The latest website: more than 300 territories, which were annexed by the world territory at a price far less than the other three alliances.

Hundreds of thousands of warriors, tens of thousands of special professionals, and thousands of legal practitioners integrated into the world territory, filling the grassroots level of the world territory to the fullest.

Countless basic resources poured in, eight fifth-order provincial capitals rose up one after another, and all fourteen extraordinary arms buildings were upgraded to sixth-order.

The deeds of the heroic spirits also began to spread among more territorial people

In contrast, the three hundred lords with different levels of ability are of the lowest value to the universe.

Most of the lords who took refuge in Huang Yu were those whose territory could not be maintained and had to give up.

Their strength is usually similar to that of the hero arms of the same level, and there are few people who can match the king-level arms.

In the Universal Territory, among the 14 extraordinary armies and the 300,000-strong army, the number of king-level arms is close to 200.

Even among some auxiliary soldiers, dozens of king-level arms were born.

As for the god-level arms, there are as many as twenty.

The addition of these people did not greatly improve the strength of the universe.

Pantheon, Kratos, and Okos of the Spartan Legion.

Ryana of the Amazon Legion, and Hippolyte, who was promoted to the god-level army after the first battle of the Alliance of the Gods.

Jiang Chengzi and Xi Jiangyue of the Imperial Guard Corps.

Cao Xing of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, and Cao Ren, the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, who led the army to hunt down the orc "Broken Horn" tribe in the Rimu Prairie for ten days, were promoted to the god-level arms.

Leia of Kate's War Girl, and Shyvana, a god-level unit born after the unit's building was upgraded to Tier 6.

Rommel, the commander of the Twilight Raiders Corps, was also promoted to a god-level soldier after he annihilated a huge lizardmen tribe in the Ulan Desert.

Asimia of the Knights of the Deep Tide has already been promoted to the god-level arm, and has already cleared all the sea clans and threatening sea beasts between the South China Sea Province and the South Gulf.

Fergus, the commander of the Red Skill Knight Legion, was successfully promoted to a god-level arm during his second extraordinary transformation, and Chukulin was also promoted to a god-level arm one night after the first battle of the Alliance of the Gods.

The Raven Guard Corps still has only one god-level arm, Pairush, but chapter leaders such as Yeager and Hemingway have very good potential, and there is hope of being promoted to the god-level arm.

In the Kashezin Storm Chapter, when the First Chapter Chapter Commander Pugins was defending against the harpies from the siege, Pioneer Commander Stuka was promoted to a god-level unit.

However, Stuka has now entered the extraordinary, and after several extraordinary transformations, he is also sure to be promoted to the god-level arms.

After completing the sixth-order upgrade, the Shadow Moon Cang Wolf Legion gave birth to a talented soldier, Horus, who not only possesses excellent commanding ability, but also possesses extraordinary combat power.

The current Horus only needs the baptism of a war, and it is possible to be promoted to the ranks of the god-level arms.

As far away as the ally cavalry corps in the Far-Wei Province in the fifth district, the commander of the corps, Iskan, was promoted to the god-level arm, and he also entered the extraordinary battle against a Medusa family.

It is worth mentioning that the super race Medusa is an extremely rare group of super races.

Their strength may not be as powerful as dragons and titans, but they have a very buggy petrification ability.

Iskan also paid a great price to kill the five Medusas.

If it wasn't for the breakthrough, and the petrified stare was contacted by the extraordinary transformation, Iskahn himself might also be broken there.

In a battle with five Medusas, the companion cavalry paid the life of a king-level soldier, a young dragon, and more than 200 soldiers.

This is also the first time that a king-level unit has died in the universe.

After the Black Fury Berserker Camp was upgraded to Tier 6, there also appeared a warrior named Aragon who was called a monster with talent.

Huang Yu felt that in the upcoming War of Morsuo City, Aragorn was very likely to be promoted to a god-level army.

As for the newly established Blood Alliance Guard, because of the special training camp building, Huang Yu directly provided two god-level troops named Drogo and Moro.

The two led the Blood Alliance Guard Corps to assist the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps to open up the area between the Ritui Grassland and the Chifeng Mountains, but there was no war worth mentioning.

In the past month, Huang Yu has basically never left Universal City.

But this does not mean that the global territory is content with the status quo and has given up on external development.

Even without Huang Yu's command, each legion is developing the territory of the universe according to Huang Yu's strategy.

Although there has never been a war of the same scale as the alliance of the gods, there are many wars, which are not inferior to the "Three Clan Melee", "Bronze Battle", "Titan Battle" and "Puntagan Alliance Destruction" war" war.

For example, Cao Ren led 5,000 cavalry and pursued the "Broken Star" tribe for a thousand miles in ten days, and finally destroyed it completely in the "Ten-Day Fragmented Star" war.

The Twilight Raider destroyed the territory of the fifth-order lizardmen and occupied the "Oasis War" of the largest oasis in the Ulan Desert.

The Kashezin Stormtroopers established the "Binghai City" on the southeastern coastline, and encountered a sneak attack by the advanced race harpy in the middle. war".

The last is the "Battle of Medusa" of the Allied Cavalry Corps.

These battles usually require Huang Yu to gather multiple legions in order to be safely won.

But now, each legion can independently support a war of this scale and win.

This is also a manifestation of the complete gap between the Universal Territory and other territories.

The continuous war is also rapidly consuming the resources that Huang Yu obtained from the transfer lord.

This is also the reason why Huang Yu has been dealing with territorial government affairs day and night, while wantonly accepting transfer lords.

It's just not good news for the Bright Shilla Alliance and Lord Ole.

Everything they did, almost made a wedding dress for Huang Yu.

Most of the fruits were picked by Huang Yu alone.

It's just that they didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction with the Universal Huang Yu's video made them clearly see the huge gap between themselves and the Universal Territory.

Lord Silla and other believers finally knew why the angels and the allied forces were defeated.

Lord Blazing Sky and other lords who do not deal with the universe, some regret to offend the universe.

However, Huang Yu didn't put so much energy on them. The introduction of lords, the construction of territories, and the development of wars.

Under the heavy government affairs, it is not easy for Huang Yu to prepare for the plan of "Attack the Abyss".

And the distance to open the abyss beacon and officially "attack the abyss", there is only one last preparation left.

Huang Yu was drinking the refreshing tea while looking out the window at the Hall of Valor in the east of the inner city.

There are more than 2,000 activated heroic soul seals there, waiting for Huang Yu to transform into a heroic spirit.

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