his body.

So that these surrendered Crusaders and Templars had no physical strength to resist, no energy to believe in their Lord.

Without consuming manpower and material resources, let them take off the skin of that layer of believers.

Only in this way, Huang Yu will accept them as a member of the Universal Territory.

The Universal Territory does not exclude faith, but the goal of faith must be those who have contributed to the territory.

For example, the elites in the portrait of the corridor of honor.

For example, the sleeping soldiers in the cemetery of the martyrs.

For example, the new heroic spirit in the Hall of Valor.


The people can sing praises to those who protect their life and stability, but they cannot seek spiritual comfort and pin their lives on an illusory goal.

There are too many mysterious existences in this world, coupled with the influence of the power of the gods, Huang Yu is very strict in the management of beliefs in the territory.

If it is found that someone believes in an unknown existence, or an existence that does not meet the requirements of the Universal Territory system, it will be exiled at light, and the soul will be annihilated at worst.

Just like Huang Yu knows that there is a thousand-faced demon in the world, a terrifying existence that creates a faceless person, UU Reading does not know where he is shrinking now.

Maybe they left some opportunities in the Chaos Continent, waiting for someone to trigger it, thereby affecting the Chaos Continent.

If the territorial people are affected by those mysterious demon gods, or the existence of another world, and do some negative things, they may have an impact on the universe.

What's more, spiritual power is one of the most common forces in this world. If you don't control the beliefs of the people, maybe someday the people will be able to create an evil **** to give him a "surprise".

Fortunately, the people of the world have a prosperous life, a sound social system, and a safe and stable life.

So far, this kind of thing has only happened in one instance.

However, when the Universal Territory develops into tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people, the few cases will increase accordingly.

So from the beginning, Huang Yu had to take defensive measures.

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