Falling in love with youkanshu.com, the lord of the whole people: the sign-in discount artifact at the beginning

Huang Yu's attack is deadly for the sixth-order supernatural, and it is more troublesome for the seventh-order sanctuary, but it is nothing for the existence of the eighth-order legend.

The power of the void remaining in the body of the Balrog Lord Aselonde was too small, and the other party did not even take the initiative to heal, and the powerful body automatically healed the wound.

But Huang Yu didn't care about it.

With Fushen Realm leaving the seal, although he can't help the demon lords outside the field, the demon lords can't do anything to him either.

It is obviously the home field of the devil, but with the Fushen Realm leaving the seal, Huang Yu has an advantage instead.

After the molten lava that fell from the sky, after entering the Fushen Realm and leaving the Indian Realm, both the temperature and the falling speed were weakened.

Even if it falls on the dragon and the magic knight, it can only be regarded as a slight burn at most.

However, this kind of attack is quite troublesome. If it accidentally falls on a weak position such as the eyes, it will be difficult to deal with.

After establishing a branch in the abyss, Huang Yu had to take corresponding measures to deal with this purely physical attack from the air.

For example, a statue of a lord would be nice.

But now, Huang Yu is more concerned about the culprit that caused the volcano to spray like a high-pressure water gun.

Under the watchful eyes of Huang Yu and Aselonde, the volcano that was closest to the Indy Field from Fushen Realm entered the sage mode after a brief eruption.

Then, a demon that was shorter than Atheronde and half the size of Atheronde stepped out of the crater.

Judging from its size alone, this demon must also be a demon lord.

Its appearance is slightly similar to that of the Balrog, but most of its body is covered by a black stone-like substance. Only the joints and the outline of the prominent muscles have gaps, and orange-red lava flows like a river.

Instead of being like the Balrog, most of the body is made of flames, and the whole body is burning with flames, more like a fire elemental creature.

Obviously, this is the lava lord lurking in the sea of ​​lava.

It held a huge staff made of the head of the Balrog and the vertebrae in its hand, and a fiery red orb inlaid on its forehead. First, it looked at Huang Yu and the others who were in the Fushen Realm and left the Indian Realm, and then jokingly Look at the Balrog Lord Atheronde.

The Lava Demon Lord waved the staff in his hand at will.

The Balrog's head opened its mouth wide, condensing a ball of lava with a diameter of five or six hundred meters, and shot it towards the central area where Huang Yu was.

When entering the outer area, the lava ball immediately shrank to a diameter of 100 meters, and when it flew to the normal area, there were only about 50 meters left.

Before the lava ball rubbed by the lava demon lord flew into the core area, Huang Yu used the void barrier to completely decompose the lava ball.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so it is!"

The Lava Demon Lord thoughtfully glanced at Huang Yu, who turned into a dragon, and then said to Aselonde:

"What gave you the confidence that you could fool me, Atheronde?

I thought you would be smarter than Herald, but I didn't expect you to be stupid. "

Patting the head of Herad, who was made into a staff by himself, the Lava Demon Lord provoked Atherond:

"If one brain is not enough, do you want me to give you Harad's brain too?"

"Meermidok!" Atherond called out the name of the Lava Demon Lord, and said angrily, "Which **** revealed my whereabouts to you!"

"Tsk tsk, Aselonde, I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

The lava demon lord named Melmidok said in a pitiful tone:

"I originally wanted to stimulate you and let you kill all the demons in your direct line, but seeing that you are so pitiful, I'll leave you some men."

Melmidok raised his hands, raised his staff, and the fiery red orb on his forehead turned into a continuously flowing lava crown.

Boom boom boom!


The next moment, except for the two volcanoes in the Liyinyu Field of Fushenjie, all the volcanoes in Huang Yu's field of vision began to erupt, and the rivers of lava, large and small, began to rush.

The originally dark Ooze Plateau suddenly became as bright as a furnace.

Seeing this scene, Aselund was also stunned.

Melmidok laughed wildly at Atheronde.

"Aselonde, in the lava sea, the lava is my voice, and the volcano is my eyes.

Even if you have legendary power, it is as dazzling as ice in my perception.

What's more, you just made such a big move, how could I not notice it. "

As for Melmidok's words, Atherond basically didn't listen to a few words, it just looked at the molten crown above Melmidok's head, and behaved extremely cautiously.

Melmidok, has he mastered the power of the devil prince on the 233rd floor of the abyss?

Although it believes that its strength is stronger than Melmidok, but with the increase of the head of Herald and the devil prince, it is very likely not Melmidok's opponent.



Atherond glanced at the two volcanoes in the Leaving India Field of the God of Gods, and then looked at the personal crown on Mermidok's head, and immediately noticed that Mermidok did not fully grasp the demon prince's control. Person.

If he becomes the demon prince of the abyss plane, the entire plane will be controlled by him, and even the domain field that is suppressed by artifacts will definitely be affected to a certain extent.

This guy is lying to it!

The shriveled Atherond finally got smart.

A phantom of the world made of fire suddenly appeared behind Atheronde. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The Balrog Lord instantly rushed to Melmidok and suppressed the Lava Demon Lord with his own half plane.

The raging flames surrounded Melmidok like a storm, melting its black skin instantly, and the pained Melmidok let out a shrill scream.

Atheronde was about to pull Melmidok into his own half-plane, but unexpectedly, the legendary staff in the hands of the lava demon lord opened his mouth wide and sucked.

The raging fire storm was swallowed by the head of Herad in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a demi-plane phantom composed of countless towering volcanoes emerged. These volcanoes erupted in unison, causing the entire Slurry Plateau to vibrate, and at the same time collided with the legendary demi-plane of Atherond.



The turbulent energy storm suddenly erupted, forcing the two legendary demon lords back, and at the same time razing the area dozens of miles to the ground.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

Even the domain field of Fushen Realm's Liyin has fluctuated because of this, and the land in the peripheral area has cracked a lot.

Huang Yu, who watched the eighth-order legendary battle with gusto, almost wanted to return to the Chaos Continent after feeling the loosening of Fushen Realm from the Indy Field.

"This is the core ability of the eighth-order legend, the legendary half plane?"

Huang Yu recalled the scene just now, his eyes were full of excitement, and he could not wait to upgrade to LV70 immediately.

The legendary half plane is the embodiment of the law of evolution of the power of the eighth-order powerhouse.

Although it can be regarded as an upgraded version of the realm, unlike the realm, the demi-plane is not an energy field, but a real material world!

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