The latest website: Judge how you want to be judged. Do you still need me to teach you? "

"Isn't this how all those troubled transfer lords dealt with it?"

"Celine is not here, you don't even dare to take this responsibility?

Next time you ask such a stupid question, be prepared to leave the Central Province! "

Huang Yu took the improved communication crystal, which can transmit real-time voice within the range of the communication base station, and scolded Shen Hai a few words.

Then, without waiting for the trial, he put down the summoning crystal and signed the contract that Shilin and the lord transferee reached an agreement in the Chaos Illusory Realm.

Looking back, Huang Yu assimilated a Tier 3 territory that had just exchanged all its citizens and resources, increasing the number of secondary fires in his hand to 183.

Only then did I get a moment of free time, and I had time to focus on the Hall of Valor, and check the progress bar that there was still a little bit left to complete the upgrade.

The past month has been the busiest month for Huang Yu as the lord.

Too busy to be able to devote too much energy to attacking the abyss.

Busy enough to use the early hours of the morning to check in and resell items from the discounted item list.

In the past month, he hardly slept, and he relied entirely on meditation to recover his spirits, and his body in the void to maintain his physical strength.

If it weren't for stepping into the transcendent, and his own mental power was already strong and abnormal.

After such a long period of high-pressure work, Huang Yu may have died suddenly.

Meet with the lord who has taken refuge in him, arrange for Celine to confirm the value of his territory, and sign a contract...

Receive the other party's lords and resources, arrange for the transfer lord to settle down in the universe, assimilate and decompose the lord's authority after the other party has given up his lordship...

Finally, I will use the resources and soul crystals I have obtained to develop the territory and attack the abyss...

In the past half a month, Huang Yu has been doing these things repeatedly every day.

Not only did he need to deal with the results of the battle with the Alliance of Gods, but he also needed to invest the resources he had obtained after the transfer of lords into the development of the territory.

Fortunately, there are enough government talents in the world territory, and there are sound government departments leading.

In addition, the territory is large enough, there are enough vacancies, and the strength of the provinces and cities is strong and stable enough, so that they can eat so much territory.

Otherwise, it will attract more than 300 territories in a row, and the number is approaching 2 million people, special occupations, warriors and legal practitioners...

If one is not good, there will be a large-scale chaos in the universe.

At that time, let alone attacking the abyss, it would take a lot of time for Huang Yu to free up his hands to resolve the internal chaos and contradictions.

Maybe there will be territorial development stagnation, or even retrogression...

In fact, in the past month, due to the influx of a large number of foreign territorial citizens, the interior of the universe has not been calm.

Even if the government affairs department has dispersed the personnel of each territory, according to their different abilities and occupations, they have been distributed to various places in the territory.

But with the nearly two million foreign population, this base is too high, equivalent to two-thirds of the native population of the universe!

Even if Huang Yu used very tough methods to suppress the unstable factors in the territory, he still could not avoid the occurrence of negative events.

Some time ago, due to the negligence of the government affairs department, a lord came into contact with the troops and legal officials under his command.

Dissatisfied with the position of director of the Cultural Bureau of Rising Sun City, the lord began to contact his subordinates in Rising Sun City to instigate outsiders from other territories.

In the end, an army of 5,000 people was pulled up to march and demonstrate, with the intention of expanding the gap between the outsiders and the aborigines, engaging in confrontation with the people to enhance their prestige, and wanting to gain higher reputation through "public opinion". that power.

I don't know if it was the sound system of the universe, which gave the illusion of the transfer lord, and the bureau felt that he had returned to Blue Star again.

I forgot that this is Chaos Continent, this is Universal Territory, and Rising Sun City is one of the longest established cities in Universal Territory.

The stability of its order and the richness of its heritage, even the provincial capital cities that were first promoted to fifth-order cities, are difficult to match.

Before that parade force had revealed its nature, it was treated as a rebel by the clerk of Rising Sun City, Shaq, together with the mayor, and the Kingsguard led by him. They were suppressed with thunder.

The cultural director was later executed for treason, and the execution process was broadcast throughout the territory in the form of video.

It's just that in this chaos, more than 1,000 residents of Rising Sun City died, a market was burned down, and half a block nearby was set ablaze.

Along with it, there are also vicious incidents such as theft, robbery, and rape, which have caused extremely serious negative effects on Rising Sun City.

Even since the establishment of the Universal Territory, this is the first time that such a thing has occurred. In the increasingly stable order of the Universal Territory, an unstable nail has been buried.

In the follow-up liquidation, those surviving marchers, those who carried out illegal and criminal activities during the procession, and those who were involved in this matter were all sent to the Underdark.

After discussing with his subordinates, Huang Yu issued an order that all participants and perpetrators of the Rising Sun City split parade were not allowed to step on the ground for the rest of their lives!

The Rising Sun City split parade was only the most vicious, largest and most influential event in the past month.

As more and more lords received more and more invitations, more than a dozen vicious criminal incidents, large and small, occurred in the universe.

Some lords are used to being arrogant and extravagant, and they can't stand the constraints of the territorial system of the universe, and they act recklessly.

There are also lords who use the strength of the strongman to oppress the people and attack their colleagues.

Even some warriors and legal practitioners who were not accepted by the military, security, and secret crowns ran out of the city and became bandits because they were unwilling to integrate into the life of the universe.

All these people were brutally suppressed and attacked by the law enforcement team composed of the imperial guards, and the legions stationed in various provinces and cities also aimed their butcher knives inside for the first time.

However, the warriors and spellcasters in other territories are always an unstable factor.

There are a large number of them, but their strength is generally not very good, and the good and the bad are mixed. Huang Yu is completely disdainful of them. Even the county garrison seldom uses these people, let alone included in the various legions of the military.

Huang Yu can naturally kill all the way, killing all the disobedient ones, which is the easiest way.

But doing so will not only create panic among the people at the bottom, but also create a bigger gap between the aborigines and the outsiders.

In order to solve these hidden dangers, Huang Yu pulled out a group of people from the retired soldiers of the military, the Crown of Mysteries and the Magic Pattern Research Institute, and established the Mage Association, the Warrior Association, the Professional Management Association and the Business Association.

These four associations are used to manage civilian warriors, legal professionals, special professionals and businessmen who have begun to take shape in their territories.

All civil capable persons and businessmen must be registered in the corresponding association.

The association will also release some tasks, assessments, and competitions from time to time, so that these capable people can exert their strength and serve the world.

In addition, Huang Yu promoted the security department of the government affairs department, recruited many soldiers to act as security officers, and opened the security bureau to the villages and towns.

In this way, in addition to patrolling troops, the low-level administrative regions outside the city also have a certain ability to protect themselves when they encounter danger.

In addition, Huang Yu also established "schools" in the administrative regions of the territory at all levels, and filled these schools simply and rudely with the warriors, legal professionals, and special professionals obtained from other territories. Read to have them serve as teachers.

In the current world territory, there must be an enlightenment primary school in every village, a middle school in every county, and a high school in every city.

The colleges in the provincial capitals are being built and will be completed soon.

As for the professional training base in Huanyu City, it was directly transformed into Huanyu University.

Whether it is the Security Bureau, the four major associations or local colleges and universities, the main managers are still the teachers and trainees of the military retired personnel and professional training bases.

When the outsiders are completely integrated into the universe, some unstable factors have been eliminated, and the capable ones among the outsiders will also blossom and grow on the fertile soil of the universe!

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