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"Is this the advanced talent of Void Plunder?"

While looking up at the void, the name of the completely transformed void plundering talent also naturally emerged in Huang Yu's consciousness.

Huang Yu opened the information panel to view the detailed information of Void Devouring.

[Void Devouring (Mythic Talent!)]

[Ability 1: Escape from the void.

The lord not only has the ability to move freely in the void and absorb the energy of the void to maintain survival, but also can quickly travel in the void in accordance with the laws of the void.

Even if the lord is not in the void, he can break free from the barrier of the crystal wall for a short time, escape into the void and wander, and can also send other targets into the void. 】

[Ability 2: The power of the void.

The most essential power of the void is the foundation of all the laws of the void, and it has the ability to decompose energy and matter and make everything return to "0".

All the void spells of the lord will be blessed, non-void spells will be mutated, and the specific effect needs to be explored by the lord. 】

[Ability 3: Body of the Void.

The Void Body has the ability to continuously evolve. It will display and combine the abilities of the owner in an optimal way, and automatically decompose and eliminate factors that are not conducive to the evolution of the Void Body.

The lord can actively control the form of the body of the void, and can display corresponding abilities by changing part of the body structure.

You can also split your own ability "seed" to create fonts. The child will act according to the will of the main body. The strength is related to the ability of the lord to split, and it has a certain growth potential. 】

[Ability 4: Void Devour.

The target killed by the lord, its racial ability, genetic ability, talent ability, etc., will be incorporated into the body of the lord.

The useful ones are retained, and the useless ones are decomposed and merged.

The spiritual energy, blood energy and other special energy of the killed will also be devoured by the lord to restore their physical and mental strength, and enhance their physical and spiritual strength.

In addition, the lord can also take the initiative to swallow food and obtain the attributes and energy of the item. 】

[Other abilities need to be explored by the lord. 】


Void plunder transformed into Void Devouring, and became a god-level talent!

The four innate abilities that Huang Yu currently possesses are all mythical grades!

Although no new abilities have been born, the talent of Void Devouring is stronger, richer and more comprehensive than Void Plundering in all aspects.

The original ability to walk in the void only gave Huang Yu the ability to survive in the void.

And this ability, the existence above the extraordinary can do it, but they can't draw energy from the barren void to survive.

Now that he has transformed into the void, he not only retains the ability to walk in the void, but also gives Huang Yu the ability to quickly travel in the void and temporarily escape from the material world to the void.

It's just that Huang Yu has never found out what effect the void has on the Chaos Continent, so he has very little knowledge of the void.

"The Guard is Here"

It's not just him, even the extraordinary archmage You An, the female prime minister of Getu, Shilin, and some reincarnated dragons, have a limited understanding of the void.

They only know that it is a very dangerous place, and the living can easily get lost and bring disaster to the world.

Huang Yu is now involved in all kinds of things, and he has no energy to explore the void. This ability is not needed in a short time.

The power of the void is Huang Yu's first transformation ability, and it is also Huang Yu's relatively proficient application.

The way this ability works is similar to the power of chaos, but the effect is different.

The body of the void is an evolved version of the predator's physique, which originally required Huang Yu's active manipulation, to an active and passive parallel.

Although Huang Yu has the intention to remove the inapplicable abilities after plundering from his body, but because he has plundered too much, some have more than enough power.

In the last extraordinary transformation, when the predator's physique transformed into a non-empty body, a large amount of impurities were eliminated from Huang Yu's body.

Those impurities are all abilities that are not conducive to Huang Yu's growth.

After cleaning it up, Huang Yu's strength did not drop but rose, just like a runner who unloaded his load, it can be said that his body was relaxed.

As for the ability to "split the child body" brought by the body of the void, Huang Yu didn't care about it at all, and even in the depths of his heart there was a slight rejection of this ability.

Although Huang Yu knows that his body is very different from normal humans... No, it can even be said that as long as he steps into an extraordinary creature, his body is vastly different from his original race.

But this does not mean that Huang Yu is willing to create a daughter through a paramecia-like "split" method.

The moral and ethical concept of human beings is also Huang Yu's bottom line when it comes to reproduction.

He still possesses the normal emotional and physiological functions of human beings.

The core of this extraordinary transformation is the void-devouring ability transformed from void plunder.

If the void plunder is to plunder the most valuable ability of the target, then the void swallow is to devour all the ability of the target, and then absorb and fuse the abilities that are useful to Huang Yu, and decompose the abilities that are useless or even harmful to Huang Yu.

Even the energy of the target itself was not spared, and it was all transformed into powerful nutrients that nourish Huang Yu.

And the target of Void Devouring is no longer the same as Void Plundering, which is only limited to living creatures.

Huang Yu can now also devour non-living objects and obtain the properties and energy of the object.

For example, if Huang Yu swallows a lot of metal, he can control his muscles, skin, and bones to show the properties of metal.

The energy crystals that originally needed to be guided and absorbed by people, Huang Yu can also be like eating jelly beans, one bite at a time, and directly absorb the energy contained in it to restore the depleted energy.

With the dual protection of Void Devouring and Void Body, he doesn't have to worry about eating problems.

If the innate ability of swallowing the void is developed to the extreme, Huang Yu's strength will also be improved to a certain With the innate talent of the law of chaos, he may be able to feed on some low-level laws!

Huang Yu, who owns the law of chaos, is very clear that although the law is mysterious, it is not inaccessible.

"Someday, what will people call me?"

"The fear of the void that devours the world, the absolute master of elemental energy, the master of the laws of chaos, or the **** of time wandering?"

Feeling the four silent forces in the body, Huang Yu felt a little YY in his heart.

The previous void plunder, because the force was not high enough, has been excluded by the three innate abilities of "Elemental Master", "Chaos Power Law" and "Space-Time Traveling God".

Even some abilities that were originally plundered by the void will be forcibly assimilated, merged or even rejected by the other three innate abilities.

Now that Void Devouring has become a god-level talent, these four talent abilities can form a balance.

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