The latest website: "A total of 523 heroic spirits returned to the Hall of Valor in this battle, and 671 heroic spirits fell in level, and the injuries were the most serious."

"A total of 793 soldiers of the Fifth Route Army were killed, and more than 3,000 people were injured to varying degrees. About 200 of them were seriously injured, and they may not be able to set foot on the battlefield in the future."


In the Yaoguang City Council Hall, Huang Yu sat on the throne decorated with tinder, patiently listening to Jiang Chengzi's report.

It was already late at night, and after cleaning the battlefield, the various legions entered Yaoguang City to rest.

Only the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps is guarding the prisoners of the Alliance of the Gods outside the city, preparing to take them to the four newly built cities in Skyrim Province to develop the sunset grassland when the legions are separated tomorrow.

Although relying on poor information, the Universe side caught the Alliance of the Gods by surprise, and defeated the Alliance of the Gods quite easily.

But this is a war after all, and it is a large-scale war with over 200,000 arms, king-level arms, god-level arms, and three-digit numbers of corresponding strengths.

Even if the Universal Army has a great advantage, casualties are inevitable.

The biggest loss in this battle was none other than the Heroic Spirit troops who fought alone against the 100,000 coalition forces in the early stage.

Limited by the energy in his body, the heroic spirits returned to the Hall of Heroes one after another shortly after Jiang Chengzi's army arrived.

Even so, more than half of the heroic spirits died and were relegated.

This is the first time such serious casualties have been reported since Huang Yu used his heroic spirits to fight.

Even if he just revives the dead heroic spirits, Huang Yu needs to pay more than five million soul crystals.

Moreover, not only these dead heroic spirits, but also the soul imprints of nearly 800 warriors and heroes have now been activated.

Counting the warriors and heroes who died in the previous battles, there are more than 1,000 Heroic Soul Seals in the Hall of Heroes that have not been converted into Heroic Spirits.

Huang Yu planned to upgrade the Hall of Valor to Tier 6 after purchasing that artifact, and resurrect all the fallen soldiers.

Just thinking of the hundreds of millions of soul crystals needed to advance to the sixth rank in the Hall of Valor, and the hundreds of millions of soul crystals needed to revive fallen soldiers, Huang Yu couldn't help but have a headache.

"It seems that after returning this time, it will not only take a while to digest the results of the war and recuperate, but also expand the scale of the Oneworld Alliance."

While listening to Jiang Chengzi's report, Huang Yu quickly analyzed various matters in his mind.

He is developing too fast, and the consumption level of the members of the Oneworld Alliance has been somewhat unable to keep up.

In addition to the awakening medium, even the golden councilor can only buy some super-grade goods.

Even if the Kashde territory has been promoted to a fifth-order territory, it is still incapable of consuming epic-grade goods at present.

But now Huang Yu, has been somewhat despised by the profits of super-grade goods.

Therefore, if the quality cannot be improved, only the quantity can be improved.

Huang Yu plans to sell some products made by himself in the world to the members of the alliance in the next period of time.

Including but not limited to equipment, potions and magic grain technology products.

Relying on the strong productivity of the manufacturing center, the transaction volume is increased by the quantity.

Thinking of the Universal Alliance, Huang Yu thought of the Blazing Lord.

The nail that this Silla lord buried in the Universal Alliance basically didn't play a big role in this battle, so he exposed himself.

After Huang Yu returned to Yaoguang City, he received the news that the blazing lord had withdrawn from the Universal Alliance and the Zhili Association, and understood that the other party also knew that his identity had been exposed.

However, Huang Yu has no time to pay attention to this matter.

He needs time to digest the results of the battle, and also plan a series of things after the territory is upgraded to the sixth order.

After purchasing the artifact, exploring the abyss is also a major event that he needs to invest in.

One by one, these things are much more important than punishing the Blazing Lord and being neutral in the Universal Alliance.

Moreover, the Universal Territory and the Blazing Territory are not in the same region.

Huang Yu didn't have so much energy to destroy a territory across regions.

The Blazing Territory is not something that can be wiped out casually. As a top ten lord, with careful precautions, it is also difficult for Huang Yu to make a surprise attack.


"White Dragon Post was hit by a dragon-hunting crossbow in the battle, and then fell to the ground and was killed by the chaotic army. The body has been transported to the world territory."

"Because of the protection of the war frisbee, the mages have not suffered casualties. Only a few mages have been mentally exhausted due to overloading the release of spells, and they have returned to normal after taking the medicine."


Jiang Chengzi was still reporting the casualties of the battle.

Although the casualties of this battle are within Huang Yu's tolerance range... No, it can even be said that the casualties are few enough.

But Jiang Chengzi was still not satisfied.

He felt that if he was more stable and gave the coalition more oppression, he might be able to pay less casualties to obtain more excellent "labor".

Huang Yu didn't know what Jiang Chengzi was thinking.

He just felt a little pity in his heart after hearing the death of Bailong Post.

Bailong Post is a native giant dragon. He has just entered his youth, but he did not expect to become the first giant dragon under Huang Yu to die on the battlefield.

"It's a pity that the aliens can't enter the Hall of Valor after they die. Otherwise, a giant dragon heroic spirit is also a good combat power... By the way, it can also calm the hearts of the aliens' subordinates."

The Hall of Valhalla is a building unique to human beings.

Only warriors and above, expert-level and above special occupations, and formal spellcasters can condense soul imprints in the Hall of Valor.

And activate the soul seal after death, transform into a heroic spirit through the Lord of the Hall of Valor, and enjoy the power of faith.

Now, with the prosperous aliens in the world, Huang Yu's opponents have also changed a lot.

In particular, the giant dragon, who regards himself as the "lord of giant dragons", is the most powerful air force in the universe, and has made outstanding contributions to the development of the universe.

Huang Yu has regarded them as a real part of the territory, and enjoys the same military rank and corresponding benefits as people.

"In the future, pay attention to the method of incorporating alien races into the Hall of Valor. As for Bailong Post, let's bury the soldiers who died in this battle in the cemetery. UU reading"

He explained the arrangement he had thought to to Celine beside him.

She came to the meeting from Huanyu City overnight, and there are many things that need to be done by her.


"During the battle with the Angel of Wisdom, the power armors of 18 Mageweave knights were severely damaged, and have been sent to the Mageweave Research Institute for in-depth repair."

"What about the staff?"

"There is no problem with the personnel, and the defense and resilience of the magic knights are amazing."

"Well, continue to train them strictly when they go back. It's just that their opponents are too weak today, it doesn't mean how good they are!"

"Follow your orders! Lord Lord."

In the end, he reported some things related to the magic knight to Huang Yu, and Jiang Chengzi sat back to his seat with a sullen face.

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