The latest website: In this battle, the strength displayed by the magic knight is not too strong.

Even the iron-like will of the extraordinary arms was crushed and smashed in front of their terrifying strength.

But at the same time, the magic knight also exposed a problem that Huang Yu and Jiang Chengzi had not discovered before.

These powerful transformation fighters are especially easy to take on during battle.

On the battlefield at that time, Jiang Chengzi only gave the order to fight against the Templar Knights and the Templar Knights, and did not arrange for them to fight against the Angel of Wisdom.

However, after surrendering the Templar Warriors of the Church of Judgment, the Demon Knights traversed most of the battlefield without receiving Jiang Chengzi's order to fight against the Angel of Wisdom.

Because of the encounter with other troops on the way, it also caused a little confusion.

If it wasn't for the fact that the battle situation had been decided, and the magic-patterned power armor had a certain ability to fly, it wouldn't have allowed the chaos to expand.

If it is placed in normal times, this kind of behavior that has an impact on one's own formation can easily lead to very serious consequences.

As long as it is a well-trained extraordinary unit, there is usually no such disobedience to orders.

Before the transformation of the magic knights, all of them were veterans of each legion, and they knew the importance of group combat orders and prohibitions.

Huang Yu did not know the reason for such a situation.

Before the end of the war, he and Jiang Chengzi had inspected the magic knights.

It was found that the magic knight was neither crazy nor confused, it was purely a sign of "hitting".

Huang Yu didn't know that because of the sudden increase in strength, the mentality of the magic knight changed and became proud.

Or because there is no commander to lead the battle, and the discipline is lazy.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the biochemical transformation of the magic pattern will make the magic pattern knight have character defects.

If this is the reason, Huang Yu will have a headache.

The magic knight is an item that Huang Yu values ​​​​more. It can break the limit of potential and make the arms of the universe have stronger power.

But if this kind of transformation will turn the magic knight into a double-edged sword, Huang Yu should also consider whether to promote it...

"A total of 54,500 people were captured in this battle, of which nearly 10,000 belonged to the villagers of the Murayama territory. Because the church was destroyed, their souls were damaged."

"At present, these people are receiving treatment outside the city of Yaoguang, and after the treatment, they are dispersed in various provinces and cities, and they are differentiated and integrated into the world territory."

"As for the Holy Army and Templar warriors in the Murayama Territory, the survivors are relatively limited. After their physical recovery, they will be given priority to enter our training camp..."

After Jiang Chengzi's report, Fa Ye, the secretary of Tianshu Province, who was also the military supervisor of the war, began to count and report on the harvest after the war.

The first question is about the enemy of this prisoner of war.

Since the establishment of the universe, it is the first time that so many captives have been obtained. Huang Yu has already made up his mind about the specific management method and has already discussed it with Shilin.

But among these captives, there is a very special group of people, that is, the aborigines of Murayama Territory.

These aborigines, whether they were ordinary territorial citizens or the Holy Army and Templar warriors, were beaten back to their original shape after Huang Yu destroyed the church in the Murayama Territory.

Not only did he not have much fighting ability, but he also became the biggest victim in this battle.

The Murayama Territory originally had a population of more than 50,000, but now only 10,000 survived.

In order to deal with the alliance of the gods, Huang Yu chose to use the Murayama territory as bait, but now that the war is over, he should also make up for the survivors.

Unlike captives in other territories, Huang Yu will prioritize the integration of ordinary citizens of Murayama territory into the territory.

Fortunately, these subjects have lost their faith in the God of Light, and Huang Yu does not have to go to great lengths to purify them.

"Deceiving Kangxi"


"In this battle, we have obtained a total of 10 locks of God, and two of them can be used normally."

"Four pieces were damaged, the effect was reduced, and four were completely damaged."

"After the angel's death, a total of 875 units of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid were precipitated..."

Hearing Faye talking about the benefits of killing the angel, Huang Yu couldn't help but be refreshed.

The reason why Huang Yu spent two months, would rather delay the development of other parts of the territory, but also come to participate in this war, the main purpose is for the angels of each church.

Although after killing the angel, Huang Yu only got less than 100 million soul crystals.

However, the spiritual essence and the locks of the gods left by the angels are a lot of wealth.

Ten broken or intact locks of the gods, worth between one and two hundred million soul crystals.

Eight hundred and seventy-five units of Holy Spirit marrow fluid, Huang Yu estimated that it was worth at least two billion!

Although these things cannot be realized at present, their value is there, whether they are used by themselves or sold to others.

After talking about the benefits brought by the fall of the angel, Fa Ye reported the loot and personnel gains.

Because of the blessing of the power of faith, the equipment base of the Alliance of the Gods is actually very poor.

There is not a single piece of perfect-grade equipment, and there are only more than 60 pieces of excellent-grade equipment.

There are more than 5,000 rare-grade equipment, but half of the rare-grade equipment comes from the Murayama territory.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of pieces of equipment are all ordinary, high-quality equipment.

There are even a lot of self-made non-grade equipment...

These equipments are basically useless in the Universal Territory, and they are a bit out of grade in the Universal Alliance.

Huang Yu is going to put it on the trading market and mark it for a bundled sale at a lower price so that it can be disposed of as soon as possible.

Clerk Fa Ye estimated that it would be no problem to earn hundreds of millions of dollars.

In addition to the equipment used by the arms, the ordnance in the Alliance of the Gods is not bad.

Faye counted hundreds of crossbows, dragon-hunting crossbows, and siege crossbows, and more than thirty maglev spiral crossbows and thirteen magic-guided guns were seized from the coalition forces.

These things can also be used in the Universal Territory. After all, the new cities lack such weapons... that is, the quality is a little lower.

As for the Kratos has been promoted by two levels, and Pantheon, Ryana, Cao Xing, Pairush, Fabilio, Kraus, and Emile have been promoted by one level. .

They have all stepped into the extraordinary, and each level requires a lot of experience points, but after each extraordinary transformation, their strength will be higher.

However, because the battle situation was not fierce, the number of arms that broke through the king level in each legion was limited.

A total of 16 heroes from the seven legions were promoted to the king rank. Kulin, who was regarded by Huang Yu as the rising star of the Red Skill Knight Legion, was also among the newly promoted king ranks.

Of the seventy-four dragons participating in the battle, except for the hapless White Dragon Post, there was no one casualty.

On the other hand, the other two white dragons born earlier, Tia, led by Cao Meng, and Fenas, led by Leia, were promoted two levels in a row in the battle and were about to step into the extraordinary.

Now the high-end combat power of the universe is no longer king-level arms and adult dragons.

Only god-level arms and king-level arms who have stepped into the extraordinary can reach this level.

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