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Chapter 776: The umbilical cord that connects the void

"I don't think it is necessary to divide the Skyrim Province into two provinces, but it is feasible to increase the army." "Next, there may not be such a large-scale war in a few years, and the stable development of Yuanwei Province and Heiyan City is enough. The point is still In the sunset grassland." "Recently, all the places in the magic tower training ground will be given to Kate and Zhanji, so that they can be prepared, and the universe will soon enter the abyss."... After the post-war meeting, Huang Yu once again A few words to Celine. After the battle with the Alliance of the Gods, whether it is the surrounding "neighbors" or believers in the same clan, no one should dare to fight the idea of ​​​​the universe. If there is no accident, the world territory will usher in a long period of peaceful development. Of course, this period is only for the territory of the ninth district. Whether it is the newly-built province in the fifth district, "Farland Province", or the Black Rock City in the dark area, driven by the huge resources of the universe, it will enter a stage of rapid development. Along with it, there are more frictions and collisions with other territories. Especially the city of Black Rock in the Underdark. According to the information from the Faceless [Jiuyou], the mistress of the third extraordinary elf family in Mosuo City has already set her sights on Heiyan City and the prosperous mushroom forest around it. Now he is drawing allies, persuading Mother Morsuo and Mother Eredrine, and preparing to attack the city of Black Rock, which is a hundred miles away. It's just that the Mistress of the Morsuo family, in order to prevent the emergence of the second Eredrine family, has not agreed yet. As for entering the abyss, it was something Huang Yu had planned for a long time. To this end, he even accumulated a five-kilometer-long perfect-grade city wall - the Wall of Broken Demons, which was used as a protective facility for the abyss outpost. The alien races, wild monsters and resources on the Chaos Continent can no longer meet the development needs of the Universal Territory. The abyss beacon in Huang Yu's hand points to the Slurry Plateau on the 233rd floor of the abyss. Although the environment there is not suitable for human habitation, it contains a lot of resources and a large number of monsters because of its unique structure. It is a place of opportunity and danger. As for the blazing lord, Huang Yu has already issued a ban to Zhili and the Oneworld Alliance. Alliance members are prohibited from cooperating with Seraph Lords. If they are found, they will be regarded as betraying the alliance. Of course, Huang Yu currently does not have a good means to go to the supervisor Chitian Territory and members of the alliance. But when he saw the Bright Shilla Alliance and its members, he almost couldn't help laughing. Therefore, the idea of ​​punishing the blazing lord as soon as possible was suppressed. The existence of the Faceless is simply a bug for other lords. To be honest, the former alliance of the gods mainly lost to the Faceless. And now, the Bright Silla Alliance seems to be going to repeat the same mistakes. Because Huang Yu discovered that among the first council members announced by Lord Silla, there was a member who was familiar to him. Lord Yan Xing. The lord whose identity was taken by the Faceless [Stranger]. With the support of Huang Yu, the strength of Yan Xing's territory has climbed all the way to the ranks of the top lords of mankind. And under Huang Yu's suggestion, Lord Yan Xing has always been a firm anti-universe force in the impression of human lords. This time, by accident, he was invited by the Silla lord to the Bright Silla Alliance. After chatting a few words with the Faceless [Stranger], the current Lord Yan Xing, Huang Yu was not in a hurry to take revenge on Lord Blazing Sky. Put the long line and catch the big fish. Huang Yu is going to plan a good show to play with Lord Chitian and Lord Silla. ...Celine and Huang Yu chatted until late at night before leaving. The battle with the Alliance of the Gods had a great impact on the entire universe. Whether it is production, operation or manufacturing, they are all working hard for the battle after two months. Now the war has ended smoothly, but what followed is not only digesting the fruits of victory, but also eliminating the impact of the war on territorial affairs. Holding her forehead, Celine stepped into the teleportation formation returning to Universal City. She knew that she was busy for the rest of the time. After Celine left, Huang Yu did not rest immediately. Although it was a busy day, Huang Yu was not at all sleepy due to his abundant mental energy. Feeling the extraordinary power that was about to move in his body, Huang Yu simply came out of the room and released the long-suppressed extraordinary power to transform. The turbulent energy gushed out from Huang Yu's body, even if he was restrained by Huang Yu, it still resonated with the energy of the outside world, thus giving rise to Mohu's fantasy. The core orb, which symbolizes the ability of the void to plunder talent, slowly condenses on top of Huang Yu's head. As the extraordinary power washes Huang Yu's body, the orb of the void plundering talent has become more pure and transparent. All the creatures in Fluctuating City have a season in their hearts. The powerful people felt the gaze from the vast nothingness, while the spellcasters with strong enough mental power could vaguely see a terrifying phantom covering the city of Yaoguang. UU reading www.uukanshu. The phantom roared silently, and the beetle-like body was full of cracks and grew bigger as it struggled. There is a price to pay for watching the existence of over-spec. Whether it was Yuri or the Great Arcanist of the Crown of Secrets, when he saw the Void Reaver roaring and struggling, he felt that his soul was being impacted. After noticing that Huang Yu was transforming, these powerful spellcasters closed their perceptions and told other spellcasters not to meditate for the time being. Huang Yu didn't know what was going on outside. The time required for the fifth extraordinary transformation was much longer than he imagined, second only to the first extraordinary transformation. At the same time, he also felt that the void plundering talent was fundamentally changing. After a long time, the orb plundered by the void slowly merged into Huang Yu's body. The phantom of the predator shrouded above Yaoguang City also slowly disappeared. If someone perceives the phantom of the void predator at this time, they will find that its outline has undergone earth-shaking changes. The original Void Marauder had a ferocious shape, a bit like a mantis covered in spikes. But now that phantom has become bloated and hypertrophic. Under the thick carapace is a huge mouth. Between the mouth and the carapace are dense tentacles with sharp scythe-like tips. The transcendent transformation is over. Huang Yu opened his eyes and looked at the purple moon hanging in the sky. When he had just awakened his talent for plundering the void, he only felt that the purple moon was a little kind, bred with abundant void energy. But now that the four abilities of the void plundering talent have all evolved, Huang Yu's perception of the moon is different. If the white moon is the cage of the chaotic continent imprisoning the divine creatures, the red moon is the reflection of the abyss on the chaotic continent. That Ziyue is the passage that connects the chaotic continent to the void... or it is more appropriate to describe it as "umbilical cord".

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