Of course, Huang Yu naturally wouldn't run to the periphery at this time to find trouble for the Balrog Lord whose strength was suppressed in the seventh-order sanctuary. The current Balrog Lord, Aselonde, is completely different from the Angel of Light, Carlos. Not to mention the strength of the two in complete state, although the Flame Demon Lord Aselonde was suppressed in the seventh order, his sanctuary ability did not gain any impact. If Huang Yu is accidentally pulled into the sanctuary of Atheronde, even if he has the Book of Creation and a large number of epic-level spell scrolls, he will most likely be killed by Atheronde. Even if the strength is suppressed, Aselonde is the existence of the eighth-order legend after all. Huang Yu will not be arrogant enough to think that his combat power is comparable to that of Atheronde. However, if Atheronde dares to enter the regular area of ​​the gods, even the core area. Huang Yu will definitely give it a try, killing the eighth-order legend with his extraordinary body, what a wealth of experience and soul crystal rewards he will get! After all, the invincible self-confidence under the sanctuary was not something that Huang Yu wanted at will. As a demon lord who has lived for tens of thousands of years, although Atheronde is lazy and tyrannical, he still has basic knowledge. After discovering that its own strength was suppressed, it immediately discovered the source of the problem. Staring at the stone seal floating in mid-air, Aselonde was not thinking about how to get rid of the shackles of the gods, but was occupied by two words. "Artifact!" It is an eighth-order legend, and its existence is the truth of the law. Only an artifact can suppress the strength of its eighth-order legend to the seventh-order sanctuary. Unlimited greed flooded his heart, and Atheronde could hardly contain himself. After living for tens of thousands of years, it has never even touched the shadow of an artifact, and that weak human has one! Atheronde began to tremble with excitement, and in a flash, he rushed towards the Imprint of Fushen Realm. Seeing Aselund's actions, Huang Yu did not have the slightest fear. He first signaled his subordinates to act as planned, then condensed the Star Grabbing Devil Blade and stared at Aselund.呲 - When Aselonde entered the middle of the regular area and its body shrunk to more than 300 meters again, it found that its eyes suddenly darkened. The next moment, Aselonde saw a faint blue blade of the void, slashing towards him in the middle. The strength suddenly dropped to the sixth-order transcendence, and Atheronde couldn't even use the sanctuary. In a hurry, he instinctively dodged backwards and released flames to attack the existence in front of him. Puchi. The blade of the void, which was more than 100 meters long, was like cutting a balloon, cutting the flames released by Atheronde and his fat belly. The golden blood was hot like molten lava, spurting out with some visceral fragments that shone with metallic light. Essilon screamed, and when the blade of the void swung towards him again, it turned into molten slurry and burrowed into the ground. When it reappeared, he had already exited the regular area of ​​Fushen Realm's Liyin. The sudden drop in strength made it unprepared, and it was also disdain for humans, which made it underestimate Huang Yu's strength. Now it pays for its own greed and arrogance. But the eighth-order legend is the eighth-order legend after all, and the most important thing is the life-saving means. Even if Huang Yu let him run to the middle of the regular area before teleporting to Aselund to start, he still couldn't keep the Balrog Lord who fled immediately when things went wrong. Of course, the biggest reason why the Flame Demon Lord escaped was the lack of information. If Huang Yu is well prepared, it might be possible to bury the Balrog Lord here forever. Atheronde covered his abdomen, which was corroded by the force of the void, with his hands, and his three pairs of eyes spurted flames, looking down at the enemy in front of him angrily. Exiting the regular area, it regained the strength and size of the seventh-order sanctuary, and at the same time it saw the enemy who had just cut itself. It was a ferocious monster with a height of more than 300 meters after standing upright, and there was still some shadow of the flame demon in the vagueness. After Aselonde's strength was suppressed to extraordinary, his physique was shorter than Huang Yu's Demon Dragon Transformation. Although it is only a sixth-order extraordinary strength, Aselonde faintly felt the danger from Huang Yu, who was transformed into a dragon. If it dares to take another step forward, the price it pays may not be this wound in its abdomen. "Damn, I was actually injured by a sixth-order extraordinary guy!" Looking at Huang Yu, who was beckoning to him, Aselonde was furious, and the power of the field was activated on the spot, turning the ground behind him into a purgatory of flames. But even so, Atheronde's domain cannot affect any inch of land in the regular area. All powers beyond Huang Yu's level cannot appear in the regular area. However, this does not include the skill scroll of Huang Yu's anchor space, the book of creation, and the seventh-order sanctuary spells driven by his huge spiritual power. The protection of Fushen Realm's Liyin allowed Huang Yu to find a bit of the feeling at the beginning of his arrival, relying on the seven-day protection period to fight monsters in the beast tide. When Athelund propped up the field and was furious at Huang Yu's incompetence. Huang Yu took advantage of the abundant fire element of the Ooze Plateau, and after a short spell cast, he released a seventh-order fire spell - Blazing Jade! This is the seventh-order form of the fourth-order spell Pyroblast, the fifth-order spell Pyroblasting Jade, and the sixth-order spell Big Pyroblasting Jade. Aselonde thought that Huang Yu was crazy, and even used fire spells to attack a Balrog, but it didn't feel the difference of this fire spell until the blazing jade flew in front of him. UU reading www.uukanshu. The level of fire attribute energy in com is even higher than that of the legendary Balrog Lord! Atherond never imagined that the fire attribute strength of the Balrog would one day be defeated by other races. I also don't want myself, as a Balrog, to die in the fire attribute energy like the stupid partner before. After the blazing jade flew out of the regular area, Aselond used the unfolded Atai flame field to force it into the field. boom! The flames in the A-Tai flame field, like the huge waves rolled up by a typhoon, kept stirring up and dancing. Atheronde, who was in the realm, was also impacted, but it only caused a little more blood to splatter from the wound on his abdomen, and was not affected by other things. Even if the energy level is higher than the opponent, the seventh-order spell without the blessing of the domain is difficult to cause too much damage in the domain that is completely controlled. However, this also made Athelund more afraid of Huang Yu, and dared not take another step into the regular area. Without domain protection, the sixth-order extraordinary can't receive a sanctuary spell. boom! Just as Aselonde and Huang Yu were confronting each other, a volcano outside the Indy Field from the God of God Realm erupted with a bang. This is like a high-pressure water gun, spewing out a column of lava, punching a hole in the thick volcanic cloud! The powerful impact is like shaking up a volcano. The first time Huang Yu saw this scene, he thought he was in a Blue Star animation for a while. It wasn't until the melt that sprayed into the sky turned into fire rain and sprinkled on the field of Fushen Realm's Liyin that he couldn't help frowning. And the Balrog Lord Aselonde, who was standing in the outer area, looked even more ugly. It ran out of the field shrouded by the Liyin of the Fushen Realm at a very fast speed, and recovered its demon body more than 2,000 meters high. Even the wound that Huang Yu left on its abdomen, which was corroded by the power of the void, recovered in the blink of an eye.

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